
[REJECTED] Convergence of Fates wrong ilvl

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Post Posted: 18-09-2018, 14:25:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character Name: Keyner
Item Name & ID: Convergence of Fates 140806
Armory Link:
Details: Killed Elisandre on mythic difficulty. Bonus rolled. Roll kept happening and didnt stop so i did /reload because it fixed the issue for me before. This time it didnt. So i did a quick relog and i could bonus roll again with no issue. Only problem is that i got 875 ilvl trinket and not the 905 ilvl one which is for mythic difficulty.

Here is screenshot from my armory with the ilvl - You can still see it at the bottom of my armory.

I still have the 875 trinket in my bag. Can you change it's ilvl to 905/ give 905 or is it not possible?

This case isn't mentioned in your ''before you create topics'' post and this bug isnt that rare so if its not possible you should update it.

Cheers, Keyner.

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Post Posted: 19-09-2018, 18:44:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If you carefully bothered to "look"at the topic

It's mentioned since the start

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