
[REJECTED] Proof of Piracy quest not able to be completed in abandoned.

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Post Posted: 19-03-2021, 19:31:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Character name: Shablammo
Bug description: Proof of Piracy quest. Moxxie isn't where she belongs, isn't anywhere in the Deadwash. I have relogged many times, have done the old ADB and WTF delete. She is never there. I DID have this quest at one point and abandoned it when I hit 120. Realized I needed to do the quests in each zone (this is an alt) in order to do WQ for emissary. Stormsong usually shows me no more than 3 WQ when Emissary is up which means I can't complete it. 3 screenshots he showing no Moxxie but where she should be and that the quest is available on my world map but no on minimap. Totally bizarre!

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Post Posted: 25-03-2021, 12:26:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Moxxie was here even after abandoning Proof of Piracy. Also, you've finished all zones, including Uniting Kul'Tiras. This means you've already unlocked World Quests. (Proof of Piracy is a side quest).


kuurash wrote:
Stormsong usually shows me no more than 3 WQ when Emissary is up which means I can't complete it.

Not really sure what you're referring to. Everyone requires to complete 4 World Quests for the respective Emissary. If you're not seeing enough World Quests, you've either completed them yesterday or the new ones haven't appeared for you yet.


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