
[REJECTED] Rogue class hall buggged quest : The School Of Roguery.

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Post Posted: 05-09-2019, 11:48:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:

Bug description:

The quest is completed by everyone except me and there are currently 0 reports about it. The thing is I think I bugged it without wanting to, because in the video I watched I should've clicked on "Train troops" - which when is for the first time is almost instantly done, I pressed "Train all" and it took me more than 2 hours to collect my troops, but the quest did not complete. The other thing is It might have bugged when I accepted another quest from the Legionfall campaign and when I try to remove the quest it says "You can not abandon it", so I think the quest might have possibly put me in a some phase which doesn't allow me to complete the previous quest. I've tried to complete it multiple times and I've written many tickets and all end up like "If you think you've found bug, please post it in our forum section." It only requires 3 seconds in the video for the quest to be completed.


IMG: Here u can see I've recruited the troops but the quest still won't complete and when it's a part from my class hall campaign I can not proceed further.

P.S I've tried with re-taking the quest, deleting cache, disabling my addons, the problem still persists.

Last edited by Dannyhhrlz on 05-09-2019, 11:55:49; edited 2 times in total
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