
Re-inventing Blizzard design, legendaries, to prolong the playability on server.

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Post Posted: 11-10-2020, 16:23:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


The expansion is at it's end, the content is no more. Nothing to look forward too, except perhaps the next expansion... meaning what I'm going to propose now, to the current expansion that is Legion, is non-impactful decision to everything else, but highly impactful to here and the now. The Legendaries. Server is one hundred percent going to have a downward trend of players no matter what, and what I'm proposing here isn't probably even going to reverse that downward decline of the playerbase but it's going to make it a lot slower, because it's very steep now.

So, the Legendaries. - From the get-go this is a monumentally bad Blizzard design, we all know this let's be real here. RNG.... you never know when it's coming, often those 2 things drive people away from even having alts on top of your 1 or 2 main characters. And trust me playing 1 or 2 gets boring especially when you did it all. You should create an event, or install a vendor in dalaran to claim 1 legendary of your choosing per week, so it's same rough obtaining once per week like now, only it's selective. Which is good. People can immedietely play the game with a little more joy gearing through heroic into mythic. Or increase essences by like.... 300 per boss, increase the drop rate of the legendaries by a big big %, do something radical whatever way you do it to have people put their alts on their feet a lot sooner than they do now so they can keep playing the same game from a new perspective. This is the reality, people are more likely to quit than play for 5 months just because the 3 legendaries they need decided to be that slow-coming. This is not a blizzlike server anyway, not with people walking around wearing 985 7.1.5 gear, so that argument is in the water.

This is is not even player servicing, this something you do to keep the players playing. To give them an opportunity to enjoy the game from a new perspective, here and now. Or you don't do this and you fall off a lot sooner, maybe you want to fall off maybe you don't. I'm gonna speak from a logical point of view of keeping this server fun, to me this is like offering a million dollars to a man and him saying no. But he's broke and his rent is due... this is just a decision that feels necessary and can only give you a WIN. As a server.

Please if anyone who can actually quickly apply something along the lines of this reads this, or someone who knows that person does, just copy paste this to the person that can actually execute a change.

I just want to play here more and maybe enjoy my warlock and boomie, but if I'm being honest... I'm not gonna stick around until my legendaries drop several months down the year, but I am going to STICK SEVERAL MONTHS DOWN THE YEAR if they drop now. This is not a spoiled point of view, this is a point of view from a realist stand point. Do not dismiss this on glance, this is big. This is the make it or break it. Thanks for the read - - -

Last edited by TheCEOofArms on 11-10-2020, 16:25:58; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 11-10-2020, 20:50:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Closing & Moving this to trash as it's a duplicate of

Since it's more of a suggestion than a "General Discussion", the other topic is more applicable than this.

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