
Recrutari [PvE]
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Author Message48649


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Post Posted: 24-06-2015, 13:00:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Recrutari deschise pentru:

Druid ( Balance / Resto )
Paladin ( Holy )
Warrior ( Arms / Fury )

*Inainte de a posta , fiti siguri ca aveti contul de forum legat cu cel de wow.In cazul in care nu stiti cum sa le legati urmati tutorialul de aici
**Putem face o exceptie pentru caracterele ce nu se afla in lista de recrutari ,doar daca au peste 25 de zile jucate si au un itemlevel minim de 480.

PalaProt Pve Guide 5.4.8
5.4.8 Addons
5.4.8 Collector's Guide

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 13-08-2018 05:35)
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Post Posted: 25-06-2015, 13:33:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Radu
2. Varsta: 29
3. Localitate: Cluj-Napoca
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) ? acuma, cat imi caut de munca, non-stop. Cand lucram, vreo 7-8 ore, incepand cu ora 16:00 +/-
4. Clasa: Death Knight
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Blood. atat.
6. Link Armory:
7. Screenshot cu achievements(progress hc):
8. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? L-am descoperit pe Cataclysm, si a inceput sa prinda la mine.

9. Spune-ne cum crezi tu ca trebuie sa joci pe acest spec(talente, rotatie, importanta gear, gemming, importanta unor stats in fata altora, etc). Ca si pe retail, mastery e prioritar, urmat de parry, si in functie de server, mai mult sau egal cu parry. Enchanturi si gems pe acelasi criteriu. Prioritatea pt hit pare sa nu fie relevanta aici, totusi am cap. Opener-ul meu e Death and Decay, Outbreak, Blood strike, Blood boil daca exista adds, Rune strike, Soul reaper si apoi alternez rune strikes/ Blood tap, blood boil sa reaplic diseases.

10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). Am inceput sa joc tocmai de la deschiderea Ahn' Qiraj, pe retail. Am jucat pana la Cataclysm, cand am luat pauza si dupa un timp am jucat Cata pe servere private. Apoi iar pauza si intrat pe retail la MoP. Si cand n-am mai vrut sa platesc, am intrat pe privat iar, la MoP. Si am jucat pe molten, monster-wow, si freakz.

11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.) Sublime, la alianta. Nu faceam progres in 25hc. HKP, am fost dat afara pt ca acum 2 zile mi-am luat windows crash in raid, si mno..abia azi am reusit sa intru iar.

12. Detalii PC: Windows 8.1 Pro, 64bit. Procesor: AMD A8-6500 APU with AMD Radeon HD8570D graphics 3.50 GHz. 4 GB RAM.
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre? Raiduri. Progres in 25hc.
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.) Lucrez/ caut de munca. Cu atat ma ocup. studii terminate. Si in afara de wow ma ocup cu plimbari cu bicicleta, masiv. Si ocazional editat partituri.

15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante). Joc DOAR tank. Nu ma bag dps. Nu ma descurc cu melee dps.

16. Screenshot Recount 20 Mil. DMG Done(pt dps only) - Normal Training Dummy din Orgrimmar(nu cel heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls. Sunt TANK.

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Status: Offline
(since 09-05-2019 06:11)
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Post Posted: 25-06-2015, 23:28:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

syd86 wrote:
1. Nume IRL: Radu
2. Varsta: 29
3. Localitate: Cluj-Napoca
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) ? acuma, cat imi caut de munca, non-stop. Cand lucram, vreo 7-8 ore, incepand cu ora 16:00 +/-
4. Clasa: Death Knight
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Blood. atat.
6. Link Armory:
7. Screenshot cu achievements(progress hc):
8. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? L-am descoperit pe Cataclysm, si a inceput sa prinda la mine.

9. Spune-ne cum crezi tu ca trebuie sa joci pe acest spec(talente, rotatie, importanta gear, gemming, importanta unor stats in fata altora, etc). Ca si pe retail, mastery e prioritar, urmat de parry, si in functie de server, mai mult sau egal cu parry. Enchanturi si gems pe acelasi criteriu. Prioritatea pt hit pare sa nu fie relevanta aici, totusi am cap. Opener-ul meu e Death and Decay, Outbreak, Blood strike, Blood boil daca exista adds, Rune strike, Soul reaper si apoi alternez rune strikes/ Blood tap, blood boil sa reaplic diseases.

10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). Am inceput sa joc tocmai de la deschiderea Ahn' Qiraj, pe retail. Am jucat pana la Cataclysm, cand am luat pauza si dupa un timp am jucat Cata pe servere private. Apoi iar pauza si intrat pe retail la MoP. Si cand n-am mai vrut sa platesc, am intrat pe privat iar, la MoP. Si am jucat pe molten, monster-wow, si freakz.

11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.) Sublime, la alianta. Nu faceam progres in 25hc. HKP, am fost dat afara pt ca acum 2 zile mi-am luat windows crash in raid, si mno..abia azi am reusit sa intru iar.

12. Detalii PC: Windows 8.1 Pro, 64bit. Procesor: AMD A8-6500 APU with AMD Radeon HD8570D graphics 3.50 GHz. 4 GB RAM.
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre? Raiduri. Progres in 25hc.
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.) Lucrez/ caut de munca. Cu atat ma ocup. studii terminate. Si in afara de wow ma ocup cu plimbari cu bicicleta, masiv. Si ocazional editat partituri.

15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante). Joc DOAR tank. Nu ma bag dps. Nu ma descurc cu melee dps.

16. Screenshot Recount 20 Mil. DMG Done(pt dps only) - Normal Training Dummy din Orgrimmar(nu cel heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls. Sunt TANK.


PalaProt Pve Guide 5.4.8
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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 10-06-2016 21:36)
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Post Posted: 09-07-2015, 20:56:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Alexandru
2. Varsta: 20
3. Localitate: Bucuresti
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) ? Cat este nevoie
4. Clasa: Hunter
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Marksmanship\Survival
6. Link Armory:
7. Screenshot cu achievements(progrss hc):
8. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? Deoarece a fost fixxed,dupa ce pe cataclysm nu functiona si toti hunterii au fost obligati sa joace survival,iar marksmanship este item dependent si dupa ce ajungi la un gear avansat scoate mai mult dps ca survivalul
9. Spune-ne cum crezi tu ca trebuie sa joci pe acest spec(talente, rotatie, importanta gear, gemming, importanta unor stats in fata altora, etc). Talentele pot fi adaptate fata de preferinta hunterului,rotatia este una destul de simpla incepand encounterul cu burst si spam de Aimed Shot care este main spelul de damage al hunterului pe marks iar apoi se schimba rotatia fata de hp-ul bossului.Dupa 7,5 crit/expertise se da full reforge in crit
10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). Joc wow din burning crusade,nu prea intelegeam jocul pe vremea aceea,dupa care am jucat pe Freakz pe WOTLK,unde jucam dk tank deoarece era mult mai multa nevoie de tank iar cu hunterul ramaneam mereu pe afara si de atunci am ramas fidel acestui server
11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.) Evolution,lipsa progres
12. Detalii PC: AMD FX-6300 six core , 8 gb ram,750 gtx
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre? Pentru experienta pve pe care o ofera guilda
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.) Proaspat absolvent de liceu urmeaza inscrierea la facultate si o vacanta bine meritata de care trebuie sa profit
15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante).
16. Screenshot Recount 20 Mil. DMG Done(pt dps only) - Normal Training Dummy din Orgrimmar(nu cel heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls.

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(since 04-09-2022 15:35)
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Post Posted: 13-07-2015, 13:47:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 25-12-2016 06:20)
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Post Posted: 31-07-2015, 16:02:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Name IRL: Mike

2. Age:25

3. Location:i live in iran but i burn in london and for my work i come iran

4. How much time do you have for WOW (per day, per week, approximately.)? i can play all day's and all week because i am teacher and i am in class
until after noon

4. Class: Druid

5. Main Spec / OFF spec:Restoration / guardian

6. Link Armory *:

7. Interface ** Screenshot::

8. Why did you choose species that play now? I'm interested in to druid and i playing wow at 18 years and i 5 years play restoration i love this class To make easy

9. Tell us how you think you have to play this spec (talent, rotation, importance gear, gemming importance of stats to others, etc).

Rotation :Hmm i am Restoration Druid and Druid Restoration is Overhealing i use 3x life bloom in off tank Because Attention all healer's on main tank and use Rejuventaion on all players and use wild Growth Cooldown To Cooldon and use wild mushroom at stack and when player's health at 5% i use Tranquility after this when health is not up i use tree of life and use on players Regrowth

Talents : Feline Swiftness Ysera's Gift Mass Entanglement Incarnation Ursol's Vortex Heart of the Wild
gem: [Ember Primal Diamond] [Reckless Vermilion Onyx]
[Brilliant Primordial Ruby] [Purified Imperial Amethyst]

Etc: you can say it at my armory

10. Tell us about your experience in raids when you started to play WOW until now (Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). i Dont play old patch in Freakz wow i play Wotlk and cataclysm at Blizzard and have good progress to this

11. former Guild (what guilds you've been, how were they, why you decided to leave, etc.) my guild It was not known what they had some good progress They make us to inv And we had to test But we were not invited to Raid and i for this problems leave my last guild

12. Details PC ***. I5 4690K CPU , GTX 970 GPU , 8G RAM

13. Why do you wish to join our guild? Because I love my progress and I think we can have good days together.

14. Tell us something about you as a person (if you are a student, you work, how you spend your leisure, hobbies, etc.) I am a teacher and my work in the winter and in summer i dont have work and i at home and play wow but at winter i am in work to after noon

15. Other information (which we consider important). I'm interested in wow and i like the basketball and rock music thanks

i am not dps for recount

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