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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-03-2018, 02:24:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi, This "GM" Spanish told me (as seen in the capture) That the brotherhoods were not allowed with hordes and alliances, but in the official it is allowed to have guild that have alliances and hordes, therefore I would like to be allowed to have to the alliances that I had, because they took it from everyone and I do not know what GM did without telling me anything, I am the guild master of the Guild, and no one told me anything to get the characters, it cost me a lot to get to where come with my people alliance and shared horde ... And the truth would like to let me have them back, because at no time I was notified that it could not, if the official can not see no problem here that can, "GM" called Sylwin as he says in the capture, he has treated my people badly, Saying things that we did not know ... Then I would like them to answer me to know if they allow me to have my alliances back in the horda guild, because it cost a lot move forward to where we arrived so that they take everything to us as well because i ... Thank you I await your response! and this is the capture of a GM who answered the ticket ... I await your response! Thank you!

Update @ 08-03-2018, 02:24:16

In the captures you see my problem that I have ... I would like to be allowed to have alliances in my horde guild, because it cost a lot to get here to get everything out ... Thank you I await your response!

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Post Posted: 12-03-2018, 19:39:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Denim wrote:

romanian post
: salut : azi am facut un dungeon : vow mythik 18 pe charul meu 929 ilvl dk frost 54 traits iar dp ce am dat logout m-am trezi cu ban pe motivul ca as fi facut exploit , : tot ce am facut a fost sa intru intr-un party cu 2 playeri din guilda 1 tank arab sau eu stiu ce nationalitate era el si un hunter cookie , la al 2 lea boss el , tankul a tras bosu pe lift si noi am continuat sa dam dmg in el , la care hunterul a zis ca ar fi exploit , eu am spus ca nu e .( si nici nu inteleg ce exploit este nici acum: scriptul a rulat normal ) eu nu inteleg pentru ce am primit ban ? nu am obtinut nimic care sa ma ajute ? de ce sunt eu responsabil pentru ca altul decide sa faca exploit? de ce trebuie sa fac report eu ? de ce trebuie sa stiu eu cand cineva face exploit , trebuia sa stiu ca e exploit? nu am obtinut nimic in urma acestui dungeon , eu avand 929 ilvl nu am nevoie de nimic , ar fi fost de inteles daca era vreun exploit de dmg sau heal sau eu sti ce exploit care sa ma ajute pe mine personal , nu eu am fost tank , exploitul a fost facut de tank daca se poate numi exploit .

daca dau join cu alt char la un dungeon si unul se decide sa faca cine stie ce exploit o sa iau ban iar?

apropo singurul care a stiut clar ca e exploit a fost playerul , daca el zice ca e exploit de ce a stat sa termine partyul? daca acest player iesea din dungeon cand a zis ca e exploit ce face tanku ieseam si eu , dar nu , el a stat in party si si-a luat si item si dp ne-a facut report .

in concluzie ce vina am eu ca am ajutat cu charul meu 929 ilvl niste playeri? trebuie sa stiu ce e si ce nu e exploit?

numele meu e anghel simon mihaita lucrez si nu joc 20 de ore wow , mi-am donat charul full ca sa pot sa ma joc cand am timp , iar acum am fost privat de bunul meu personal .

intrebarea : de ce nu am facut raport este una imbecila , nu sunt expert in wow ca sa stiu ce e exploit si ce nu .

Update @ 12-03-2018, 19:39:16


ce inseamna raspunsul asta? sunt luat la misto? voi aveti impresia ca eu sunt ofticat de la banul dat ? sunt ofticat pentru ca am platit pentru charul asta , nu am abuzat de nimic si mai sunt si banat .

singurul lucru care ma streseaza e ca am bagat bani si imi mai este si abuzat dreptul de a imi folosi charul cand vreau sa ma joc .

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[Little Pandawan]

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Post Posted: 12-03-2018, 21:37:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ti-am raspuns si in PM. Nu ti-a furat nimeni characterul, nu ti-a sters nimeni itemele , ai luat un ban de 7 zile. Asteapta sa treaca si dupaia te poti juca in continuare. Nu mai face atata flame aiurea ca nu o sa scoatem banul.

Daca nu sti ca ceva e exploit asta nu te scuza de pedeapsa. La fel e si cu legea, daca treci pe rosu la semafor si ii zici la politist ca nu stiai ca e interzis sa treci pe rosu el tot iti ia carnetul.

Fixes will be live only after a server restart !

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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 13-03-2018, 22:25:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Pirinush wrote:
Ti-am raspuns si in PM. Nu ti-a furat nimeni characterul, nu ti-a sters nimeni itemele , ai luat un ban de 7 zile. Asteapta sa treaca si dupaia te poti juca in continuare. Nu mai face atata flame aiurea ca nu o sa scoatem banul.

Daca nu sti ca ceva e exploit asta nu te scuza de pedeapsa. La fel e si cu legea, daca treci pe rosu la semafor si ii zici la politist ca nu stiai ca e interzis sa treci pe rosu el tot iti ia carnetul.

mizeria asta de nesimtire o sa o consider o fortare de a ma face pe mine sa dau bani pentru unban ....m-ati privat de utilizarea contului pe care am donat 1600 + euro , e vina mea ca un idiot din grupul in care am intrat a facut exploit.

o sa incerc cand ajung in romania sa discut problema in realitate cu voi daca aveti vreun pic de bun simt si vreti sa acceptati o intalnire . ce fel de persoane imi blocheaza accesul la contul meu in valoare de 1600 euro stiind bine ca nu am facut nimic ?>

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Post Posted: 13-03-2018, 22:28:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Atata timp cat joci aici, accepti ce ti se spune. Inceteaza cu dramele sau o sa iei si pe contul de pe forum.


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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 13-03-2018, 22:32:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Denim wrote:
Atata timp cat joci aici, accepti ce ti se spune. Inceteaza cu dramele sau o sa iei si pe contul de pe forum.

bai denim ce drama e ca am intrat intr-un party iar un player a facut exploit si am luat eu ban din cauza lui pe cont ? tu accepti sa iti fie luati 1600 de euro?

voi faceti ce vreti dar sa stiti ca eu nu ma *** in cur pe 1600 de euro , muncesc de 1600 de euro

pentru 1600 de euro prietene eu nu o sa stau cu mana in buzunar , merit macar o explicatie logica

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Post Posted: 14-03-2018, 08:36:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ai primit de 2 ori explicatii, ti-o spun si a 3-a oara, poate pricepi: Grupul tau a facut exploit, nu ai dat leave party, ati luat ban, simplu. Astepti 7 zile sa treaca banul (daca era de durata mai lunga intelegeam sa faci atata scandal) si ai mare grija pe viitor la faze de genul.

Consider ca daca ai varsta care o ai ma astept sa intelegi cand ti se spune a 3-a oara ca ramai cu banul si ca nu se scoate indiferent de cati bani ai dat la server, nu esti mai presus cu nimic decat restul.


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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 14-03-2018, 08:59:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Denim wrote:
Ai primit de 2 ori explicatii, ti-o spun si a 3-a oara, poate pricepi: Grupul tau a facut exploit, nu ai dat leave party, ati luat ban, simplu. Astepti 7 zile sa treaca banul (daca era de durata mai lunga intelegeam sa faci atata scandal) si ai mare grija pe viitor la faze de genul.

Consider ca daca ai varsta care o ai ma astept sa intelegi cand ti se spune a 3-a oara ca ramai cu banul si ca nu se scoate indiferent de cati bani ai dat la server, nu esti mai presus cu nimic decat restul.

hunterul de ce nu a dat leave party ? cookie , a zis ca e exploit dar nu a dat leave party ? cum vine asta?>grupul acela mai putea continua?

unde am zis eu ca sunt mai presus?omule eu nu am profitat de nimic , mi s-a dat ban doar ca am intrat intr-un grup si un idiot a facut exploit? ce nu e de inteles? ce pot sa mai obtin eu la 929 ilvl full traits in jocul asta??

nu ma mai lua cu mizerii de raspunsuri de genul : nu esti mai presus fata de altii , indiferent de cat ai dat la serverul asta.

daca eram vinovat de ceva , plateam de unban imediat , dar nu o sa platesc . ceea ce voi ati facut e mizerabil, nu sunt atat de retardat incat sa ma bat cu pumnul in piept sa sustin niste minciuni .

cum va simtiti stiind ca eu am dreptate ? va simitit ca niste persoane corecte?

a fost ultimul meu post .

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[Little Pandawan]

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Post Posted: 14-03-2018, 09:15:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu scoatem banul. Ne vedem peste 7 zile

Fixes will be live only after a server restart !

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-03-2018, 23:46:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Account name: Aruforr
Gamemaster name: Nyndra
Date and time: I noticed at 23:30 / 20.03.2018
More information on the subject: I was offline since sunday 18.3.18 and logged in today 20.3.18 23:29 and noticed that when I wanted to write something it says I can write again after ~50 minutes.
I dont want the unmute becouse it just 50 minutes now but I wanna know why? Thats kinda weird becouse I dont really know what I should have done.
Powerphlo answered me that it was Nyndra, reason: spam.
Becouse I was offline since sunday the must must be at least 2 days long, thats akward becouse I cant remember that I was writing anything in global or did anything else wrong. And for a 2 days mute it must be very much so If there is any log or screenshot I would really like to see it.

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Post Posted: 20-03-2018, 23:49:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please check:

The mute remains.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-03-2018, 16:05:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : mank
Gm name:zapek
soo today i was chilling in global some guy called other guy n word so i responded that is he is white calling him an n word is not really an insult for him

exact words were this

btw if you don't know definition of racism dear zapek here you go
Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

were my words toward someone ? nope . you can't just take one word and call it racism
you saw n word and auto mute me after 1 second for 7 days

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Post Posted: 29-03-2018, 17:54:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Enemyspy1 wrote:
Character name : mank
Gm name:zapek
soo today i was chilling in global some guy called other guy n word so i responded that is he is white calling him an n word is not really an insult for him

exact words were this

btw if you don't know definition of racism dear zapek here you go
Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

were my words toward someone ? nope . you can't just take one word and call it racism
you saw n word and auto mute me after 1 second for 7 days

Hi Enemyspy1,

Let me quote your words from the screenshot you took on your own;

There are no afro american black humans on this server so *** is not an insult

Yes, it is an insult. And what race the players of our server are matters nothing to you - it's not your business at all. Please stay out of other people's race, and avoid using terms that people might consider racist or discriminatory, no matter what your beliefs on this matter are. Especially in global. It doesnt matter if it wasnt directed to anybody in particular, you are spreading racial slurs through our global channels and we don't appreciate that here. And yes, that is racism.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-03-2018, 18:44:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

well thanks for response at least now i know
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Post Posted: 07-04-2018, 17:00:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name: Exploits
Gamemaster name: Vehldaerr
Date and time: 07.04.2018
More information on the subject:
Vehldaerr banned me for 7 days. I asked him why and responsded that I was dropping something.
I used stern fathoms pet journal. It will spawn 1 Pet master and 3 Pets which u can defeat. This toy has a 2 min cd. And I just used it. Dont see an exploit there.

Edit: This Post can be deleted.

Last edited by Kaputtmaken on 07-04-2018, 19:16:51; edited 1 time in total
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