
Selling in-game GOLD for donor items

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Author Message621

[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-10-2016, 13:06:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is for donors who want to buy gold in a cheaper price than what you can buy from the wowshop. This is also a help for those players,like myself, who can't donate but is good in farming.

So, I just asked <[email protected]> if I can get donors to buy me/gift me items/wowshop $ in exchange of my gold and they said that they will not make an automatic option of it due to security reasons, but they can do it manually and I just need to find a candidate willing to cooperate.

Now, I still don't know if how they will do it, whether by giving me the item I want directly to my account after the "candidate" has already bought it using his/her $ OR they will just gift the equivalent wowshop $ to my account after I have given the equivalent gold.

As of now, my first move is to find willing "candidates".


- no account username/password will be involved so, it is 100% legit.
- the wow freakz staff(?) will handle the rest

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