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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-03-2012, 08:40:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Architech wrote:
Shocker, you need to remake prices in VoteShop. Voting 10 days just for 1 tabard? Srsly? I got 5 alts, and i'll need almost two months just to get tabards on them and what about mounts after that? -

Yea I agree I voting every day it's not about that like I don't want to vote but I wanted to get a mount and a tabard on my 2 characters but meh... takes forever - Many people will vote even if they got their desired items... at least I think.

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Post Posted: 06-03-2012, 09:18:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We will drastically change to voteshop soon.
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Post Posted: 06-03-2012, 10:09:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
We will drastically change to voteshop soon.


GS Playlist -!/playlist/Architech/84418068/
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-03-2012, 13:26:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Probably would be the best server if Genesis wouldnt be for Romanians only .. since everyone speaks it there, it's very active in PvE/PvP when Exodus has 2-3 less players which makes PvE/PvP. So I would suggest making Genesis international aswell. Sorry maiby i miss understood something, because Exodus might be only made for PvP or something.

Cheers for great work on the servers btw.

P.S. remove pvp flags from Contested Zones/Tol Barad since you can't even kill anything there, cuz they are friendly n shit lol.

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Post Posted: 06-03-2012, 14:12:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Architech wrote:
Zohlomg wrote:
We will drastically change to voteshop soon.


no, soon, not soon™

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-03-2012, 15:45:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First of all, I'd like to say this is a rather big suggestion, so it will need to be discussed a lot - at least that is what I expect.

I'd for Exodus to be converted to a pure arena server. Basically, what I have in mind would be to give players an amount of time to freely migrate to one of the others servers and then switch it over.
I'm making this suggestion, because I think the population on Exodus is really weak, while the arena population (and PvP in general) is higher than average.
As I said in my other thread, I see a really big potential in this server and privates have been a way for PvPers to gather for a long time now.

I think you could increase the amount of players this server has by a whole lot if the PvP aspect is handled seperately and a bigger focus is put on it. Basically, don't make the same mistake Blizzard keeps making. Learn from the concept that has been proven to be effective since WotLK came out on retail and Kisha and I have set up the first "Arena-Tournament", trying to make up for Blizzard's mistakes.

I will improve this post, whenever I have time, but so far the basic concept would be:

- Instant level 85
- remove all NPCs, close all Instances
- the level 80 PvP trinket (Medallion) is a must
- Craftable PvP Gear for free, that includes all the craftable sets and nonset items like rings
- for weapons, offer the Tol Barad reptutation gear with maybe a few rare heroic drops
- Honor rates x2, make Bloodthirsty available as usual, make Vicious available as usual
- Enchants and Gems should be available at certain vendors for free, set up vendors in the capitals, make characters be created in capitals
- Engineering gear without engineering profession requiredments (grenades, goggles, trinkets, "enchants")
- Bandages without first aid requirements
- do NOT allow PvE Gear and by this I mean no PvE Gear at all; a poll should be made or a few PvPers asked to make suggestions as to which trinkets are not ruining the game's "balance"

Fix the arena frames. This is very important for serious PvPers. It is hard to almost impossible to play without those.
A very easy workaround for this would be to make the Addon Gladius work properly on this server. I don't think the issue is, that it doesn't realize the player is in an arena, but that it trys to track enemies via the WoW Interface. Instead, it should be tracking enemies via mouseover, target and focus, just like Proximo for 2.4.3 did. Some of that is explained here

I think what the owners of this server need to realize is that they have something to offer, that no one else has. A relatively bug free Cataclysm core. This is something I have only been able to find around here and which surprised me a lot. This server is already advertising the things that they have to offer that are working better here than on any other server instead of just doing the big pretend advertise to attract a few new casuals everyday, which I think is the right way. Now what is missing is to make proper use of this superiority. You focus on PvE, which doesn't require many class mechanics and spell mechanics other than the ones of the bosses to work. However your strength is that there are only very little class, talent and spell bugs, which is essential for a decent PvP experience. Use your strength properly and this server will bloom more than it already does.

I could even imagine AT wanting to partner up with you in a while. It's worth a shot and I'm positive more players will join (and stay) than on Exodus, the way it is. Of course I am willing to help as much as I can, since I have some experience in this area. Even if it's just answering questions, hit me up, I'm glad to help.

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[The Conquistador]

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Post Posted: 06-03-2012, 17:23:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

schaka wrote:
- Instant level 85
- remove all NPCs, close all Instances

- do NOT allow PvE Gear and by this I mean no PvE Gear at all; a poll should be made or a few PvPers asked to make suggestions as to which trinkets are not ruining the game's "balance"

Fix the arena frames.

Not gonna happen.
And about arena frames, it seems that Shockeru is waiting for the next patch to fix them, because there is too much work on 4.0.6 on it.

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"May the Legend of HUGE live forever and may the heroes of HUGE be hailed as champions of the Freakz Server."
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-03-2012, 17:28:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

schaka i appreciate your effort for your suggestions but i'm for leaving the PVE on Exodus, without killing PvP (that should be improved ALOT). Many guilds just transferred here for PVE, will be hard to deal with them saying that PVE is over.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-03-2012, 18:36:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hetealx wrote:
schaka wrote:
- Instant level 85
- remove all NPCs, close all Instances

- do NOT allow PvE Gear and by this I mean no PvE Gear at all; a poll should be made or a few PvPers asked to make suggestions as to which trinkets are not ruining the game's "balance"

Fix the arena frames.

Not gonna happen.
And about arena frames, it seems that Shockeru is waiting for the next patch to fix them, because there is too much work on 4.0.6 on it.

Hence the suggestion to change Gladius instead of fixing the frames. As you can tell, I tried it myself, but failed.

And about the PvE'rs. It was just a suggestion to change Exodus, although I don't really see the problem with guilds PvEing on whatever server they want. But changing Evolution to be international and Excodus to be Arena is asking for too much change and I understand that.

I also understand the PvE aspect of this game is big on this server. But it wouldn't get lost, it would just be reserved to different servers and as I said before, I don't think the PvP aspect is being used to it's full potential here, which needs to be realised (and I think that slowly happens, if you take a look at the arena spectator).

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[The Conquistador]

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Post Posted: 06-03-2012, 18:39:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I also play PVP all day long, but I know that it will never be as I want. By that I mean more 3s/5 activity and other things. But there is nothing we can do, it depends on the rest of the players whether they choose to play PVP or PVE, but most of the guilds expect a PVE activity high enough, I think this is useless.

Care m-ajuta si pe mine cu o lucrare de atestat?
"May the Legend of HUGE live forever and may the heroes of HUGE be hailed as champions of the Freakz Server."
Pretiosu, 122 cu 27
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-03-2012, 20:43:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Another thing is the honor rates... I saw many people care about it. Actually those whose are not playing here since ages. Others saying 'it's fine l2p' so I added a screenshot how fine is the honor rate. Well when i started to play on this realm it was 2x it's not that high and not that low imo. Still getting 70 honor / every single BG is sad. I don't asking you to make honor rates to 10x or something like that but a little burst for some days or weeks would be nice. Or enable free faction transfers for a week or so. (Factions are imbalanced anyway.)
So here is the picture:

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Post Posted: 07-03-2012, 15:29:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rather than make separate servers for both PVE and PVP enthusiasts, Shockeru should try to figure out a way to implement the latest pvp content into the game and try to fix the other BGs.
Most people don't pvp that much because they are sick and tired of the Vanilla battlegrounds and really annoyed by Battle for Gilneas. (about 80% of the random bgs are Battle for Gilneas atm, which is kinda boring to be honest).
By latest pvp content, i mean the higher tiers in PVP item sets, such as the Cataclysmic Gladiator Set, for instance. -

Quinwaz wrote:
Trebuie sa ma prezint si eu?
Nume: Marian
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Despre Mine: Am Nasu Mare -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-03-2012, 18:44:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Agreed with Iamtyrick 2x should be implented and free faction transfer like once every 2 months would be cool!

What doesn't kill you... makes you suffer until you want to die.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-03-2012, 21:38:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

let me start off that it might look like a wall of text and I dont mean it to but I have some suggestions.

First and foremost can we get some active gms on Exodus, I mean Erai is good and all but there need to be more active GMs than just him and even at that he isnt on alot.... tickets go unanswered for days ....when reporting hackers with .gmn command these hackers still go unpunished, Like the flying hack constantly in use in Battle for Gilneas. So more active GM activity would be a great start.

I like the server and I want to see it strive cause it is one of the best Private servers I have been on ... Having GM experience myself a while back I know things can get compiled and a tish overwhelming and I know the GMs volunteer their time but constant GM coverage is key.

Another thing that could be worked on and I know that it will take the time and effort to write the C++ to fix it but the gates in the battlegrounds where people escape them and come to the other sides starting area and rack up damage to just get more honor needs to be fixed. But like I said I know it will take time.

Those are just a couple suggestions that would make this server even better which in return will bring in even more people. Just some minor touches and this will truely be the best private server ever.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-03-2012, 12:37:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Alright, the following suggestions will mostly be for the ingame part of things, as i already sent a text file with site suggestions a while ago.

Lets start off:

- Stimulate solo queue of the Random Dungeon Finder (RDF).
There are multiple reasons:
a) Trough RDF people will learn the basics of their class, which will evolve into the community playing their class beter, which ofcourse will result into better PuG runs, and even guild runs.
b) It will help fresh 85's get their starter gear they needed
c) It will create a place for people to have fun with eachother and meet new people. This will result into people getting more friends on the realm, which might evne result into new guilds. Ofcourse this adds to a better community.
d) People will have more to do ingame and get bored less quickly. Example: If you are in a raiding guild, there is not much more to do then queue BG's and work on proffesions outside of raiding times, with the RDF queue they have an extra option.

How do you stimulate it?

a) By fixing the reward for solo queue'ing in a random cataclysm heroic and completing it.
b) Make an autobroadcast which encourages you to solo queue for RDF.

Then: Class buggs.
I think fixing class buggs should have the highest priority.
Why? Because classes will remain trough the rest of WoW's lifetime.
Content comes and goes, classes stay. Also the player interacts with the class more then anything else.
Dont get me wrong, classes here are scripted excellent, but there are still certain classes which have some critical buggs. (Feral druids for example)

On to the next topic: The NPC finder.
The NPC finder has an option which tells you when certain rare spawns respawn.
I would say, remove the NPC finder, or atleast remove the tracking of rare spawns.
Because as how it is right now, the rare spawns arent even rare anymore and it removes the shine of it. (it just becomes a camp feast)
Also, by removing it people will spent more time ingame to search for these rare spawns, thus get bored less quickly and enjoy the game more.

Then lets talk about the rare spawns.
NPC's like "The time lost proto drake" and "Aeonaxx" spawn way to quickly.
Why is this bad? Because:
a) This eliminates the "rare" portion of it, its not special to have them anymore
b) If people actually search for them for days, they will spent more time into the game and get bored less quickly. Also when they finally find him, they will be extra happy and joyfull.

Alright, next up are item drops.
Ive seen that epic drops drop 2x more as on retail. Rare drops and everything that is under that drops around 20x as much.
What reason(s) do i have to reduce this?
a) People get maxed out to quickly, and if this happens they will just get bored since there isn't much more to do.
b) The price of epics goes drastically down, which ruins the economy. (Also people earn easier, which ruins the economy aswell)
c) It is less special to be fully geared this way, once again this removes the shine of epics.

Next topic: Arena enemy side frames.
I have seen that arena's are really populair here.
That is why i got really dissapointed when i saw the enemy frames are not working. These frames are a really big deal in arenas, and playing like this just doesnt feel right, it feels like world pvp.
I think enabling these frames should get a high priority since there are alot of people playing arenas here, compared to other servers.

Final topic: Server firsts
Since PvE is also very populair, and it is also a way to be really competitive (in a friendly and encouraging way), i thought it would be great if the staff could somehow recocgnize the first ~5 guilds to down certain bosses.
This would really stimulate PvE and also get others motivated to play here, see'ing guilds are doing so well.
Maybe even community members could make such lists instead of staff members.

Before im gonna cut this wall of text off, i want to say again that speaking english is essential. (for staff members atleast)
In my opinion staff members should speak english on the forums 100% of the time.
a) It looks alot more proffesional
b) Non romanians never know what is going on.
I havent submitted a single bug yet for the simple reason that i dont know if it is already reported yet, because i cant read Romanian.

Also, if i ask people to play on Freakz their answer is always "Im not gonna play on a Russian server!".
So to grow and improve, in my opinion you have to loose the Romanian image.

And to end it, i wanna thank you for the awesome content we have recieved, the scripts are awesome, keep it up!

Anyways, i hope this helped, if it did ill make a part 3 soon.

Thanks, WarmIce.

Warmice of -Crysis-
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