
[Warrior][PvP] Second Wind vs. Impact(spread)

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            Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET}  Sugarushgod 
Post Posted: 01-04-2014, 20:24:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Second Wind/Second Wind vs Fire Blast + Impact/Impact
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: When a Mage has an Impact/Impact proc and uses Fire Blast on another target the Warrior gets a Second Wind/Second Wind proc if he is nearby. As the tooltip says Second Wind/Second Wind should only proc when you get stuck by a Stun or Immobilize effect.
Dovada / Proof: Click (0:12)

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Post Posted: 01-04-2014, 21:15:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

EN: If you as a Warrior are in range of an Impact proc from a Mage you get a Second Wind proc yourself as well ,despite it's intended mechanic (aka not being stunned or immobilized) . Take into account that you don't need any dots(LB,Ignite,Pyro.) spread on you for this to happen, you just have to be in range of the Impact proc when it's casted on another target that is near you .

RO: Momentan ca Warrior iti procuie Second Wind(intr-un mod eronat) daca esti langa un target care primeste de la un Mage, Fire Blast cu talent-ul Impact procuit, trebuie doar sa fii in range-ul acela de 12 yards de victima care este descris in talent si merge indiferent daca imprastie sau nu vreun dot pe tine.

Din moment ce tu nu primesti stun-ul din Impact nu ar trebui sa ai nici un proc de Second Wind, confirmed.

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