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Topic: [REJECTED] [Death Knight][Spells][Necrotic Strike] |
Replies: 48
Views: 14560
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 13-02-2016, 18:53:43 Subject: [REJECTED] [Death Knight][Spells][Necrotic Strike] |
Funny thing, 6-7 moths ago Dreadblade closed 3 of my posts because i had only "videos and forum posts as proofs", but that's what he's giving us. nothing more than videos and forum links. Hi ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Death Knight][Spells][Necrotic Strike] |
Replies: 48
Views: 14560
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 28-01-2016, 19:02:20 Subject: [REJECTED] [Death Knight][Spells][Necrotic Strike] |
Well, this is a Griev/tyran dk wih 45% pvp power.
With full pride he would have 62% pvp power.
Think of this dk with +15-20k ap and +16% pvp power and a tailoring enc ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Warlock][All Specs] Grimoire of Supremacy vs Demons Health |
Replies: 11
Views: 3441
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 28-01-2016, 02:56:00 Subject: Re: [Warlock][All Specs] Grimoire of Supremacy vs Demons Hea |
About imp, i've seen 180k hp in a video -
Observer hp - Exactly half of the summoner's HP At the begining. ... |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Warlock]Demon HP 2 |
Replies: 3
Views: 549
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 28-01-2016, 02:43:34 Subject: Re: [Warlock]Demon HP 2 |
[quote ascuns] Forgot about EN things. W/e, there's a topic about this problem. -
Close this. |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Warlock]Demon HP 2 |
Replies: 3
Views: 549
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 27-01-2016, 18:45:11 Subject: [Warlock]Demon HP 2 |
WoW Freakz spell link: Voidwalker/voidlord hp, si nu mai stiu care mai e asa, dar toti au aceeasi regula
Bug description: Hp-ul petului e undeva la 2x, in loc sa fie 0.5x cu hp-ul playerului. Petul ar trebui sa aiba fix 50% din hp-ul warlock-ului. M-am saturat sa vad scut din sacrifice de 600k, cand trebuia sa fie max ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Warlock][All Specs] Warlock pet melee damage snapshot |
Replies: 21
Views: 7693
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 20-01-2016, 13:35:20 Subject: [FIXED] [Warlock][All Specs] Warlock pet melee damage snapshot |
But the 1 mil hp is ok? when it should have half of lock's HP?! |
Topic: Recrutari |
Replies: 68
Views: 22466
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-01-2016, 02:11:29 Subject: Recrutari |
Eu smecheru, bossu, mafiotu. Am vrut sa fac si eu o cerere corecta, corespunzatoare, da e tarziu si imi e siluț. Vreau sa stiu daca ma reapuc de pandaria sau nu(pve, ca pvp nu ai cum la H, doar daca invata Adrean sa joace). Ma jucam azi linistit pe lich king si ma acosteaza un jucator ca nu mai sunt ferali pve pe ... |