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  Topic: [REJECTED] Chars Duplicate

Replies: 3
Views: 385

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 24-09-2020, 15:15:07   Subject: [REJECTED] Chars Duplicate
Problem fixed idk how, when i change specs, the duplicate was gone, idk if changing spec make a difference or the staff make the change, but they can close this report.
  Topic: [REJECTED] Chars Duplicate

Replies: 3
Views: 385

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 22-09-2020, 21:22:45   Subject: Chars Duplicate
Character name: Kazhdan
Bug description: Hello staff im here to announce a issue in my account, i have my hunter duplicate, but idk if i can delete one and will be no problem, idk what to do now haha ...
  Topic: [DUPLICATE] Azsuna: Senegos dissapear, unable to do Heart of Zin-azhari (Balance of power questline)

Replies: 1
Views: 381

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 08-09-2020, 17:33:48   Subject: Azsuna: Senegos dissapear, unable to do Heart of Zin-azhari (Balance of power questline)
Bug description: Hello freakz team, i hope you all are well. This time i have a situation with my paladin only (for now).
I want to do balance of power questline with him, but i think i broke somethi ...
  Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Suramar] The Only Way Out is Through DC from the server while scorting Thalyssra

Replies: 1
Views: 238

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 28-07-2020, 17:54:15   Subject: [Suramar] The Only Way Out is Through DC from the server while scorting Thalyssra
Bug description: When you scort Thalyssra and when she gets near the bridge in Meredil you get DC from the server unable to log in again and forcing the unstuck on the page. That error wont let you c ...
  Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Druid][Feral] Tigers Fury VS Predators talent

Replies: 1
Views: 272

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 07-07-2020, 01:05:20   Subject: [Druid][Feral] Tigers Fury VS Predators talent
Bug description: When you kill an add with blood dot with feral druid, and use tigers fury using the first talent in lvl 15 line, does not reset tigers fury. Stays in cooldown. It won't work with any ...
  Topic: [REJECTED] [Highmountain] Underking Comes, Horn doesn't appear

Replies: 3
Views: 443

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 22-06-2020, 03:51:55   Subject: [REJECTED] [Highmountain] Underking Comes, Horn doesn't appear
Now i have completed the quest following the steps you gave, thank you for the information and help.
Note: the issue start when i take the mission and disconnect from the game. Please keep in mind t ...
  Topic: [REJECTED] [Highmountain] Underking Comes, Horn doesn't appear

Replies: 3
Views: 443

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 21-06-2020, 21:46:41   Subject: [Highmountain] Underking Comes, Horn doesn't appear
Bug description: When you take the quest, doesn't show the horn to evacuate the taurens, unable to procced with the questline.
Best regards to the team, stay safe.
  Topic: Demon hunter Fel hammer bug, two gates, making impossible to normal access

Replies: 1
Views: 212

PostForum: Other   Posted: 21-06-2020, 21:41:56   Subject: Demon hunter Fel hammer bug, two gates, making impossible to normal access
Bug description: There is a huge bug with the gate, 2 gates presents itself in the Fel hammer portal in dalaran. Its a really annoying to access because you have find a right click to enter to the hal ...
  Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Demon Hunter] Eye beam showing many metamorphosis

Replies: 1
Views: 219

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 21-06-2020, 21:37:38   Subject: [Demon Hunter] Eye beam showing many metamorphosis
Bug description: Hello freakz team, the demon hunter when he cast Eye beam, show a lot of metamorphosis form and the beam do not show, it doesn't affect the damage, but there is a visual bug. I hope t ...
  Topic: Clicking on items to loot or use it in bags

Replies: 2
Views: 266

PostForum: Other   Posted: 15-06-2020, 00:33:43   Subject: Clicking on items to loot or use it in bags
I can upload an image in imgur, but the image only see the items on my bags, and im trying to click on them to use it, but no action happens.
The image link:
Best regard ...
  Topic: Clicking on items to loot or use it in bags

Replies: 2
Views: 266

PostForum: Other   Posted: 14-06-2020, 19:18:18   Subject: Clicking on items to loot or use it in bags
Bug description: Hello Freakz team, today i'm reporting an issue that's happening a lot (3 days straight with some regularity), in some moments of the game (dungeons, world pve, etc.), when i have to ...
  Topic: [Monk] DPS monk artifact weapon bug

Replies: 1
Views: 321

PostForum: Trash   Posted: 17-05-2020, 16:50:35   Subject: [Monk] DPS monk artifact weapon bug
Bug description: hello im stuck in monk artifact weapon quest and i try delete cache, relog, everything. The boss spawns one elemental and i does not count, in addition, when you retake the quest Li-l ...
  Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Warlock] Calydus shop or vendor for the recolor of class mount

Replies: 1
Views: 339

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 04-05-2020, 18:52:55   Subject: [Warlock] Calydus shop or vendor for the recolor of class mount
Bug description: Hello i'm trying to buy from Calydus, the recolor of the class mount for the warlock, the image in the description shows that calydus only says: Nothing right now, i completed all req ...
  Topic: [REJECTED] [Mac'Aree] Error when finish: The Sigil of Awakening

Replies: 2
Views: 404

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 23-04-2020, 20:21:13   Subject: [REJECTED] [Mac'Aree] Error when finish: The Sigil of Awakening
Ok, im gonna do unstuck on the page, do not close this report until i get you a response, please wait a few minutes. I'll be back with an answer.
Thank you for your answer, and i hope you keep safe a ...
  Topic: [REJECTED] [Mac'Aree] Error when finish: The Sigil of Awakening

Replies: 2
Views: 404

PostForum: Rejected bugs   Posted: 23-04-2020, 18:42:29   Subject: [Mac'Aree] Error when finish: The Sigil of Awakening
Bug description: Hello Freakz team i hope you all are ok in home, the next issue is about the quest pointed in the title. When you grab the sigil of awakening from Archimonde in Mac'Aree (Argus), when ...
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