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Topic: wow info |
Replies: 4
Views: 661
Forum: Trash Posted: 14-04-2017, 21:07:08 Subject: wow info |
Tot respectul pentru munca pe care o faci Shocker. Dar pana se va intampla asta trebuie sa ma delectez undeva, nu? |
Topic: wow info |
Replies: 4
Views: 661
Forum: Trash Posted: 11-04-2017, 22:05:27 Subject: wow info |
Exista vreun grup activ de romani ce joaca wow pe retail? In special pe servarul Grim batol? E cam trist sa joci singur! |
Topic: Fixuri PvP ce ar trebui sa aiba o prioritate maxima |
Replies: 182
Views: 36901
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-06-2015, 13:03:17 Subject: Fixuri PvP ce ar trebui sa aiba o prioritate maxima |
cel din penanace sau mai exact din divine insight iti pune un scut de 20k, cred ca e buguit, sunt nou pe priest insa in tooltip spune ca te lasa sa pui un shield fara mana cost, fara cd, nu stiu exact ... |
Topic: Recuperare iteme |
Replies: 1
Views: 375
Forum: Item Recovery Posted: 11-06-2015, 09:54:06 Subject: Recuperare iteme |
Character Name: Healluminat
Item Name & ID: Loshan, Terror Incarnate - idd - 86886
Armory Link:
Details: (optional) AM facut questul ... |
Replies: 14
Views: 3156
Forum: Other Posted: 30-05-2015, 16:28:25 Subject: PLEASE, STOP BEING HEEDLESS. |
O zona de "world PVP" (stiu ca nu e zona pvp, ci destinata pve, dar era razboi intre factiuni) pe mop a fost Timeless Isle, eu personal am avut placerea de a prinde pe blizz si chiar era wor ... |
Topic: Formule de dmg de 5.4.8 vs resil de 5.1 |
Replies: 124
Views: 15572
Forum: Other Posted: 27-05-2015, 17:17:24 Subject: Formule de dmg de 5.4.8 vs resil de 5.1 |
Sincer e o idee marirea resilience-ului, dar asa e unele clase dau neasteptat de mult. In orice caz trecerea mai rapida la urmatorul patch nu cred ca se va face, de asemenea nici nu cred ca ajuta foar ... |
Topic: Interesant |
Replies: 17
Views: 2842
Forum: Romanian Posted: 25-05-2015, 17:49:03 Subject: Interesant |
Si mai este acest exploit ?
si e tot crit, sa inteleg ca el ... normal dmg da cu chimera circa 118k ? |
Topic: prioritate buguri |
Replies: 6
Views: 913
Forum: Romanian Posted: 22-05-2015, 18:46:29 Subject: prioritate buguri |
[quote ascuns] Druidul overall chiar e cea mai "stricata" clasa. |
Topic: [FIXED] [Paladin][Holy][Spell] Guardian of Ancient Kings |
Replies: 13
Views: 2536
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 20-05-2015, 17:54:09 Subject: [FIXED] [Paladin][Holy][Spell] Guardian of Ancient Kings |
"Guardian of Ancient Kings
Level 75 Holy paladin ability
3 min cooldown
Instant cast
Summons a Guardian of Ancient Kings to help you heal for 15 sec.
The Guardian of Ancient Kings will heal the targ ... |
Topic: Problema client. |
Replies: 22
Views: 4084
Forum: Romanian Posted: 19-05-2015, 12:47:19 Subject: Problema client. |
Eu am patit in wsg, ideea e ca daca se ia crash iau toti din raid sau cel putin o mare parte din ei.
Se intampla in orice caz si la hoarda. |
Topic: [FIXED] [Druid][All Specs][Spell] Symbiosis |
Replies: 8
Views: 2293
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 19-05-2015, 12:42:43 Subject: [FIXED] [Druid][All Specs][Spell] Symbiosis |
De asemenea dispare daca mori tu sau playerul pe care ai symbiosis.
Se mai intampla in bg am vazut, daca esti in AB, eu sunt la farm si playerul cu symbiosis la stables, dispare bufful. |
Topic: [FIXED] [Paladin][Holy][Spell] Guardian of Ancient Kings |
Replies: 13
Views: 2536
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 19-05-2015, 10:25:35 Subject: [FIXED] [Paladin][Holy][Spell] Guardian of Ancient Kings |
min 12.48 - tipu nu sta sa spamezi spelluri. iar gardianul tine 15 secunde.
mie personal si dupa ce spamam 2-3 speluri disparea sau daca era in stun cateva secunde. In tooltip de asemenea nu e specificat ca daca n ... |
Topic: Interesant |
Replies: 17
Views: 2842
Forum: Romanian Posted: 17-05-2015, 07:47:17 Subject: Interesant |
eram in battle of gilneas bg ....
Din pacate am editat poza dar o sa mai am ocazia sa o pun in mod normal. |
Topic: Interesant |
Replies: 17
Views: 2842
Forum: Romanian Posted: 16-05-2015, 22:29:42 Subject: Interesant |
NU am un hunter sa verific dar totusi....
Inteleg faptul ca are gear. Dar nici eu nu pot sa zic ca stau mai prost. Daca cineva ar putea face niste teste. |
Topic: [DUPLICATE] [Warlock][All][Spell] Curse of Enfeeblemen |
Replies: 1
Views: 385
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 13-05-2015, 23:35:03 Subject: [Warlock][All][Spell] Curse of Enfeeblemen |
WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Scurt si la obiect, in pvp wise ar trebui sa fie crescut cast time-ul cu 10% insa nu merge asa, ci iti da direct 50% e cam game breaking. ... |