Hi there dudes.I am the guild master of Dont CC Me BRO.When i start farming bgs with 3 groups (premade) the 3-rd group because of the mercenary mode they go to horde instead of alliance and it's not ...
Hi there dudes. I was the Guild Master of the guild named Obscene Punks. I left the gm to another friend of mine who is curently working and i don't know nothing of him(neither facebook or skype) I wa ...
Hai noroc.Am fost gm-ul guildei Obscene Punks am lasat gm-ul ca am fost cu bac-ul la un ofiter name : Thorru.Acum este inactiv si nu imi raspunde nici pe facebook si as dorii guilda inapoi.Doresc sa r ...
WoW Freakz spell link: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=11958
Bug description: Cateodata nu da reset la Iceblock.
Proof: Ma pot aproba alti mage care au intalnit acest bug si in WOTLK.