1) I am a hunter and i progressed trough the hunter campaign and after i recuired Hemet Nesingwary i cannot find any followup mission for the campaign.
2) As a hunter i had artefact missions ...
Hello! I have done first the sunwell 25 man for the Golden Bow of Quel Thalas and when i tried to go 10 man the screen blocked at fully loaded. I closed the game and when i logged in i was in ogrimmar ...
I am at the 105 peak and i completed some class hall missions but after i took artefact there is an invisible npc that i can see only the question mark above and no npc. Relogging and /reload didnt wo ...
Me and my friend recently started to play again on this server. We have migrated from another server having the 105 characters. I wanted to level up my druid but how do i get to go on the broken isles ...
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=56427/warmaster-blackhorn
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Acest boss de cand ati facut ultimu fix l-ati stricat de tot.Pe 10n nu se poate fac ...