
[FIXED] [DK] (Threath of Thassarian) + Death Strike
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-10-2011, 15:35:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Daca joci cu o arma 2H normal primesti un singur heal, dar daca folosesti 2 arme 1H si mai ai telentele puse si pe , daca offhandul da dmg odata cu main hand la death strike, dece nu ar da si heal

Sau...... daca intri pe linkul asta
ai sa vezi efectul pt. main hand + efectul pt OFF-hand care ar trebui sa dea heal 5% din viata DK-ului pentru fiecare "diseases on the target" (tine pointerul pe scrisul verde OFF-Hand) , iar daca tinem cont si de , da si off-hand acelasi heal ca si main hand.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-10-2011, 16:25:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

revanger wrote:
Daca joci cu o arma 2H normal primesti un singur heal, dar daca folosesti 2 arme 1H si mai ai telentele puse si pe , daca offhandul da dmg odata cu main hand la death strike, dece nu ar da si heal

Sau...... daca intri pe linkul asta
ai sa vezi efectul pt. main hand + efectul pt OFF-hand care ar trebui sa dea heal 5% din viata DK-ului pentru fiecare "diseases on the target" (tine pointerul pe scrisul verde OFF-Hand) , iar daca tinem cont si de , da si off-hand acelasi heal ca si main hand.

Ba in arena un dk isi da 300k heal si da 100k dmg in vre 30 de sec . Ti se pare normal ?? De cand a bagat spec de heal pe dk ca eu nu am fost la update-ul asta ... Fix odata ca in arena degeaba te bagi ca sunt majortiatea dk , ca deh cu bug abuse sa bata si iei .

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-10-2011, 17:56:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

omg problema ta nu e bugul la DK ci faptul ca ai rogue si nu sti sa bati un DK si de asta te apuci de postat la bugurile DK-ului -)))

P.S. "Ba esti cu tatato"

Am terminat discutia, pentru ca aceste discutii sunt deschide de cei care iau bataie de la un DK(la fel cum cei care nu pot bate un mag frost dau cu parerea pe topicurile legate de gururile magului) spor la joc pa.

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Post Posted: 09-10-2011, 13:37:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Eu cred ca am explicat problema destul de bine, dublu heal cu death strike (main si offhand). Sper sa se poata gasi fix.

Cei care mai au de gand sa posteze aici fie spun ceva care sa aiba legatura cu bug-reportul prezentat, fie fac offtopic si
mai mult ca sigur o sa primeasca warn. Vreau sa vad comentari constructive nu batistutze umede.

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Post Posted: 09-10-2011, 14:54:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vreau si eu un sfat? cum bat un dk in arena cu druid warr? deci am ramas azi cu un dk in arena 40minute, eu druid resto cu warr arms nu puteam pica dku, nu scadea sub 50%, e normal asa ceva? a cazut serveru si am pierdut arena.
Imba dk blood-spam DS...

Staff message (Zohlomg):
E bug report nu discutii class related.

Level 80-8 ore....2 meserii full-2zile....un gear score de 5,5k-3 sapt....un wipe pe nepretuit pentru toate celelalte exista DONATE.
"acesta este un pamflet si trebuie tratat ca atare"
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[Mã bate stresul.]

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 10:50:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bump. A ajuns bugul sa dea gen 40k heal pe dk frost, isi fac astia 80% HP in 2x deathstrikes.

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[Nerdstompers Inc.]

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 13:43:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Random frost DK in duel, dupa ce isi face 3/4 din HP instant: dar care-i bug-ul?

Nu ca death strike i-ar da mai mult heal pe frost decat pe blood.

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[Mã bate stresul.]

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 14:10:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

BlackSun wrote:
Random frost DK in duel, dupa ce isi face 3/4 din HP instant: dar care-i bug-ul?

Nu ca death strike i-ar da mai mult heal pe frost decat pe blood.

Faza e ca da heal asa de mult datorita talentului: (wowhead link). Desi ar trebui sa faca Death Strike sa dea damage si cu offhandul NU dublu heal!

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 15:05:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

andy2cool wrote:
Proof that it shouldn't heal with off-hand strikes?

E normal ca ala care joaca cu DK cu acest 'bug' sa inceapa a spune unele lucruri interesante , daca citesti talentul vezi clar ca scrie ca aplica ' DAMAGE ' - invata engleza / foloseste google translate de la off hand si nu heal . Fix 'dis shit.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2011, 02:30:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Too bad i dont speak romanian but nvm

Dual weild double death strike is a bug from wotlk servers back then it hited twice and healed twice and never got fixed on any server cause for pvp most play unholy

anyway here is the proof retail forum thats its a bug (yes in retail it buged in 4.2) in private in 4.0.6 :o

quote from Deathshatil :

Yes.In ptr Death strike off-hand is healing.And it is a bug.

Haters gona hate go fix ftw ! or im gona play dw frost just for that

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2011, 02:43:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nice find, gg
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2011, 16:22:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mango wrote:
nice find, gg

whats weird is that some people actualy thinks its suposed to be like that lol

Blizz created 2H and dw and did what can be done to make the both equal in dps healing and all ...

still dw > 2h here a lot of bugs to fix

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Post Posted: 10-11-2011, 17:04:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bugul in sine nu cred ca e doar la talentul de frost mentionat. Ci la Death Strike sau la coeficientul de AP care il ia pt abilitati, insa si pe blood isi da heal enorm.
Cred ca e relevant si faptul ca datorita mastery-ului(De blood) isi pune shield de 100k.
Ieri cu Qiu(Catalepsia) in arene unul dintre DK care eram vs. aveam pe el shield de 115k. Stiu asta pt. ca eu eram mort si ma uitam la buff-urile lui.
Si aveam impresia ca era cumulativ efectul, sau dadea hits din ce in ce mai mari....insa la asta poate ma insel.
Respectivului DK, ii crestea shieldu-l ca de ex.:

First hit:40k shield
Second: 68k
Third: 87k
4th: 103k
last: 115k.

Deci, ar fi bine sa nu mai urle cei ce joaca cu DK "working as intended" cand isi da asemenea heal.
Ar fi bine daca s-ar verifica valorile de heal/dmg,coeficienti de AP, etc la abilitatile DK-ului.

Voi refeni cu pics daca e nevoie, insa e foarte USOR de verificat.

[quote="Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury"]It never ceases to surprise me at the infinite capacity of the human mind to resist the introduction of useful knowlege[/quote]
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Post Posted: 10-11-2011, 18:27:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Arcade wrote:
.....aveam impresia ca e cumulativ efectul, sau dadea hits din ce in ce mai mari....insa la asta poate ma insel.....
....Deci, ar fi bine sa nu mai urle cei ce joaca cu DK "working as intended" cand isi da asemenea heal.....

Blood Spec:
[Death Strike] heal = 10% HP + [Glyph of Dark Succor] heal = 18% (in Frost sau Unholy pressence)
Mastery : 50% Din heal via [Death Strike] = scut; 1 mastery mareste scut cu 6.5%; 102% din heal via [Death Strike] = scut (calculat cu cei 8 base mastery)

exemplu: DK HP = 115 k, [DS] heal = 20.700 => 21.114 scut

Eu unu am 16 mastery in pvp. La scutul de mai sus mai adaugam un 8*6.5=> 52%.

Hai sa nu vorbim despre lucruri pe care nu le intelegem si sa ramanem pe topic, si asa am luat "bobarnace" de la multi dk ca l-am deschis.

Edit: 1mastery = 6.25% nu 6.5...... scuze, oricum se intelege ideea.

P.S. Poate ajuta:

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Post Posted: 10-11-2011, 19:08:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cordo wrote:
Arcade wrote:
.....aveam impresia ca e cumulativ efectul, sau dadea hits din ce in ce mai mari....insa la asta poate ma insel.....
....Deci, ar fi bine sa nu mai urle cei ce joaca cu DK "working as intended" cand isi da asemenea heal.....

Blood Spec:
[Death Strike] heal = 10% HP + [Glyph of Dark Succor] heal = 18% (in Frost sau Unholy pressence)
Mastery : 50% Din heal via [Death Strike] = scut; 1 mastery mareste scut cu 6.5%; 102% din heal via [Death Strike] = scut (calculat cu cei 8 base mastery)

exemplu: DK HP = 115 k, [DS] heal = 20.700 => 21.114 scut

Eu unu am 16 mastery in pvp. La scutul de mai sus mai adaugam un 8*6.5=> 52%.

Hai sa nu vorbim despre lucruri pe care nu le intelegem si sa ramanem pe topic, si asa am luat "bobarnace" de la multi dk ca l-am deschis.

Edit: 1mastery = 6.25% nu 6.5...... scuze, oricum se intelege ideea.

P.S. Poate ajuta:

Deci e normal sa ai shield de full HP pe tine ca si blood DK. Si da efectul e cumulativ (%#@!$ blizz)
"Hot fixes over the last few months have made it so Death Strike heals stack the Blood Shield as opposed to losing out on what might be left of it"
4.0.6: If [Death Strike] is used while a Blood Shield is already active, the new absorb will stack with the old one instead of replacing it
They have lost their marbles! Ce facem acuma, reroll toti pe F Mage/DK?

Ms de clarificare Kaos si scuze de stupid reply.

[quote="Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury"]It never ceases to surprise me at the infinite capacity of the human mind to resist the introduction of useful knowlege[/quote]
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