
Dark Simulacrum
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-10-2011, 19:34:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

cica ar trebuii sa se mareasca bazat pe Ap Dk-ului pai si atunci dc la 11k Ap dau 200 cu toate spellurile de damage copiate, starsurge,starfall, wrath,icebolt ,ice lance , fireball ,incinerate etc etc...

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Post Posted: 26-10-2011, 19:36:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Deadlybugaddictbrew wrote:
Nu stiu ce incerci sa imi dovedesti dar se vede ca o faci foarte prost...
What we can deduce from this experimentation
1. Dark Simulacrum always assumes the maximum level of the spell

2. Dark Simulacrum's damage/healing is determined by both the spellpower of the DK AND the spellpower of the person the spell is copied from

3. Dark Simulacrum is not effected by glyphs

4. Dark Simulacrum is not effected by talents
Da.. aici nu merge deloc asa.

Se scrie *Citeste o carte* nu Citeste-o carte. Esti un analfabet si tu.
EDIT: @Raster si tot prost ramai.. eu nu m-am referit la Ice Lance in sine, dar se vede ca tu faci parte din categoria aia de oameni *pana nu repara dmgu la fury warr sau nustiuce DE CE SA LE REPARE LOR SPELURILE STRICATE??*

Sursa? Sau e inventat de tine din moment ce scrie '2. Dark Simulacrum's damage/healing is determined by both the spellpower of the DK AND the spellpower of the person the spell is copied from' ?
Mai e putin si punem iteme cu intelect pe dk ca sa dam damage mare cu spellurile copiate de Dark Simulacrum.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-10-2011, 19:49:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pfff ... Domnu profesor de romana .. nu trebuie neaparat sa legi cu cratima 2 cuvinte decat atunci cand intonatia pe care o folosesti cere acest aspect (atunci cand vrei ca exprimarea ta de 2 bani sa fie inteleasa cu un ritm grabit ,,, clasa a 2-a ... ) ...
Ai citit atat de mult la viata ta, incat nu esti in stare sa-ti faci o idee citind o discutie simpla de forum .. cu dovezi si etc ..
Mai puteti da warnuri ? macar asa din politete sau ptr dragul limbii romane ....

Staff message (Zohlomg):
+1 warn, off-topic.

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[Bug Happens INC.]

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Post Posted: 26-10-2011, 20:51:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Aer wrote:
pfff ... Domnu profesor de romana .. nu trebuie neaparat sa legi cu cratima 2 cuvinte decat atunci cand intonatia pe care o folosesti cere acest aspect (atunci cand vrei ca exprimarea ta de 2 bani sa fie inteleasa cu un ritm grabit ,,, clasa a 2-a ... ) ...
Ai citit atat de mult la viata ta, incat nu esti in stare sa-ti faci o idee citind o discutie simpla de forum .. cu dovezi si etc ..
Mai puteti da warnuri ? macar asa din politete sau ptr dragul limbii romane ....
Mai analfabetule... ti se pare normal sa scrii "Citeste-o carte"?? Si pe urma imi explici ceva care nu are legatura.
@Raster Am copiat aia din linku lu Aer asta.
sunteti 2 habarnaisti

Staff message (Zohlomg):
Ai 4 warn-uri, ultima avertizare.

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Post Posted: 26-10-2011, 20:56:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Deadlybugaddictbrew wrote:
Aer wrote:
pfff ... Domnu profesor de romana .. nu trebuie neaparat sa legi cu cratima 2 cuvinte decat atunci cand intonatia pe care o folosesti cere acest aspect (atunci cand vrei ca exprimarea ta de 2 bani sa fie inteleasa cu un ritm grabit ,,, clasa a 2-a ... ) ...
Ai citit atat de mult la viata ta, incat nu esti in stare sa-ti faci o idee citind o discutie simpla de forum .. cu dovezi si etc ..
Mai puteti da warnuri ? macar asa din politete sau ptr dragul limbii romane ....
Mai analfabetule... ti se pare normal sa scrii "Citeste-o carte"?? Si pe urma imi explici ceva care nu are legatura.
@Raster Am copiat aia din linku lu Aer asta.
sunteti 2 habarnaisti

lasai deadly k dak nu stiu sa citeasca sau sa se documenteze putin inainte de a posta ceva nai ce sa le faci si confirm si eu

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+1 warn, off-topic
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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 00:00:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Acest spell se scaleaza cu spell powerul pe care il are dk-ul.A fost menit sa fie o abilitate defensiva nu ofensiva.Din 4.2 sunt copiate in functie de spell powerul celui care le casteaza.

As of 4.2 Most PvP spells now hit roughly as hard as the original un-cloned version, So I believe our spells are now scaling off the original spell casters Spell Power not our own. This is a rather useful change. I'm still a little bit unclear on exactly how this is working so I will update when I can get some more relevant information.

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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 02:29:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

"I believe you may be wrong on your second point. I dueled a mage outside SW to test some of this. We got to basic frostbolt and i got crit for 12k. When I returned it, it hit him for a 5k hit. My conclusion is that dark simulacrum tends to copy spell power of the target but not the talents. Since the damage was 20% less almost exactly."

Decembrie 2010, inca nu se bagase 4.2, DS copiaza spellpower-ul celui pe care e castat, dar nu glyphs/talente

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[Bug Happens INC.]

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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 13:34:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

fac si eu la fel cum a facut Iinsane pe wotlk... 20 de pagini a sustinut ca envenom nu trebuie sa treaca de nature resistance si pana la urma i-am dovedit ca am dreptate..

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-11-2011, 20:24:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well since its all "romainia" we cant be sure what the hell they are fighting for but one thing sure this :
you can check class feed back in ENG retail forum a lot of details about how does it work

and Here only some spellz and abilities are copyed still we cant copy a warlocks pet or wolf form from shamans etc , Can't copy the mages miroor neither the Seal of Light - ....

you can chack video's in youtube :

anyway generaly dark simulacrom :

They must be mana-based spells. Spells that don't use mana (i.e. Word of Glory, Lay on Hands) can not be copied.
It keeps spell requirements. (Lava Burst will not crit unless there's a Flame Shock on the opponent, ...)
It scales based on your AP (if it's a spell that scales )

check commentary section on wowhead : (wowhead link)

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