
Tovarasul illusion :)

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Author Message1258


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(since 13-10-2012 15:58)
Joined: 26 Oct 2010
Posts: 190, Topics: 18
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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 17:17:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Numele adminului: illusion
illusion mi-a adresat injuraturi ca la usa cortului + misto
acum 10 minute

(Admin) illusion: poza cu 2 fete
*** nano. killed SileNt|T00L| with a headshot from m4a1 ***
gaby dropped
gaby has left the game
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: sa fim serios
kangoo dropped
kangoo has left the game
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: corect
dev1 killed S!lviu with famas
*DEAD* Marius <3 : /rs
kangoo connected
kangoo is joining the Terrorist force
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: nu seman ma
*DEAD* Marius <3 : un awp e bun aici
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: sa fim serios
*** dev1 killed EnAmor. with a headshot from famas ***
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: da si lipseai tu
EnAmor. dropped
EnAmor. has left the game
[] Folositi comanda amx_page mesaj in consola daca aveti de reclamat un codat.
CriticAL killed KPY with deagle
*DEAD* KPY : /rs

(Admin) illusion: era o poza facuta ca intre fete?-
Hit : /rs

(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: da si lipseai tu
dev1 killed gafy with usp
EnAmor. connected
thir13en (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
hunter (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
EnAmor. is joining the Terrorist force
CriticAL killed kangoo with deagle
Rroberto dropped
Rroberto has left the game
*** hunter killed dev1 with a headshot from deagle ***
gafy (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
CriticAL killed Th3On3 with deagle
S!lviu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** nano. killed SileNt|T00L| with a headshot from m4a1 ***
bubblegirl killed thir13en with m4a1
kangoo dropped
kangoo has left the game
nano. killed Aly68 with m4a1
bubblegirl : /me

nano. killed Marius <3 with m4a1
tavy killed S!lviu with m4a1
nano. killed Hit with m4a1
Real_giulestina killed illusion with grenade
(Admin) illusion: vezi tu
kangoo connected
tavy killed hunter with m4a1
[] Va rugam sa adaugati din nou serverul la favorite: /
*DEAD* KPY : /rs
(Admin) illusion: nu sunt chiar gratios:))
*DEAD* thir13en : /resetscore

kangoo is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* illusion : /rs

*DEAD* Marius <3 : .rs

*DEAD* EnAmor. : mda.

*DEAD* dev1 : /me

*DEAD* Th3On3 : doamne

*DEAD* Marius <3 : /rs

PTB: Switching tavy with thir13en.
Th3On3 : nu merge treaba

*** illusion killed nhk with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** ZiZoU killed hunter with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Inger Demon dropped
tavy (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** SIX ONE NINE killed S!lviu with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Jesse_James killed illusion with m4a1
tavy (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Joc si poker killed SileNt|T00L| with m4a1
DARIUSICA connected
KPY (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
DARIUSICA is joining the Terrorist force
tavy (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
[] Scrieti /radio pe chat pentru a asculta radio.
Inger Demon connected
KPY killed Jesse_James with mp5navy
SIX ONE NINE killed Hit with m4a1
*** bubblegirl killed Marius <3 with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: daca nici de ziua ta nu esti bun e clar
(Terrorist) EnAmor. : /me

gafy (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
kangoo killed SIX ONE NINE with ak47
*** ZiZoU killed kangoo with a headshot from m4a1 ***
EnAmor. killed bubblegirl with ak47
Inger Demon is joining the Terrorist force
pAc0 rAbAnN3 killed Aly68 with m4a1
EnAmor. (RADIO): Roger that.
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: puti de mistocar ce esti
Marius <3 (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
bubblegirl : /me
nano. killed gafy with m4a1
nano. killed KPY with m4a1
*** pAc0 rAbAnN3 killed EnAmor. with a headshot from m4a1 ***
tavy killed nano. with m4a1
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: daca nici de ziua ta nu esti bun e clar
eNzO connected
*DEAD* Hit : /rs

(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: puti de mistocar ce esti
S!lviu dropped
S!lviu has left the game
nano. dropped
nano. has left the game
eNzO is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* Marius <3 : mi sa dus chefu de cs:-j

*DEAD* Inger Demon : /hp

Th3On3 killed thir13en with ak47
CriticAL killed Th3On3 with ak47
(Admin) illusion: eu nu ma joc pe public
(Admin) illusion: -
[] Pentru cereri, nume rezervate, sugestii sau reclamatii vizitati
(Admin) illusion: daca nu te-ai prins
spik33 dropped
*DEAD* Marius <3 : va las

RaZvY connected
(Admin) bubblegirl: da asta ce e?
Deliric1 connected
*DEAD* thir13en : /resetscore

bubblegirl : Reclamatiile se fac in consola cu amx_page + mesaj
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
spik33 connected
Deliric1 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* eNzO : /top15

*DEAD* Marius <3 : ciao allz!-

RaZvY is joining the Terrorist force
spik33 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
dev1 killed tavy with awp
(Admin) illusion: nu am castile bagate
(Admin) illusion: nu ma joc serios vroiam sa zic:)
*** Scorul tau a fost resetat
*DEAD* SileNt|T00L| : /rs

(Admin) bubblegirl: da-i drumu -
(Admin) ZiZoU: e prea bun illusion
spik33 dropped
spik33 has left the game
(Admin) illusion: fara misto
[] Va rugam sa adaugati din nou serverul la favorite: /
(Admin) ZiZoU: -
(Admin) illusion: nu am sunet:)
EnAmor. (RADIO): Need backup.
*** Hit killed CriticAL with a headshot from ak47 ***
(Admin) ZiZoU: si eu joc fara sunet
KPY (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(Admin) bubblegirl: si eu
dev1 killed gafy with awp
(Admin) illusion: l-as baga
*** Jesse_James killed kangoo with a headshot from m4a1 ***
many dropped
Maxy connected
(Admin) illusion: ar iese zizu iar
eNzO killed Hit with m4a1
tavy killed Sandocan with awp
(Terrorist) SileNt|T00L| : si eu

Joc si poker killed tavy with m4a1
*** eNzO killed SileNt|T00L| with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(Admin) ZiZoU: -)
Voda dropped
kangoo dropped
kangoo has left the game
KPY (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Joc si poker killed illusion with m4a1
Inger Demon (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** pAc0 rAbAnN3 killed RaZvY with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Hit dropped
Hit has left the game
*** Th3On3 killed pAc0 rAbAnN3 with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* kangoo : ****
many connected
Real_giulestina killed EnAmor. with m4a1
*** Jesse_James killed Th3On3 with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Maxy is joining the Terrorist force
Aly68 killed Jesse_James with ak47
many is joining the Terrorist force
*** eNzO killed Inger Demon with a headshot from usp ***
mariusik. connected
Joc si poker killed DARIUSICA with m4a1
(Admin) ZiZoU: si eu daca as avea mai mult de 30 fps
bubblegirl killed KPY with m4a1
nhk killed Aly68 with mp5navy
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: illusion te mai suporti?
Marius <3 killed eNzO with ak47
[] Pastrati limbajul decent. In caz contrar veti primi gag/ban.
(Admin) ZiZoU: daca ti-ar merge ca mie illusion
hunter killed bubblegirl with ak47
Real_giulestina killed hunter with m4a1
DARIUSICA (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(Admin) illusion: stai chill ca imi merge infect
NuS!BaTmaN connected
Voda dropped
Real_giulestina killed Marius <3 with m4a1
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: se vede
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: illusion te mai suporti?
Marius <3 dropped
Marius <3 has left the game
*DEAD* Th3On3 : doamne

NuS!BaTmaN is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* Inger Demon : dai ma

(Admin) illusion: nu
1N746H1 connected
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: se vede
[] Scrieti /livescore pe chat pentru a vedea scoruri live.
Voda dropped
PTB: Switching Real_giulestina with gafy.
(Admin) illusion: nu m-am suportat niciodata
(Admin) ZiZoU: dar cati ani ai silent de te ataci asa ?
tavy (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
1N746H1 is joining the Terrorist force
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: taci ma
Real_giulestina (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(Admin) illusion: 14
SIX ONE NINE killed RaZvY with grenade
*** eNzO killed Maxy with a headshot from m4a1 ***
tavy (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
many killed eNzO with sg552
(Admin) illusion: hahahaha
mariusik. is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(Admin) bubblegirl: -)
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: taci ma
ZiZoU killed many with m4a1
SIX ONE NINE killed 1N746H1 with ak47
(Admin) illusion: imi ajunge pana la tibie
] amx_gag enzo
(Admin) illusion: -
hunter (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* eNzO : sa te ***a azilu
Th3On3 killed SIX ONE NINE with ak47
KPY (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
hunter (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** Th3On3 killed pAc0 rAbAnN3 with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** nhk killed KPY with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Inger Demon killed ZiZoU with ak47
EnAmor. killed bubblegirl with ak47
ADMIN SileNt|T00L|: gag eNzO (5 minutes)
KPY (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
[] Va rugam sa adaugati din nou serverul la favorite: /
DARIUSICA (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Inger Demon (RADIO): Go go go!
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: cocalar ..
tavy (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
kjn dropped
(Admin) illusion: era sad odata
kjn dropped
Real_giulestina killed thir13en with grenade
EnAmor. (RADIO): Roger that.
thir13en dropped
thir13en has left the game
Real_giulestina (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Th3On3 killed CriticAL with ak47
Sandocan killed hunter with sg550
(Admin) illusion: ca i-am zis
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: cocalar ..
hunter (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(Admin) ZiZoU: ce inaltime ai ill ?
(Admin) illusion: dc a dat ban
*** Deliric1 killed DARIUSICA with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* pAc0 rAbAnN3 : ba theone laso naibii dai hs numai hs
EnAmor. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*DEAD* bubblegirl : "azliu", atat
Real_giulestina killed nhk with m4a1
*** gafy killed EnAmor. with a headshot from usp ***
Deliric1 killed Real_giulestina with m4a1
Voda dropped
1N746H1 dropped
1N746H1 has left the game
Real_giulestina is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
1N746H1 dropped
(Admin) illusion: 188 cred
*DEAD* pAc0 rAbAnN3 : mai mancat
SileNt|T00L| killed gafy with ak47
1N746H1 dropped
Jack Bauer dropped
Voda connected
*DEAD* KPY : nhk bine vezi
(Admin) illusion: -
(Admin) ZiZoU: eu 182
Voda is joining the Terrorist force
*** Jesse_James killed tavy with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Jack Bauer connected
(Admin) ZiZoU: dar mai am timp sa cresc
Aly68 killed Jesse_James with ak47
Jack Bauer is joining the Terrorist force
EnAmor. dropped
EnAmor. has left the game
Jesse_James dropped
Jesse_James has left the game
*DEAD* ZiZoU : /rank
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: tu
*DEAD* pAc0 rAbAnN3 : mai mult de 2 gloante nu dai
[] Folositi comanda amx_page mesaj in consola daca aveti de reclamat un codat.
(Admin) illusion: cine e cocalar?
(Admin) bubblegirl: tu
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: tu
(Admin) illusion: da?
(Admin) ZiZoU: tu
(Admin) bubblegirl: da
mariusik. dropped
mariusik. has left the game
(Admin) illusion: -
http://www.InsidePlay.Eu*Player dropped
Sandocan killed Th3On3 with sg550
(Admin) ZiZoU: -
dev1 killed SileNt|T00L| with awp
www.InsidePlay.Eu*Player connected
Aly68 killed Deliric1 with ak47
(Admin) illusion: mc
Sandocan killed Aly68 with sg550
(Admin) bubblegirl: -)
(Admin) illusion: btw
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: ca daca nu ce?
(Admin) illusion: iti sugerez un lucru
[] Va rugam sa adaugati din nou serverul la favorite: /
*** Inger Demon killed dev1 with a headshot from ak47 ***
(Admin) illusion: sa nu ma mai faci in viata ta cocalar sau taran
(Admin) illusion: ca te injur de toti mortii
(Admin) bubblegirl: mamaaa
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: ca daca nu ce?
OpS connected
(Admin) illusion: ramai cu traume
Joc si poker killed Inger Demon with m4a1
*** illusion killed Joc si poker with a headshot from ak47 ***
OpS is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(Admin) illusion: ai grija
(Admin) bubblegirl: ia mai fa-l o data silent
(Admin) ZiZoU: dar esti de la tara illusion ?
Sandocan killed illusion with sg550
(Admin) ZiZoU: -
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: taran +cocalar = illusion
(Admin) bubblegirl: -
[] Scrieti /radio pe chat pentru a asculta radio.
*DEAD* Aly68 : sandocat esti pra$

(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: sa te vad
*DEAD* Jack Bauer : Haules tuturor - a venit bomba bombelor bossu bossilor, care este .....fara numar


(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: taran +cocalar = illusion
*** DARIUSICA asculta Radio 21. Asculta si tu tastand /radio pe chat
PTB: Switching Sandocan with KPY.
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: sa te vad
(Admin) ZiZoU: -
(Admin) bubblegirl: ahahhahhahaha
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: bravio
(Admin) ZiZoU: ahjahahahahahahaha
(Admin) illusion: ba dute-nmortii matii
(Admin) illusion: pisamas pe fata ta
eNzO killed RaZvY with awp
(Admin) illusion: de ratata
eNzO killed Maxy with awp
(Admin) ZiZoU: gata ba
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: bravoo
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: bravio
hunter : baules

(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: atat?
(Admin) bubblegirl: i-auzi
http://www.InsidePlay.Eu*Player dropped
www.InsidePlay.Eu*Player has left the game
(Admin) illusion: ai 14 ani si suferi
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: bravoo
Maxy overflowed
Maxy has left the game
hunter (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
eNzO killed DARIUSICA with awp
Voda (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: atat?
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: nu am nici o trauma
Sandocan (RADIO): Go go go!
[] Pentru cereri, nume rezervate, sugestii sau reclamatii vizitati
(Admin) bubblegirl: gata
(Admin) illusion: data-n gatuu matii de pisat
(Admin) bubblegirl: pauza
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: nu am nici o trauma
Sandocan (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
bubblegirl killed hunter with m4a1
Jack Bauer : moare toti DUSMANIIIII

Inger Demon killed SIX ONE NINE with ak47
(Admin) bubblegirl: GATA
*** SileNt|T00L| killed bubblegirl with a headshot from ak47 ***
SileNt|T00L| killed Real_giulestina with ak47
Sandocan (RADIO): Go go go!
hunter (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Sandocan (RADIO): Go go go!
Jack Bauer killed nhk with ak47
*** gafy killed illusion with a headshot from deagle ***
(Admin) ZiZoU: va dau ban la aman2 , terminati
Jack Bauer killed gafy with ak47
dev1 killed Jack Bauer with grenade
(Admin) illusion: ca daca te vad in fata nu mai esti asa smecher
Sandocan (RADIO): Go go go!
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: ce ziceam
(Admin) illusion: ****** mortii matii
dev1 killed Sandocan with awp
*DEAD* hunter : /me
*** Voda killed KPY with a headshot from ak47 ***
[] Va rugam sa adaugati din nou serverul la favorite: /
Robytzu dropped
pAc0 rAbAnN3 killed Voda with awp
dev1 killed NuS!BaTmaN with awp
(Admin) ZiZoU: illusion iar ramai fara admin , parca vad -
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: nu demonstrezi contrariu
(Admin) bubblegirl: -
dev1 killed tavy with awp
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: ce ziceam
tavy (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** Th3On3 killed pAc0 rAbAnN3 with a headshot from ak47 ***
CriticAL killed Inger Demon with awp
(Admin) illusion: da-l in mortii lui , uite cine face misto
(Admin) illusion: rahatu asta
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: nu demonstrezi contrariu
*DEAD* NuS!BaTmaN : /rs
(Admin) illusion: e smecher de cand a luat admin
*DEAD* pAc0 rAbAnN3 : eii na ma
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: daca il am mare
[] Pastrati limbajul decent. In caz contrar veti primi gag/ban.
*DEAD* pAc0 rAbAnN3 : hs peste hs
Deliric1 killed Th3On3 with awp
Joc si poker killed Aly68 with m4a1
(Admin) illusion: nu mai veede de nas
*** SileNt|T00L| killed dev1 with a headshot from ak47 ***
Robytzu connected
*DEAD* Jack Bauer : i-auzi-o p-asta : prin lume ratacesc pe dusmani ii dilesc , si pe ei ii doareEEe
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: daca il am mare
Robytzu is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* pAc0 rAbAnN3 : /rs
(Admin) bubblegirl: illusin, daca ajung astea la urechile celorlalti owneri, ramai fara admin:)
*DEAD* Th3On3 : bineeee
*DEAD* dev1 : uite baaa
*DEAD* Th3On3 : bauer
(Admin) ZiZoU: clar
Joc si poker killed SileNt|T00L| with m4a1
many killed Deliric1 with sg550
(Admin) illusion: stiu bubb
[] Scrieti /livescore pe chat pentru a vedea scoruri live.
*DEAD* dev1 : silent tool ma bate
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: si o sa ajunga
(Admin) illusion: da m-am saturat de asta
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: bubble
(Admin) illusion: pana peste cap
PTB: Switching Joc si poker with illusion.
Jack Bauer : pai normal silent tool e fratioru lu bauer

eNzO killed Aly68 with awp
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: si o sa ajunga
eNzO killed Voda with awp
(Admin) illusion: se crede prea important
dev1 killed DARIUSICA with m4a1
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: bubble
SileNt|T00L| killed eNzO with ak47
*** Th3On3 killed KPY with a headshot from ak47 ***
Sandocan (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** SileNt|T00L| killed bubblegirl with a headshot from ak47 ***
dev1 killed Jack Bauer with m4a1
(Admin) bubblegirl: -
(Admin) SileNt|T00L|: si ar fi bine sa afle de la tine
[] Va rugam sa adaugati din nou serverul la favorite: /
Th3On3 killed illusion with ak47
bubblegirl : /me

AAA dropped
hunter (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
hunter (RADIO): Fir

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(since 21-09-2014 14:58)
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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 17:39:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

aici tu ai fost cel care a cautat sa fie injurat, tu ai starnit tot, tu nu il lasai in pace, tu l`ai facut sa te injure in halul asta, dar asta cauta unii, sa provoace numai cearta intre admini pe server , si daca tot il lasati pe ilusion fara admin lasatil si pe asta , se vede clar din discutia lor cine a inceput cu mistourile ,asta e parerea mea.

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[vanzator de suflete]

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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 17:41:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

silent din ce reiese aici tu ai dat startul asta la "vb frumoase" si cred k amandoi ati gresit, u k ai inceput si illusion k sa coborat la nivelul tau si aici lasam la parerea unui owner ce se va intampla....

I`m BAD...

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 17:46:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

si cu owner online care in loc sa aplaneze, starneste mai tare...saracii oameni isi iau gag/ban pentru "bulan, pardon BULANOS", unu si-a luat gag ca a zis "jeg de arma" motiv jeg nu e un cuvand frumos; samd...dar e bine ca avem exemplele astea care tin discursuri si adjudeca dreptate.
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Status: Offline
(since 13-10-2012 15:58)
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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 17:57:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

el a inceput sa faca misto :(Admin) illusion: era o poza facuta ca intre fete? ---> poza de care e vorbeste e cu mine si 2 fete Rolling Eyes plus cum am intrat pe server ma ia ca : cum te-am invatat sa zici silent( adica ma ia ca pe un sclav) +ca face misto de mine de cand il cunosc da asta iseamna sa fii admin vechi ai pile la ceilalti admini si iti iau partea

Posturi unite automat, 27-10-2011, 18:57:44

@ clauditzu mai bine nu mai ziceai nimic Dosent Matter + bubble a fost martora la tot ea are dreptu sa comenteze

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[Am si eu rank!]

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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 17:58:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


illusion poti sa iti iei adio de la acces.
Silent ramane de vazut cate warnuri ai sa primesti.

Si ca sa lamurim problema,amandoi sunteti niste tarani din moment ce indrazniti sa va comportati in asemenea hal mai ales ca era si Bubble online.

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