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Topic: [REJECTED] [Death Knight][Frost][Talent] Icy Talons |
Replies: 2
Views: 816
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 31-12-2017, 13:52:28 Subject: [REJECTED] [Death Knight][Frost][Talent] Icy Talons |
My bad, read that wrong. Thanks! |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Death Knight][Frost][Talent] Icy Talons |
Replies: 2
Views: 816
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 31-12-2017, 02:07:07 Subject: [Death Knight][Frost][Talent] Icy Talons |
WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: doesn't work at all
without buff
with buff https:// ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Item] [Legendary] [Shackles of Bryndaor] Doesn't refund runic power |
Replies: 4
Views: 2032
Forum: Fixed bugs Posted: 27-11-2017, 21:58:08 Subject: [Legendary] [Shackles of Bryndaor] Doesn't refund runic power |
WoW Freakz item link:
Bug description: Even though Death Strike heals for more than 10% of hp the runic power is n ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Death Knight][Blood] Death Strike - versatility healing |
Replies: 3
Views: 1354
Forum: Fixed bugs Posted: 23-11-2017, 03:43:00 Subject: [Death Knight][Blood] Death Strike - versatility healing |
WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Death Strike healing is not increased by versatility. You can see in the screenshot wha ... |
Topic: Discutii |
Replies: 4245
Views: 478328
Forum: Trash Posted: 10-06-2016, 18:24:16 Subject: Discutii |
[quote ascuns] stiam eu de ce te plac ba. ai valUare, stii ce-i frumos in viata. |
Topic: Recrutari |
Replies: 68
Views: 22457
Forum: Trash Posted: 08-06-2016, 13:44:39 Subject: Recrutari |
1. Nume IRL: Sebastian
2. Varsta: 26
3. Localitate: Bucuresti
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.)?
Depinde, in general in timpul saptamanii dupa 19:30 pana pe la 11:30-12 (depinde daca am ceva treaba in seara ai ... |
Topic: Unde iesim in Bucuresti |
Replies: 10
Views: 5299
Forum: Politics & Social Posted: 10-05-2016, 15:14:45 Subject: Unde iesim in Bucuresti |
Buna idee Ghost.
alt shift - in cladirea cu control, la etaj, langa cercul militari
the embassy (hanul cu tei) - hanul cu tei (lipscani), google it.
ramayana - pe baldovin parcalabul, autogara din zona gara de nord cu acelasi nume ca si strada
upstairs ro ... |
Topic: Script |
Replies: 1
Views: 1281
Forum: Programming / Scripting / Database Posted: 10-04-2016, 00:43:08 Subject: Script |
Pune display none din css pe elementele de search |
Topic: Problema PHP |
Replies: 4
Views: 2754
Forum: Programming / Scripting / Database Posted: 20-02-2016, 01:28:11 Subject: Problema PHP |
God, a trecut ceva vreme de atunci. Simpler times. Desi e cam tarziu, merci Raster si EDUTz pt raspunsuri, reusisem sa o rezolv. |
Topic: Problema PHP |
Replies: 4
Views: 2754
Forum: Programming / Scripting / Database Posted: 21-11-2014, 07:31:18 Subject: Problema PHP |
Am nevoie de putin ajutor. Problema e simpla, i guess, dar "pt ca noob" eu nu reusesc sa o rezolv.
Am un fisier .txt pe care il consideram "harta". Fisierul contine:
1110 ... |
Topic: Hardware wishlist |
Replies: 18
Views: 5129
Forum: Some tips regarding several acquisitions Posted: 21-10-2014, 21:39:32 Subject: Hardware wishlist |
Sincer, cele doua monitoare nu sunt pentru ca vreau sa ma joc pe doua, nici nu as suporta. Imi ajunge si unu, probabil singurul motiv pt care vreau sa imi iau doua e faptul ca sunt satul sa lucrez intr-un program in timp ce urmaresc un tutorial pt ceea ce fac ... |
Topic: Hardware wishlist |
Replies: 18
Views: 5129
Forum: Some tips regarding several acquisitions Posted: 21-10-2014, 00:17:10 Subject: Hardware wishlist |
Merci, am schimbat ssdu si placa. Acum mai ramane de vazut ce monitoare imi iau exact si daca ma intind sau nu la un deathadder |
Topic: Hardware wishlist |
Replies: 18
Views: 5129
Forum: Some tips regarding several acquisitions Posted: 20-10-2014, 10:47:23 Subject: Hardware wishlist |
Ideea de baza e ca nu ma intereseaza doar perfomantele, nu vreau sa mai bag bani in pc in urmatorii 3 ani probabil.
Plus ca nu iau pc pt gaming neaparat pt ca nu am destul timp la dispozitie sa ma joc insa atunci cand o fac vreau sa fie totul la maxim. Il ia ... |
Topic: Hardware wishlist |
Replies: 18
Views: 5129
Forum: Some tips regarding several acquisitions Posted: 20-10-2014, 10:07:08 Subject: Hardware wishlist |
[url=]Placa video
[url=]Placa de baza
Nu stiu, n-am stat sa intreb de ce nu, mi s-a spus ca nu imi trebuie "h97" ci ... |
Topic: Hardware wishlist |
Replies: 18
Views: 5129
Forum: Some tips regarding several acquisitions Posted: 20-10-2014, 10:01:13 Subject: Hardware wishlist |
Merci de sfaturi. Pt wishlist, am uitat ca am facut postul aici si am tot editat etc, s-a modificat linkul.
Momentan doar ma uit ca sa imi fac o idee si am sa astept totusi black friday poate gasesc ceva sa ma multumeasca.
Oricum, astept azi sa vad ce imi p ... |