
loot drops....
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Should they raise the drop rates on Exodus?
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-01-2012, 18:13:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

guys seriously the dungeon drops are lower than retail! im not wanting you guys to make them like a loot pinata or anything like have 4-5 things drop off of dungeon bosses and raid bosses.
thats not close to being the loot table and i swear to god if another person who doesn't know what the hell they are talking about closes my post i'll just speak to shocker directly about this.

also how about we make a poll and see how the community actually feels about this.

i left the poll open for a week.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-01-2012, 22:36:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Man, you are seriusly seriusly seriusly annoying.

Shut the fark up allready....

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-01-2012, 23:18:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

What I can't understand is how you are so unwilling to even listen to other players concerns me. if you want low rates theres a billion servers out there with retail rates but theres not a single true midrate server out atm. you guys could capitalize on that and become a huge server. again I'm not trying to get you guys to make it drop the whole loot table just to make it drop one or two more items per boss.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-01-2012, 00:29:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Its not a fun server where u can just get here and gear up for 1 week to BIS available. Its a place u must work hard to get the better and better gear, but i think u are just lazy to do it. If u don't have time for WoW why u even started playing it - its a game which requires a lot of time and commitment. I suggest the gm-s to close this absolutely stupid topic and such of this if in the future they come out again! -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-01-2012, 10:12:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There he is again the man thats thinks the whole community is gone jump for one of his Brilliant idea's and that thinks by spamming the forums all over with your crap is gone change anything on the opinion that players have about it.

How old are you man? Its been told like 5 times to you already that this subject is a NO-GO because its stupid.

Hope you can finely hear what been told to you.

See ya

PS: to others sorry for being aggressive to this guy but I think its the only language he understands.

If you never fail, you're not trying hard enough!

Exodus Realm Alliance Guild: Ejusdem Generis
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-01-2012, 11:27:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

raxxar, i think i misread but are you implying that if someone isn't investing enough time in game means it's a noob or something? Coz if so, not everyone is willingly to stay online 20/24 and furthermore, i for one play like 8 hrs per week but didn't stopped me to have a 359 ilevel character and before, during lk a light of dawn one and in tbc time a bt geared and over 2200 rating char, reaching 2000 w/o arena trinket. It is possible for casuals to achieve great things with a borrowed time but don't dismay them on their time put in the game!
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-01-2012, 11:36:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pasca wrote:
raxxar, i think i misread but are you implying that if someone isn't investing enough time in game means it's a noob or something? Coz if so, not everyone is willingly to stay online 20/24 and furthermore, i for one play like 8 hrs per week but didn't stopped me to have a 359 ilevel character and before, during lk a light of dawn one and in tbc time a bt geared and over 2200 rating char, reaching 2000 w/o arena trinket. It is possible for casuals to achieve great things with a borrowed time but don't dismay them on their time put in the game!

He is not saying that he just says that if your to lazy to play the game you shouden't play it. Time is something weird you can be online 20h a day and still do nothing or you can be online and do stuff. So if you play 8h a week and your able to archive your goals great means you spend your time well online.

But increasing droprates and more drops on bosses is only gone make the game boring since, what are you gone do once your geared up? Think about it the game is a building process once you don't have anything to build anymore its getting boring.

Thats what he is saying I think. This is not the game for lazy persons who want to kill a boss one time and get all the items you want. Thats stupid.


See ya

If you never fail, you're not trying hard enough!

Exodus Realm Alliance Guild: Ejusdem Generis
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-01-2012, 13:33:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

you guys obviously didnt read what the topic maker had to say.
he doesnt want ALL drops he want the droprate to be increased slightly so 2 items drop instead of 1, NOT 5-7 items.

i dont know i've been in 2 dungeons so far cuz we somehow managed to make a group which is already a big miracle and then we wiped a hundret times cuz some people had no gear. BGs with horde dont work cause they are all afking (about 60-90% of every BG group is brain afk) and trying to leech honor from other people doing the job for them, and arenas you can totally forget without BG gear.
theres not much you can do these days to get gear except reputation and that is kinda sad...

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-01-2012, 15:06:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zaci wrote:
you guys obviously didnt read what the topic maker had to say.
he doesnt want ALL drops he want the droprate to be increased slightly so 2 items drop instead of 1, NOT 5-7 items.

i dont know i've been in 2 dungeons so far cuz we somehow managed to make a group which is already a big miracle and then we wiped a hundret times cuz some people had no gear. BGs with horde dont work cause they are all afking (about 60-90% of every BG group is brain afk) and trying to leech honor from other people doing the job for them, and arenas you can totally forget without BG gear.
theres not much you can do these days to get gear except reputation and that is kinda sad...

So you ask the server to compensate your failure by giving more Items? if you keep failing on dungeons o.O maybe reading tactics about it could help, making a group of friends would help? and BG AFK'ing ya well thx the community for that

BUT all that has noting to do with more drops of bosses.

So again My vote is NO

And there are ways to get gear go RAID cause if I'm not mistaken Dungeons are supposed to be your way to get to raids.

See ya

If you never fail, you're not trying hard enough!

Exodus Realm Alliance Guild: Ejusdem Generis
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-01-2012, 16:34:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

What you guys are failing to realize is that these rates are less than retail!
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-01-2012, 21:39:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

well, i do not agree with increasing drop rates and such because you are absolutely right ezeky but, there is always a but, it is not about being lazy but i, for one, do not have a internet connection at home and only play at net cafe and believe me, i would play more but school is getting its push on me and the result is less wow and a helluva study, in a way if i were to play at home i would serious neglect other things and furthermore, i replyed to raxxar and his lack of thinking! Nevertheless, i DO NOT agree with increasing drop rates as it would be to easy as is very easy right now but that cataclysm is all about welfare to the masses! Long gone are the times when there was so much joy in downing tbc bosses and that sense of accomplishment that today it is utterly gone! Sorry for typo and bad english, nice priest you got there ezeky!
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-01-2012, 21:53:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

again these rates are lower than retail all i want is for them to do is make dungeons drop one more item and raids to drop atleast 4.
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[The Conquistador]

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Post Posted: 30-01-2012, 13:58:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hmmm. i think that just one more item on loot would be great, but nothing more than that

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-02-2012, 19:15:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First and foremost I am not taking any side in this matter, BUT I have done my fair share of dungeons and raids and the drop rates are indeed awful. I am talking about 1 item per boss and most of the times it's the same item (if anyone found any item other then the cloth healing gloves from Corborus in the Stonecore, my hat goes off to you).
Still the problem remains that most people have given up on raiding, only going into raids to farm trash, that have the same catastrophic droprate and are now focusing on PvP gear. If you put 2 and 2 together it wouldn't be that hard to figure it out that the not so frequent trash farming is the cause of the ridiculously high prices on the Auction House.
I mean there must be alot of players out there, especialy new ones that just go "poker face" when they see an epic that costs 190k gold, with the goldcap being 214748 g 36 s 47 c. That scares people, really it does.
To sum it all up, in my opinion fixing (yes FIXING, not increasing, for if you ask any retail player; it's not suppose to be this way) the droprates will help the server economy and make the server ALOT more player friendly.
WoWfreakz is a server where things get done and problems rarely occur, yet this is the only stain on such a title.

That is my opinion. For those that agree with me, thankyou. For those that don't, you have yet to see the true face of the game.

Traiasca Romania!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-02-2012, 19:40:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocksyou said:

guys seriously the dungeon drops are lower than retail! im not wanting you guys to make them like a loot pinata or anything like have 4-5 things drop off of dungeon bosses and raid bosses.
thats not close to being the loot table and i swear to god if another person who doesn't know what the hell they are talking about closes my post i'll just speak to shocker directly about this.

also how about we make a poll and see how the community actually feels about this.

i left the poll open for a week.

Also, Zaci said:

i dont know i've been in 2 dungeons so far cuz we somehow managed to make a group which is already a big miracle and then we wiped a hundret times cuz some people had no gear. BGs with horde dont work cause they are all afking (about 60-90% of every BG group is brain afk) and trying to leech honor from other people doing the job for them, and arenas you can totally forget without BG gear.
theres not much you can do these days to get gear except reputation and that is kinda sad...

Now, here is my experience:

Since i arrived on Exodus realm with my guild, we got the gear problem solved, because we were already geared up on Genesis, and we were already organized as a PvE guild.

But, i have realized that most players prefere gearing up on PvP items because it seems to be easier. I checked it many times, reading the applications of players who desire to join our guild.

Now, maybe the realm is too young (a couple of months), so it is difficult for new players (not those who transfered) to gear up using the Dungeon Finder Tool. You need to add the fact that most random groups are destined to fail. Maybe it's because they lack gear, as Zaci said, but i believe this is what happens with most random groups: players are just lacking knowledge of their classes, or bosses tactics, or they are just not persistent enough (i don't say it's always like this, just in the most cases). So yes, RDF is really nice, but players are not using it often, or not serious with it.

My guild is not much into dungeons lately, we are mostly focused on raid progression. So it's hard for me to say if it's very hard or very easy to gear up. But i understand that being alone, guildless i mean, is quite a challenge to gear up on PvE, while you can easily play alone on BG's and still win some honor points.

Anyway, it's also true, that there are ways to get PvE gear. Professions, and Reputation gear are easy to get. And farming instances is also easy (BoT more then BWD perhaps). Also grinding gold with professions to buy gear on AH is not that hard, Tol Barad gives a nice amount of gold per day, if you are willing to complete quests there. Also, Heroic Dungeons reset each day, and Shockeru has decreased the damage from mobs and bosses, both in heroic and normal mode (check the last hotfix update on the server announces).

However, i still think the players on this realm (Exodus) are too focused on PvP, not only because it's nice, but because decent PvE PUG groups are really hard to find (maybe that's just what is meant to be, idk). You see, often i check applications on my guildsite, and i'm very disappointed to read the motivation of some players who wish to join us: "because you guys are the only english PvE guild on the alliance side".

So i was thinking, it would be great to have more guilds around, doing PvE. Maybe they are there already, idk, i don't look to the world chat that much. But i think it would be nice to have more players joining RDF. My very personal opinion here, is: 2 item drops from Dungeon Bosses, instead of 1 could make a big difference, and attract more players into dungeons. Please take in consideration, my view is totally neutral, all my characters are already geared up, it's not a selfish interest. And then, it will take time, but the community will use RDF more often, and also will create bonds between players, maybe creating more groups, and perhaps guilds. (That's how i met my first guildmates years ago, then we created Ejusdem Generis, there was no RDF tool, but random group on world chat).

Ok, sorry about the wall of text, it's just my 2 cents trying to help the community to flourish.


PS: @Shocksyou and @Zaci - If you guys wanna run serious dungeons, or raids, you can whisp me in-game: Luminosa/Espectro/Runik. Cheers!

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