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Post Posted: 15-02-2012, 14:49:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rathios wrote:
Hi everyone!

I'm a member of an italian guild in your server, we was surprised to see a so well fixed cata server (we REALLY check out A LOT of server around and we can easly say that this is one of the best...or maybe the best), but there are some kind of problem related battleground in pvp, often i see opposite faction player that log in they horde/ally character and go away so horde/ally have one player less to win battleground...

Well, this is the suggestion section so why don't put something that block the ip so player can't log two or more player in battleground at time?
Yeah i know there is the notification tool for away player, but this is a REAL problem, can't do a bg without two or more character logged by the opposite faction and surelly i can't stay with map opened all time for controll if someone is away, thank for your time.

Just report them as AFK and they get a Deserter debuff fro 3days I think not sure since Im' not doing BG's at all.

See ya

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Exodus Realm Alliance Guild: Ejusdem Generis
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Post Posted: 17-02-2012, 01:16:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

so the server allow multiple character at time into battleground even in opposite faction? wow, thank for the clarification... (the debuff last 15 minutes and even if i report the away player surelly this don't kick him out, more player should report him at time so that player can be kicked and you don't immage how many time i lost for tell the other to kick him out...the only way is become spammy into the bg chat and i join bg for get fun not for be spammy...and people that log 2 character at time into the same bg and in opposite faction should be BANNED, not kicked, i even caught someone that use some sort of bot that allow them to don't go away doing a step every five second)
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Post Posted: 18-02-2012, 20:58:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I have an idea that would increse popularity of server:
Can you transfer to Mists of pandaria when it comes out,or transfer to 4.3.2 or make new server whit 4.3.2
this is just my ideas if you guys answer me send me a message because i don't go on forum too much

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Post Posted: 18-02-2012, 21:14:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

myeah... your ideea is bullshit.

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Post Posted: 18-02-2012, 22:18:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Novikmet wrote:
I have an idea that would increse popularity of server:
Can you transfer to Mists of pandaria when it comes out,or transfer to 4.3.2 or make new server whit 4.3.2
this is just my ideas if you guys answer me send me a message because i don't go on forum too much

aaaaaaaaaaaaand we have a winner! The nobel prize for the worst idea of the 21st century goes tooooo (drums):



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Post Posted: 21-02-2012, 01:10:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

what about character name change with vote points?, and maybe other functions too, it may incentivate people to vote more and increase popularity. just an idea -
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Post Posted: 21-02-2012, 01:21:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Strife wrote:
what about character name change with vote points?, and maybe other functions too, it may incentivate people to vote more and increase popularity. just an idea -

I suggested that before, got rejected and imo it will nevah happen

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-02-2012, 14:51:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Architech wrote:
Strife wrote:
what about character name change with vote points?, and maybe other functions too, it may incentivate people to vote more and increase popularity. just an idea -

I suggested that before, got rejected and imo it will nevah happen

If you put everything avaleble for votepoints you won't get donation wich is more important since the community is quite large already I mean we got easy 3k logins on the evening so I think they must be arround 8-10k different accounts. Thats a good amount. You need to get to a good balance between popularity and what the server can give.

See ya

If you never fail, you're not trying hard enough!

Exodus Realm Alliance Guild: Ejusdem Generis
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Post Posted: 22-02-2012, 20:01:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well ill go ahead with a few suggestions, hope the right people read this:

1) The site needs some more love. To be hones if your a new player who never heard of how good the server really is when you first open the site you wont get the best impression. At least thats my opinion. Try to make it more eye appealing. Maybe put up a contest on the forums/website for members to make some banners, web designs, layouts ect. I bet theres a lot of web designers among this huge gaming community and a lot of them would probably want to help out to make the server improve.
To sum it up, try to make it a bit more colorful, cataclysmic so that the new player that opens it dos't close it right away judging the book by its covers.

2) Advertising - you guys want more players dont you? - Well if thats the case i think Advertising is the key, and the one the server has right now is not realy working imo. We can agree that the mouth to mouth advertising is whats getting most players to the server. Thats not bad but it can improve. Here are some suggestions:

a) Facebook - yes i said it, Facebook. A lot of gamers have buddies that are gamers, and 95% of todays youth has a facebook account. An easy way to advertise would be Facebook. But how do you get people to like something on Facebook? Well, you get them a reason to like it! A good reason would be some kind of a reward in my opinion. So how about for every for example 1k or 2k likes you get on your servers Facebook site every account gets awarded some "Invite a friend" or "Vote" points. Not much, lets say 1 or 2 friends points or 20 to 40 vote points. No harm with those, not like we can get any OP gear with them anyway for now (but ill get to that later). If the "likes" start rising fast you may change the limit on witch we get points later on. Putting a "Like us on Facebook" link in a good position on the website is a must here, since if you dont see it right away you probably wont see it ever.

b) Voting - well nothing new here is it. But a place for improvement is huge! How many of us do even vote? Not a lot i would say looking at the rank sites and then to the server population. Reasons? Could be the reward selection we get from voting but in my opinion its more of that option not being showed in our faces enough! Whats my suggestion for this? Well make a nice box on the website that keeps reminding you to vote for the server, with some icons or some banners, maybe the vote site links right off the bad there. And be sure to connect it to "account login" option so the voting is legit.
Other suggestion for voting would be making a Vote program. This can easily be done in Java imo and its not a cheat or anything. It dos the voting legit, you get the points, and all that in one click of a button. Since it can be done in Java it can be uploaded on the Website to use it straight from it, and would just make it "1 click of a button" job. Making it more easy would for sure get you more votes.

c) Google tags - simple enough, add some more google tags to the website to make it appear more often for ppl that look for "Best private wow cata server, Working Cata server.." ect.

3) Vote shop
- this needs to be worked on a lot. Either adding more items you could vote for (vanity pets, tabards, mounts) or useful armor you could use (dont have to be epic gear, up to ilvl 346 would't ruin the game, and they don't have to be cheep, maybe a week worth of voting for 1 items scale). There is people that are grateful for getting to play for free on a working private server that vote just coz of that, but a lot of ppl just want something that can benefit them. And adding a bigger vote shop would probably get more of the second kind of people to vote and thus attract more people to the server.
Adding some fancy features to it like name change, faction change, recustomization, realm transfers to less populated realms ect. is some of the suggestions as well.

4) Realm/Faction selection - we can notice that usually Genesis has most people online all the time, even has a queue sometimes, and the other 2 realms aint getting that much love. Adding a simple "We recommend playing on Exodus / Evolution for more enjoyable connection" or something like that to the new account creation window could get more people to go for those realms instead of the most populated Genesis.
The same thing stands for Factions. I think a lot of people that play on Exodus notice the lack of Hordes in battleground queues. Adding a "We recommend rolling horde for faster queues and RDF groups" to the character creation or account creation window might work as well. In case the Factions standings change in future it can be removed or changed to suggest rolling Alliance.
A bit harsher method would be disabling of creation characters of more populated faction for fresh accounts but that would be a bit to harsh.
If possible adding a box with alliance/horde online display somewhere on the site (left/right corner) would be a nice addition to the site as well.

That would be it for now, i do have a lot of other ideas and i will post them soon for sure, when i figure out how to present them. I hope this gets to the right people once again and that they are not gona go tl;dr on it.

Good hunting, Mofu of <Crysis>

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Post Posted: 23-02-2012, 20:42:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thanks Mofuu for those great suggestions.
"1) The site needs some more love" - True, I already asked someone to make a new layout, it's almost complete, I will put a demo somewhere and ask people to vote how much they like it

"2) Advertising":
"a) Facebook" - Great idea, will do this, but after I change the vote shop

"Vote Shop": I will remake the vote shop from scratch with much more stuffs to get

"4) Realm/Faction selection" - I will never disable creation of characters for one faction but I may add a faction balance status somewhere on the site. I also added a realm suggestion on the register page (Evolution for ro players, Exodus for non-ro players)

WOW FREAKZ @ Facebook
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[The Conquistador]

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Post Posted: 23-02-2012, 22:28:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

God, I can hardly wait to see the new layout of the forum -. Just want to pass these weeks quicker to see some major changes on this forum. Is good like this, but is kind old, so a major change is welcome. Wow, I can hardly wait...

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"May the Legend of HUGE live forever and may the heroes of HUGE be hailed as champions of the Freakz Server."
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Post Posted: 23-02-2012, 22:35:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

btw,atm its a very very good moment to start implementing some improvements in advertising.molten wow haz finally launched cata realms,and these horrible realms are complete bullshit compared to freakz.people are getting dissapointed on molten .problem is that moltenwow's players and a lot of playersjust don't know about freakz.mainly its all about lacking xtreme top 100 page

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Post Posted: 24-02-2012, 00:23:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
Thanks Mofuu for those great suggestions.
"1) The site needs some more love" - True, I already asked someone to make a new layout, it's almost complete, I will put a demo somewhere and ask people to vote how much they like it

"2) Advertising":
"a) Facebook" - Great idea, will do this, but after I change the vote shop

"Vote Shop": I will remake the vote shop from scratch with much more stuffs to get

"4) Realm/Faction selection" - I will never disable creation of characters for one faction but I may add a faction balance status somewhere on the site. I also added a realm suggestion on the register page (Evolution for ro players, Exodus for non-ro players)

Shocker, you need to remake prices in VoteShop. Voting 10 days just for 1 tabard? Srsly? I got 5 alts, and i'll need almost two months just to get tabards on them and what about mounts after that? -

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Post Posted: 24-02-2012, 00:36:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hetealx wrote:
God, I can hardly wait to see the new layout of the forum -. Just want to pass these weeks quicker to see some major changes on this forum. Is good like this, but is kind old, so a major change is welcome. Wow, I can hardly wait...

new layout for site, aka, not for forum.

Setemotion - Goin Hard***
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[The Conquistador]

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Post Posted: 24-02-2012, 00:48:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ohh, yea...but is good for the site also. But I was thinking at a new interface for the forum too....

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"May the Legend of HUGE live forever and may the heroes of HUGE be hailed as champions of the Freakz Server."
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