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Post Posted: 21-05-2012, 23:19:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

clar..o sami blestem zilele cu meseria asta -
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[SS Obergruppenführer]

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Post Posted: 22-05-2012, 10:49:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Vreau sa donez pentru Arch., pentru ca timpul nu-mi permite sa cresc meseria ca un om normal -
Insa, as vrea sa stiu cum functioneaza dupa ce ating skill maxim prin donatie. Am o lista cu toate itemele care se pot crafta si in functie de ce fragmente si tablite am, pot sa-mi aleg ce anume sa craftez?

Multumesc anticipat,


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Post Posted: 22-05-2012, 13:10:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

shadoows wrote:
clar..o sami blestem zilele cu meseria asta -
aici se raporteaza bugurile nu zici tu ca o sa te blestemi sau alt ceva.

Posturi unite automat, 22-05-2012, 14:10:02

Heydrich wrote:

Vreau sa donez pentru Arch., pentru ca timpul nu-mi permite sa cresc meseria ca un om normal -
Insa, as vrea sa stiu cum functioneaza dupa ce ating skill maxim prin donatie. Am o lista cu toate itemele care se pot crafta si in functie de ce fragmente si tablite am, pot sa-mi aleg ce anume sa craftez?

Multumesc anticipat,

Aici se raporteaza bugurile. Oricum ca raspuns pentru intrebarea archaeology trebuie sa tot faci iteme pana iti da sa dai solve la itemul dorit nu iti alegi tu ce iteme vrei sa faci.

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[Faraon intergalactic]

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Post Posted: 22-05-2012, 15:06:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

digsite-urile de la tol'vir (uldum) se spawneaza exagerat de greu, abia dupa aproape 2 ore de facut restul digsite-urilor din kalimdor mi-a aparut si unul si de la tol'vir, si am max skill la profesie. cele de la night elf apar prea mult si des in kalimdor, cel putin cand faci skill capped 525 digsites gen tol'vir care cer skill mai mult cred ar trebui sa iti apara mai des si ele.

si inca ceva, chestia nedescoperita de jos e un alt research sau un bug vizual? nu mi-a dat unlock la ea nici la max skill.

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Post Posted: 22-05-2012, 15:11:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

skyreaker24 wrote:
digsite-urile de la tol'vir (uldum) se spawneaza exagerat de greu, abia dupa aproape 2 ore de facut restul digsite-urilor din kalimdor mi-a aparut si unul si de la tol'vir, si am max skill la profesie. cele de la night elf apar prea mult si des in kalimdor, cel putin cand faci skill capped 525 digsites gen tol'vir care cer skill mai mult cred ar trebui sa iti apara mai des si ele.

si inca ceva, chestia nedescoperita de jos e un alt research sau un bug vizual? nu mi-a dat unlock la ea nici la max skill.

E pastrata pt next patch chestia aia nedescoperita si in legatura cu dig sites din tol'vir si eu patesc la facut zeci de sites de tolvir f putine, dupa ce ca si canopic jaru, poate sunt eu mai ghinionist dar in fine, pica destul de extra mega dig sites alea sunt rare..

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[SS Obergruppenführer]

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Post Posted: 22-05-2012, 15:57:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Heydrich wrote:
Aici se raporteaza bugurile. Oricum ca raspuns pentru intrebarea archaeology trebuie sa tot faci iteme pana iti da sa dai solve la itemul dorit nu iti alegi tu ce iteme vrei sa faci.

Trebuie sa tot faci iteme daca te apuci sa-ti cresti singur skillu'. Eu am intrebat ce se intampla in conditiile in care donez pentru skill maxim. Adica, am doar skill 525, insa oricum trebuie sa farmez fragmentele si sa iau itemele la rand? Sau am o lista cu toate itemele pe care le pot crafta la skillu' respectiv si eu imi aleg ce anume sa fac?

De exemplu, daca donezi pentru 525 Tailoring, primesti skill maxim. Apoi te apuci sa faci rost/cumperi "retete" (de la trainer, de la Quartermasterii de rep., din drop de retete epice). In cele din urma, ai toate "retetele" grupate, si in functie de ce mats ai, alegi ce sa faci.

Asta vreau eu sa stiu daca se aplica si la Arch.



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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-05-2012, 16:10:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Heydrich wrote:
Heydrich wrote:
Aici se raporteaza bugurile. Oricum ca raspuns pentru intrebarea archaeology trebuie sa tot faci iteme pana iti da sa dai solve la itemul dorit nu iti alegi tu ce iteme vrei sa faci.

Trebuie sa tot faci iteme daca te apuci sa-ti cresti singur skillu'. Eu am intrebat ce se intampla in conditiile in care donez pentru skill maxim. Adica, am doar skill 525, insa oricum trebuie sa farmez fragmentele si sa iau itemele la rand? Sau am o lista cu toate itemele pe care le pot crafta la skillu' respectiv si eu imi aleg ce anume sa fac?

De exemplu, daca donezi pentru 525 Tailoring, primesti skill maxim. Apoi te apuci sa faci rost/cumperi "retete" (de la trainer, de la Quartermasterii de rep., din drop de retete epice). In cele din urma, ai toate "retetele" grupate, si in functie de ce mats ai, alegi ce sa faci.

Asta vreau eu sa stiu daca se aplica si la Arch.



cum ti s-a raspuns si mai sus, nu ai o lista de recipe pe care poti sa le completezi daca ai materialele ci pentru fiecare rasa ai un item activ la un moment dat, dupa ce il completezi pe ala iti apare un item nou de completat, itemele care trebuiesc completate apar random, adica la intamplare, nu poti as sti ce item iti da uramtorul sa il completezi si nu poti avea decat 1 item pe rand la fiecare rasa.
deci trebuie sa tot faci iteme care iti apar random pana dai de ala care te intereseaza.

Posturi unite automat, 22-05-2012, 17:10:56

Pufarinaa wrote:
traienel wrote:
tabletele care le pui in soketele alea gen ai 130/150 nu merg la toti mie unu nu mi merg ... arata ca pot da solve dar apas dgb pe buton

E din cauza adonului Archy. Dezactiveaza-l si o sa iti functioneze cum trebuie.
Sau gaseste Archy pentru 4.0.6.

ms! am gasit un archy pt vers 4.0 si merge acuma

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Post Posted: 22-05-2012, 19:30:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Suffer wrote:
skyreaker24 wrote:
digsite-urile de la tol'vir (uldum) se spawneaza exagerat de greu, abia dupa aproape 2 ore de facut restul digsite-urilor din kalimdor mi-a aparut si unul si de la tol'vir, si am max skill la profesie. cele de la night elf apar prea mult si des in kalimdor, cel putin cand faci skill capped 525 digsites gen tol'vir care cer skill mai mult cred ar trebui sa iti apara mai des si ele.

si inca ceva, chestia nedescoperita de jos e un alt research sau un bug vizual? nu mi-a dat unlock la ea nici la max skill.

E pastrata pt next patch chestia aia nedescoperita si in legatura cu dig sites din tol'vir si eu patesc la facut zeci de sites de tolvir f putine, dupa ce ca si canopic jaru, poate sunt eu mai ghinionist dar in fine, pica destul de extra mega dig sites alea sunt rare..
Si eu farmez de 7 zile reteta pt vial of sands si pana acum am facut doar 6 canopic jar si primesc putine tol'vir digsite dar night elf primesc in continu.

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Post Posted: 22-05-2012, 21:34:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sa se mareasca drop la canopic jar si la reteta de mount
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[Faraon intergalactic]

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 22-05-2012, 21:41:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

defapt digsite-urile de la tol'vir sunt problema ca iti apar extrem de rar. de la 450 skill sau cat e required pt tol'vir ar trebui sa iti apara mai des digsite-urile de la ei.

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Post Posted: 22-05-2012, 21:54:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zoopey wrote:
Sa se mareasca drop la canopic jar si la reteta de mount

Ar fi mai bine sa se mareasca sansa la Tol'vir digsites...

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Post Posted: 22-05-2012, 22:49:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Am si eu o problema...pana la lvl 300 mi-a cazut un singur kesytone...? sa fiu io buguit sau doar foarte ghinionist?


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Post Posted: 23-05-2012, 00:29:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hey there. I don't speak romanian so I have no idea if someone has posted this issue before or not.
If someone did, I'm sorry for the spam but it would be awesome if someone would explain about this in English.

Ok, so here's my problem.

I started lvling archeology 5 days ago, and I got to 525 without any problems. There are a few digsites that are a little harder to reach, but nothing is really a problem.

The reason I've been farming is the Tol'vir mount. More specifically

I've gotten 4 rare items from the Tol'vir. Usually, I had to make 6-10 common items before a rare item popped up as the next solve project.
Since I finished the last rare item, I've gotten over 90 common items in a row. I know that I'm unlucky because if I had any luck whatsoever I would have gotten the item I needed like 3 days ago. I looked up how archeology works in this regard on retail, and I've read that depending on the person's luck, it takes 5-15 common items in a row to get the next rare item. At this point, I'm starting to think this isn't about luck anymore.

I have also noticed that I haven't gotten a rare Night Elf archeology item in a very long time as well. On retail, people keep getting rare items until they have gotten all from a certain race. There are 2 items I haven't gotten from the Night Elves and I've solved well over 100 night elf rare items in a row since I got my last rare item.

Because this has happened to me with 2 separate races, most notably the Tol'vir (the race that has the item I've been farming for) I think that there is some sort of bug. I understand not being lucky.. I understand making 15.. even 25 common items without getting a rare. But 90?

Any info would be more than appreciated.
TY for your time and I hope I didn't cause any problems by posting in English on this topic, but this was the offical bug report topic that is linked on the main website.

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Post Posted: 23-05-2012, 09:06:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sinhunter wrote:
Hey there. I don't speak romanian so I have no idea if someone has posted this issue before or not.
If someone did, I'm sorry for the spam but it would be awesome if someone would explain about this in English.

Ok, so here's my problem.

I started lvling archeology 5 days ago, and I got to 525 without any problems. There are a few digsites that are a little harder to reach, but nothing is really a problem.

The reason I've been farming is the Tol'vir mount. More specifically

I've gotten 4 rare items from the Tol'vir. Usually, I had to make 6-10 common items before a rare item popped up as the next solve project.
Since I finished the last rare item, I've gotten over 90 common items in a row. I know that I'm unlucky because if I had any luck whatsoever I would have gotten the item I needed like 3 days ago. I looked up how archeology works in this regard on retail, and I've read that depending on the person's luck, it takes 5-15 common items in a row to get the next rare item. At this point, I'm starting to think this isn't about luck anymore.

I have also noticed that I haven't gotten a rare Night Elf archeology item in a very long time as well. On retail, people keep getting rare items until they have gotten all from a certain race. There are 2 items I haven't gotten from the Night Elves and I've solved well over 100 night elf rare items in a row since I got my last rare item.

Because this has happened to me with 2 separate races, most notably the Tol'vir (the race that has the item I've been farming for) I think that there is some sort of bug. I understand not being lucky.. I understand making 15.. even 25 common items without getting a rare. But 90?

Any info would be more than appreciated.
TY for your time and I hope I didn't cause any problems by posting in English on this topic, but this was the offical bug report topic that is linked on the main website.

you shoud know something first.
random generator is a big pain in the ___
I got the mount on my main char from the 2-nd try it depends on your luck
I have a similar problem i'm trying to farm the recipe from tolvir for sandstone drake and it just won't drop in stead i got prety much all the rare items from tolvir on my alchemy char and (including the mount you specified) and didn't even want them.
The drop rate for tolvir digsites is too low i don't know why they don't raise the chance.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-05-2012, 09:41:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

That's another thing that I've noticed. The posts I've been reading on websites that contain retail info (like wowhead) mention the fact that after getting all the rares from a certain race, the spawn of digsites for that race gets extremely low. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be after you get all the rares, or at least 1 from every single item on the droplist (for achievement purposes I guess).

I'm sure I've gotten every single fossil and troll item many times by now. Shouldn't I stop getting those digsites? I could be extremely unlucky when it comes to getting the rare item I need from the Tol'Vir, but not getting troll and fossil digsites would really help me.

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