
PvP hunters

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-05-2012, 19:31:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I am new to cata, and I was wondering how do hunters look in terms of PvP?

I played BM hunter pvp on WOTLK and was wondering how they are on cata? I know the pets are reli awesome on cata.

The main things I would like to know are:
How are PvP hunters in general on cata?

Are BM hunters bugged on this server?

Which race (alliance) would be best for PvP bm hunter? (I was thinking either worgen for their sprint or dreanei for their heal combined with spirit beast heal)

ty -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-05-2012, 12:03:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If you wonder how they are for pvp check youtube search wow hunter pvp.
If you want to know how to skill your hunter for pvp goto
Then select your huntar tab and it shows you what u need to do.

Good Luck,

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-05-2012, 13:13:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

GrandMerlin wrote:
If you wonder how they are for pvp check youtube search wow hunter pvp.
If you want to know how to skill your hunter for pvp goto
Then select your huntar tab and it shows you what u need to do.

Good Luck,

That is for 4.3+ patch.

This is 4.0.6 you wont find many (or any ?) guides for this patch that are good. I suggest you to watch the worlds best hunter on youtube (Braindeadly) and learn from him.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-05-2012, 20:46:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

GrandMerlin wrote:
If you wonder how they are for pvp check youtube search wow hunter pvp.
If you want to know how to skill your hunter for pvp goto
Then select your huntar tab and it shows you what u need to do.

Good Luck,
MaxDPS is a really bad site.
Reaaaaalllly bad.

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Post Posted: 03-06-2012, 01:38:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

skillcap wrote:
I am new to cata, and I was wondering how do hunters look in terms of PvP?

I played BM hunter pvp on WOTLK and was wondering how they are on cata? I know the pets are reli awesome on cata.

The main things I would like to know are:
How are PvP hunters in general on cata?

Are BM hunters bugged on this server?

Which race (alliance) would be best for PvP bm hunter? (I was thinking either worgen for their sprint or dreanei for their heal combined with spirit beast heal)

ty -

MM > Survival > Beast Mastery

Beast mastery seems to work fine in PvP, master's call makes big numbers.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2012, 23:31:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


MM > Survival > Beast Mastery

Beast mastery seems to work fine in PvP, master's call makes big numbers.

I'm sorry, but I have to correct you. First of: The spell with the big numbers is Kill Command. Master's Call makes you immune against snare, root, slow etc. Second: Survival is not usable for PvP. It may have some useful skills, but overall, the defensive and the offensive skills are far to weak for pvp or rather useless. The only spell, you get only as Survival, which is useful for PvP, is Wyvern Sting. A Spell with 60 Seconds CD and sleeping the target for 10 seconds, dealing 3k damage after it's done. The stun breaks at any damage, just like Ice Trap or Scatter Shot.

Lets see, what the other specs have:

Bestial Wrath - The Beast Within. Normally, this is a second insignia. Too bad, it doesn't work on this server like one. You may use it in a stun, but the stun remains, unlikely on the liveservers, where every stun, snare, root or slow is abondend. Then we have Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera, which reduces the CD of Disengage and Deterrence when you get hit. It is pretty hard how often you can jump with Disengage, using this and the glyph of Disengage. Also, with the ability to tame exotic beasts, you can tame ghostbeasts, which can heal you up. May not sound hard, but since you are pretty mobile, you should get hit very rare.

Long story short: Want to play a spec with Petcontrol, Kiting and a lot of Defense, use BM for PvP. The only bad thing about this spec: You can only burst while Bestial Wrath.

Never really used this spec in PvP, because it is very offensive and you have to play with mates. You can't deal THE damage while running away and, in my opinion, kiting is a lot more difficult with this spec. It is not a good 1v1 spec, especially not against BM. Why? The focus on winning as a MM is surviving through kiting, keeping the enemy out of the meleerange. But the BM is way more flexible than the MM. So you can easily jump on the MM, smash him in the face, while your pet kills him. He can't run away, since you can use Deterrence and Disengage more often. Also, the MM has merely a selfheal. But, as mentioned before, in a good team (like rShamy, ArmsWarri and MMHunter, also known as KFC - Kung Fu Cleave), he can be the beast which shots everything into the nirvana.

So far~

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-06-2012, 09:37:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

about moving and shooting with MM, just aspect of the fox , and learn to strafe: is pretty easy to shot and move almost behind you if you staf away from the enemy at an angle

MM shines on ccs tho , you can use mouseover/macro binds to:

dps a enemy and w/o changing target scatter/ freeze trap a healer , silence shot them USE READINESS, then scatter/trap them again and finish with a silence shot again, if you get skipe/ventrilo and you can coordinate focus/mousever with your partner you can avoid a lot of a healer's hard casts.

about kitting... any hunter can keep a snare about 75-90% og the time in any target (thanks to conc shot having no cost and 100% uptime)..if you want extreme snares you can always use a cocrolisk and have someone snared 100% of the time.

i really like MM in pvp , readiness is awesome and posthaste is really nice too

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-06-2012, 13:22:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Of course you can kite pretty wardrobe good as a MM, I compared between the MM and the BM, where the BM has the higher mobility. That is by the way the reason, why most of the frostmages can win against a MM, but will lose brutally against a BM.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-06-2012, 18:19:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i'll answer each question.

hunters are pretty good in pvp in cata. i never played bm myself yet in pvp but i've heard it's pretty good. marksman is what i play and i really like it.

every class has some bugs, ur best bet is to figure out which cata talents/spells for bm hunter are most important and then find out if they're bugged.

all the races have some positives.

human - most damage. there are now 2 pvp trinkets with damage and resil, so u don't lose resil being human now as compared to wotlk

dwarf, druid bleeds are freaking crazy, being able to remove a 5cp rip can completely destroy any pressure they want to put on you. they also reduce all damage by 10% [im pretty sure this part existed on this patch], and the removal of disease/poison.

nightelf, shadowmeld, i can never stress this enough, is soooooooooooo awesome. anyone who says otherwise is retarded, end of story. use ur imagination, so much potential in this spell.

draenei, my friend is a draenei, and she's a bm hunter. but i don't particularly have much to say other then draenei females, have really nice asses.

worgen, the sprint does sound nice in theory, but i wouldnt base my decision on it to be honest. the only reason i would consider worgen is because they're the highest dps race of ally thx to the 1% crit. so if u plan on raiding and such too, then this would be a good option to choose.

all in all, i went with human. if u don't wanna be human, i'd probably go with nelf. oh , and to the best of my knowledge, the premier starting pokemon for the bm hunter is the shale spider.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-06-2012, 20:16:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

rasdwatrium wrote:
Of course you can kite pretty good as a MM, I compared between the MM and the BM, where the BM has the higher mobility. That is by the way the reason, why most of the frostmages can win against a MM, but will lose brutally against a BM.

is the pet itself that does the damage, several times i just LoS the hunter and burst the pet , w/o pet a BM cant do much (kill command had crited on my mage for uop to 20k crits , and my hunter have done up to 40k kill commands in bgs)

last duel i had versus a BM was kin da fun , polied hunter and pet followed me behind a tree , only the pet attacked me.. and it killed me (the hunter never got out of snares so he couldnt attack me behind the tree .. the pet went THRU the tree and was hitting me while

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-06-2012, 20:48:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

about the race.. yeh worgen is kinda lackluster (the sprint) with all the snares a hunter got you really wouldnt use it much

and the dranei heal (+hit) is nice , but not that useful either: you get the spirit pet heal , got a lower cd

if it were for pve i would have gone human

i went Nelf for pvp:
-1 more way to interrupt spells/skills on me
-1 more way to get out of combat
-nice to set up ambushes for base defense (dismiss pets beforehand tho)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-08-2012, 14:02:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Inanis wrote:
about the race.. yeh worgen is kinda lackluster (the sprint) with all the snares a hunter got you really wouldnt use it much

and the dranei heal (+hit) is nice , but not that useful either: you get the spirit pet heal , got a lower cd

if it were for pve i would have gone human

i went Nelf for pvp:
-1 more way to interrupt spells/skills on me
-1 more way to get out of combat
-nice to set up ambushes for base defense (dismiss pets beforehand tho)

Actuay for pve a worgen would be better, for the increased crit racial -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-08-2012, 20:58:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ah yeah , is like 10% more crit rating?
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