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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-06-2012, 03:01:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please read before applying!


If you're reading this you are probably about to apply to join Crysis. Before you do that, take a few minutes and read trough this post.
Crysis is a casual PvE oriented guild, located on Exodus realm. The guild however started on a different server, where it was indubitably the best raiding guild, claiming most of the server first WotLK kills. That being said, our goal on WoWFreakz is to continue the quality gaming while maintaining a highly sociable and diverse community.
But before all, we are a gaming community of friends who enjoy playing more than just WoW, we enjoy playing as a group on other games as well. So if you're tired of ninja looting raid leaders, 5 hour Halfus kills or are just looking for a friendly oasis then look no further than


At the moment, Crysis runs two separate 25-man raids that are scheduled and a number of 10-man raids trough the rest of the week.
Crysis raids for a MAXIMUM of TWO HOURS. Should we ever exceed our allotted time members allowed to leave with no penalty and no excuses needed. We feel anything over two hours greatly demoralizes the raid to a point where our members are no longer having fun.
Guild has two raid times, convenient for European part of the guild and the American part of the guild.
EU raid time – 00:00 server time
US raid time – 05:00 server time
If you think you can’t make those times and stay 2 hours after then maybe you should reconsider applying to Crysis and look for a guild that has more suitable raiding time for you.


Loot is distributed through a free roll system. Only one loot per boss, unless none else needs the item. Certain items are also handled under loot council depending on the impact of the upgrade on certain individuals relative to others, again these are uncommon and situational.
Loot priority goes to mains before alts, mainspec over offspec. If you’re a type of a player that likes to make a lot of alts we do have an Alt 2.0 rank. Alt 2.0s are basically "good alts", alts that can perform up to the standards of a main. This means that a member should be able to play their alts just as well as their mains. Essentially, Alt 2.0s will be treated as a main character when rolling for gear. Each member may only have 1x Alt 2.0 for the time being.
Loot drama is not an option. Don't like the outcome? Tough cookies. Those that cry are handled with swiftly. Loot whoring will not be tolerated!


Crysis does NOT recruit based on ilvl. For god sake don't put this in your application. If anything putting in your ilvl just tells me you don't give a rats *** about this guild and didn't bother to read. There are other ways you can show us your gear; be creative.
Some basic requirements are, but not limited to:
• Being knowledgeable on the class that you apply with
• Basic knowledge of English
• Having a sense of humor
• Having the will to improve
• Being a good listener
• Having ventrilo, this is non-negotiable
• Having GEM3 (raid calender addon) -
• Not being a douchebag (to guildies)
• Knowing all BWD and BoT 25 boss fights


Finally the good part! Currently we have a lot of members, and are done with recruiting people based on their gear. What we want to see in our ranks is diversity. So make your application stand out, show us your personality trough it the best you can, be exceptional, stand out amongst all the others and you just might make the cut! Make your application interesting to read, colorful and not dull and standard uniform about your gear, how much you played WoW and “im a funny guy” story that we read so many times. STAND OUT! If you really want to join the guild taking 20 minutes to write a decent application should not be a problem for you.

Example of a bad application:

“Hello my name is jack .
i live in serbia , i have 20 years old and i playing wow since 6 years ago.
the only reason that i want to join crysis is skilled members of it .i read all of your rules and i have all of them or "i think so"... . but i know all tactics of icc And have a good brain at pve runs.
i have more skill than my pve on my pvp that i have all of the achivments of arena .
MY character : Name:Alpala / Class : paladin / Spec: main : holy ofspec: retry / protection.
Professions:Jewlcrafting , Blacksmiting (450 both).
Hope you guys accept me in your guild.”

(yes that was a real submitted application..guess who did’t make the cut. That’s right, Jack did’t!)

Examples of a good applications:

Here are some more examples of exceptional applications that got their authors into <Crysis>, be sure to check them because they are a lot better and complete then the bottom one!

Heres an example of an interesting app, but which lacks a bit of editing and more information about the applicant:

“So this morning after getting done with my workout of benching pressin' 500 pounds for a thousand reps 'cuz i have the body of a Super Saiyan 4, i decided to hop onto WoW.
I immediately got a hard-on by looking at my 7k GS as i get ready for my daily 10 hour routine. I call up my favorite ***** Mely to meet up at our usual place in Elwynn Forest for some fun. Mely is one hot *** mage. She agrees.

So i hopped on my Winterspring Frostsaber (this is a very fast mount) and whipped him into 10,000 RPM and hopped onto the nearest path towards Elwynn Forest. We come to a screeching halt at one of our usual spots of secluded trees. Mely immediately jumps on top of me and orgasms just from the smell of my manliness. So be it. I knew she wanted me because we haven't cyber'd in over a week and she wouldnt be able to handle the size of my 24" e-peen without some warming up. So i let my Winterspring Frostsaber have at her. It didnt take long until she was wet enough to handle me.

Fastforward 9 hours and 10,000 orgasms later, as i was getting to climax Mely holds me close and whispers into my ear "Please apply for Crysis". I said i'll think about it as i blew my load so hard that it devastated all of Azeroth and brought about Cataclysm. It was comparable to a nuclear missle and had the same effect.

After i was finished, i put down a Jeeves to clean up Mely as there was a ton of goo everywhere and i can't be bothered to be cleaning up after myself. I then got a call from one of my favorite priests who said she wanted my 24" e-peen. She is hot as hell and i couldn't say no, so i hopped onto my Wooly Mammoth and galloped into the sunset.”

You see the difference between the two? I sure hope so, because we want to see less of first and more of second. The second one was't even a specially good one, it was just the best one i could dig up. It can be even longer, thats even encouraged, the longer the better (thats what she said). Try not to copy the above form, as I said, be creative, be yourself and impress us in your own way.
The above is not at all a format we demand, its just an example. Your application may have any format you want, but
please try to use formating, punctuation marks (No! please don't stop! - No! Please don't! Stop!) and blank rows to make it more readable. It can be a story about you, about your gaming experience, something interesting, made up, what long as it gets our attention and makes us think "Hey, that guy stands out amongst many, his interesting and might be fun to play alongside with, lets give him a shoot!". Applications aren't limited to textual ones. Video applications or anything else you think might impress us is allowed. In short words MAKE IT YOUR OWN! The ones that manage to do so will be given a short Ventrilo interview with one of the Officers to seal the deal.

Applications will be evaluated by Officers and a response will be given as soon as possible. The Officers character names for contact are listed below.

Guild Master - Mely
Mofu Switch
Archdevil Amayah Arkkan Grandpa Nuntis Sumi

More Info:

Our Youtube channel:
There you can view our raid videos and general guild shenanigans.

Our Guild website:
As a member you can join in even more shenanigans and view detailed guides on various aspects of the game created by knowledgeable members of the guild. DO NOT apply to the guild website unless we have invited you in the guild already.

Last edited by Mofuu on 04-07-2012, 15:46:06; edited 5 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2012, 01:16:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello, I would like to start things off by saying you should'nt have invited that kid that can only bench press 500 pountds 1000 times unless he is your secretary. I'm not very impressed by those numbers and i hope that you arent either. Now that I've gotten that out of the way I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Alex and i have been fighting off the probability of getting STDs with WoW for 6 years. I am usually a very friendly person and I put out on the first date. I am a content slut, I enjoy PvP, PvE, old content, events, pointless tasks, and large scale group sex . I have been a PvP oriented player since 3.0, however before that i was a PvE junkie that raided for hours upon hours with only bathroom and fapping breaks (sometimes at the same time to limit the ammount of time i spent away from WoW). But now things have changed in my life, I'm engaged and i work a full time job so I cannot raid 6 to 8 hours a day or terrorize guid members on vent because my fiance would probably throw the remote at me if she heard me scream "MOAR DOTS MOAR DOTS" at my laptop. What i can provide is entertainment, a back up tank for members' alts or new members, to help gear up for more high end content I live in Philly so I can get enemies of the guild "whacked" or if you get me drunk enough I might just whack guild members, I am a very social person and I have a fairly level head but I am immature to the point of divine stupidity, yet i very rarely offend people that arent whiney little pussies.. It's an artform like having buttsex on a rollercoaster (which is on my bucket list if anybody would like to volunteer). I have been on this server since it was only genesis and evolution with my warrior which can dish out more damage than chris brown with its fury spec or take a hit harder than rhianna with its protection spec. I also have a sub rogue with very little gear a hunter with mostly pve gear and a blood dk, all of these characters I plan on gearing by myself or with a few friends. I am not looking for free loot. like the subject says im just an e-peen looking for a warm friendly and social hole . So if you are looking for a veteran player that acts like a kid with the mindset of the old creepy guy that lives down the street I'm your guy...or your girl if you pay me enough money. Also if you are impressed by the person with the 24 inch e-peen that can bench press 500 pounds I will blow you away when I bench press 600 pounds WITH my 25 inch e-peen daily just to keep the guild chat alive. Hope you enjoyed my application if not *** you im going home.

Rendition lvl 85 nab fury warrior
Horror lvl 85 super nab blood dk
loosecannon lvl 85 pve mm hunter
whysocereal lvl 85 facerolling retardin
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2012, 09:42:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@ Shockandroll - look for an Officer ingame by doing /who g-crysis, for a short Ventrilo interview, mention that your application was approved by Mofu on the forums.
Back ur self up with some info about the current boss fights and get your microphone ready -
Some of the officers are Mofu, Switch, Archdevil, Tidus, Mely...if non of em are online, ask one of the members to direct you to one, in case they'r on an alt. You will be given Ventrilo info by the officer.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2012, 20:04:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal information

Hey there guys and first of all, thanks for giving me the oportunity to join the guild. I am a 19 years old guy who spends half of the day at the gym and half of the day and most of the night, playing DEM GAIMZ. I have been into gym working out for more than a year now and got pretty decent results out of it. Now I got into modeling and I hope to have a great career in that too, you never know. Also I have been into gaming since I was 5 or 6 when I get my first PC!
Right now I live in Barcelona but I am originally from Romania.

One of my favourite hobby is making videos for youtube on my channel which has recently passed 3000 subscribers! Grats to me I guess. It would be a nice idea to make some videos with the guild while we raid or do anything we would want to do anyway. The name on youtube is MrSlimLite.

The whole WoW experience

I have been playing WoW now since the end of vanilla arround 6 years now? Yeah, my whole life wasted I know... But it has been mostly a nice experience. I have started playing a hunter in TBC then started a shaman and after that turned into a paladin. I mostly enjoyed my shaman and when wotlk came I leveled him up and never played the other classes again untill Cata. I have recently quited retail since there is nothing to do and its not worth paying for it when you have good servers like this ones. Thats all I have for my retail experience and for private servers experience, well, I have started to play on private servers seriously in wrath and playing a warrior up to 2.4k rating. Back then I loved playing warriors and I still do but I had the feel to change my class. Did all the content up to 25heroic ICC ''scripted''. After wrath ended I saw that rogues got themselfs some nice buffs and I wanted to try them out and now here I am playing my rogue named Lmaowtfcake which I enjoy a lot.

Since I played retail I have experience with all the raiding content from Cata from all the raids and the tactics are pretty simple indeed. Cleared BWD and BOT in the first month of the opening of Cata on my shaman on retail and after that I moved on to PvP hehe.

I CHOSE YOU, Crysis!

I chosed this guild because I think its the only serios but at the same time funny guild and social to be in, in this server. I was really looking for a raiding guild on this server since my gear is not great at all on this server. I mostly played on Evolution and all my gear is there since I cant move the characters from there. Well, I hope you learned something about me from this and I hope you take in consideration my entrance in this guild and I hope to hear from you soon! Again, thank you for the chance of letting me in!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2012, 22:54:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@mrslimlite - approved for an Ventrilo interview, contact an Officer ingame

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-06-2012, 05:32:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello mighty knights of crysis, this is your loyal disciple speaking, and i would like to .... cut the crap because roleplaying is hard!

Just what the hell am i doing here?

Ok, so i just got on the forums, and just couldn't help but notice your guild thread, and i just had to apply, since i am kind of new to the server and needed a guild for some good times, raiding times, and i guess some pvp fun aswell, if that's ok with y'all.

Personal Information about the person who is writing this (mememe)

First of all, i just finished those boring highschool exams, and i just tought, what a nice opportunity to get back on WoW with some friends. Unfortunatly, none of my friends play anymore, so i just had to find a new server to play in, and so hello wowfreakz. Enough talking, let's get down to some real info. My name is Flávio, i live in Portugal (actually in some island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean o.o), im 18 (yay im legal), and i love spending some time with friends, that's why i started playing, playing so basketball, and video games in general.

Character info, you know, that guy that runs around doing damage or being a meat shield.

As 99% of the population, i just had to have a worgen in a cata server, and i loved it so much i just kept him. My character is a worgen deathknight, lvl85 ofc, named Ultimuse, i mainly play as blood, at least since wotlk xp, but im also a fast learner, and can go frost to dps if you would like me to. I know you said not to post much information about the gear, but i just had to xD. My gear is mainly cata blues, wich i hope to be gettin some upgrading soon. As a profession, i have enchanting and a second one, wich im not sure if i should get skinning or alchemy(i love pots in raids ^^). Also, this is kind of my thing, but im kind of an achivement freak, so if you see me in some god forsaken place at 6 a.m., you should know im getting the silliest achivement in the list of silly achivements.

Game experience? Oh you mean that blue line under the character?...

Ok, so i've been playing this game for about 6 years, i've played in about 4 private servers, including moltenwow, been in retail aswell for about 2 years, but it just got too expensive to play, so here i am xD. i know pretty much every raid in the game, from Vannila wow to cata( still learning some mechanics in the raids). As for pvp, i just was a regular pvper in retail, where i had a 3s team with 2.3k rating, but then i just kinda gave it up and went full pve mode.

Final toughts, oh yeah, this means finale.

So after reading this kinda long thread i hope you really consider inviting me to the guild, it would be my pleasure to assist you in any way i can, and i hope that goes for me aswell ^^.

To play WoW, or not to play WoW... If that was a freakin question, i wouldn't be playing it for so long!
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2012, 13:10:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@flavioestrela - accepted for an interview, sry for waiting so long, try contacting an officer ingame

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2012, 14:13:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi , my name is Razvan ..
I live in Romania but i think this doesn't matter so .. :d i'm 20'years old now , today is my birthday - Party and i play wow since 2004 .. :d
The true reason i want to join crysis is because i think i'll fit there .. :d , i like the most pve raids , and as this is a PvE guild so , i'll be fine -
I got both type of skills , pvp and pve -_-'' ..
MY character : Name: Damnkid - DeathKnight - Frost - pvp full vicious / off spec Blood - tank gear pve . , Isildur - Priest - Disci pvp full vicious / Off spec Holy allmost full pve -_-''
Professions:Jewlcrafting 525 on Damnkid , and 145 Engineering.

Hope you'll read this application and it will be accepted so i will join soon the comunity .
Thanks .

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2012, 14:57:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Hahabitch - rejected

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-07-2012, 02:47:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi my name is Paul.
Live in Brazil, I'm 21 years old, playing WoW for 8 years.
want to join because crysis is one of the best guild on the server, well qualified.
I'm still not 100% adapted to version cataclysm. since always played on servers wotlk ,
My character: Cezani / DK / Frost
I hope I'm accepted.

Thank you!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-07-2012, 15:42:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@cezani - rejected

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[Lord of Destruction]

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Post Posted: 05-07-2012, 18:51:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

My name: Madalin
Country: Romania
Age: 20
Character name: Therev
Race/Class: Druid worgen
Spec: resto 360 / feral 357
I play 3 years TBC, 1-2 years Wotlk and approximately 1 year cataclysm -

Thx -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-07-2012, 18:59:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@synyster - rejected

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-07-2012, 07:49:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Greetings, dear Crysis!

My name is Dejan. I live on the Balkan Peninsula to my dear and darling Macedonia. Time in my zone is GMT +1. Well about my life, i am working in my own printing company but in spare time, it is quite playing wow. I am Good 4 years in these waters and i spent my time in a lot of private servers but also my experience has been gained from the official wow server. Played on Darksorrow EU and got ugly faty orc Ozzo.

About my Character on Wow-Freakz.

Well, I have a Hunter and his name is Barut (Keg). Since many classes are shown mostly attracts for me is Hunter. To be clearer I do not know much about patch 4.0.6 but still try to learn more. My profession is Engineering and Mining. Also i heard that 4.0.6 is good for improve Marksmanship I chose this build for pve and pvp. However i do not expect much more from private servers, of course some things do not work properly. I do not have yet any gear but i hope i will take fast as i can, the pvp/pve pieces,i think this would be not a problem.

In тhe day I have enough time as I said I play about 6-8 hours. I am free in the evening and sometimes all day so i am playing a wow a lot of hours but don`t call me geek i have Real Life and a girlfriend.

Why i chose you, The Crysis?

When I Heard about wow-freakz, me and my friends who long of time doin transfers from server to server started as hordes on Freakz. But lot of have stopped playing and our guild Disband, and I wanted to try as aliance. I heard that a few guilds are good there and in contact with your friend, he directed me to forum and show me how to apply. I know you are one of the most organized guild and would be honored to be part of you and play with well-organized people. I hope you will stay in that you are, and I wish you all the best though if i not be a part of your group.

Armory links:

Darksorrow EU:

Thanks and wish u all the best!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-07-2012, 17:01:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Raekwon - try contacting an Officer ingame for an interview

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