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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-02-2013, 13:44:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Recently I left Back to Rule due to the fact that I was told about their reputation. Which to my surprise ruined my reputation aswell. Left the guild as soon as I realised the issue.

I'm somewhat new to the server and I don't know much about the guilds. I do however know most of the tactics and how things work around 4.3.
Apparently people believe that my name affiliated with the "known" ninja looter as of yesterday. Deluxor I believe the name was. People said it might be becouse I made his gear? Well one thing's for sure, I will not sell any more of my leatherworking gear... gosh.. And don't get me wrong, I have no intentions to smear anyone or anything but rather I want to point out the proven fact in order to remove my ruined reputation. Something I'm willing to work for.

However, can someone fill me in on some of the top guilds around here? I'm not looking for no romanian guild since I'm not from there. I'm from Sweden if that matters. I'm not the most frequent raider but when I do it do it proper where I put raid awareness and tactics above my DPS, depending on the situation and encounter of course.

So can someone fill me in? I'd greatly apprecaite it!

Yours sincerely,

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-02-2013, 18:03:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If you want or like, but it's at horde side, there are some people that you might know from the previous server. We aren't so many but at least i won't keep any *** here that's for sure, even if i will have few people for ever there.
So i think before making an faction change, think about it.
Cheers, good luck.

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Post Posted: 18-02-2013, 00:04:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

For the moment PvE is virtually dead. Only partial ET and Firelands' trash is working, so you would have to wait a bit to start real PvE. About the old raid progress, there are a few good guilds arround here on Exodus. Back to Rule was one of the leading ones, alongside with The Cold Knights. As I heard, Back to Rule did have some "ninja" issues and I don't really know in what way they are dealing with that matter (punishing them or not), but what I do know is that The Cold Knights didn't have those problems, and even if they did, the guilty ones were punished for sure. Also, if you are looking for a friendly, a bit less PvE active guild, there is a fine guild called Forsaken Knights

That's about it for the Aliance side. Most of the other guilds are either PvP or Hungarian / Romanian -

Good luck in finding the right guild for you.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-02-2013, 01:22:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macedo931 wrote:
For the moment PvE is virtually dead. Only partial ET and Firelands' trash is working, so you would have to wait a bit to start real PvE. About the old raid progress, there are a few good guilds arround here on Exodus. Back to Rule was one of the leading ones, alongside with The Cold Knights. As I heard, Back to Rule did have some "ninja" issues and I don't really know in what way they are dealing with that matter (punishing them or not), but what I do know is that The Cold Knights didn't have those problems, and even if they did, the guilty ones were punished for sure. Also, if you are looking for a friendly, a bit less PvE active guild, there is a fine guild called Forsaken Knights

That's about it for the Aliance side. Most of the other guilds are either PvP or Hungarian / Romanian -

Good luck in finding the right guild for you.

He's right, alliance is lacking pve guilds (i don't know about horde though), there aren't a lot of choices to go. Maybe once some raid opens up guilds will come here from other servers. But still, until there is something else than rep grinds and 3 dungeon bosses you just have to choose between those two.

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Jeff the Killer

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Post Posted: 18-02-2013, 15:48:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Currently there is a Swedish guild recruiting whose name I'm sorry to say escapes my mind. You can ask on global and see if anybody knows of it.

But yeah, currently there is not much PvE progression content going on at the moment due to the fact that the bosses are friendly as they are being scripted and what not. The only thing for you to do is PvP or grind rep and buy the gear outside the instance.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-02-2013, 18:38:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Why would you want to search for a top pve guild? top 10 mostly means they take this game way too serious, just search for a normal guild where you can also have fun and enjoy this game with normal people, the scripts from 4.0.6 are long gone and atm there are no top guilds, just the ones that live in the past.Haven't played on exodus for the last 2 months but there are some friendly guilds who are also good at pve, just search for them.
Also if you're "reputation" crumbles so fast i have bad news for you my friend, you didn't really have any.Truth be told "b2r" is a pretty good guild and i see no reason to leave it, they were the top pve guild when evolution closed and switched to exodus, no idea what members are on that guild atm but they were pretty good.

Yours sincerely

Last edited by Blizzkid on 18-02-2013, 18:43:16; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-02-2013, 18:40:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

look everything depend on how much you are expecting from a PvE guild. I'll got straight to the point: there are no top PvE guilds on Exodus. With this i don't mean that there are no good players, but as far as i know no guilds killed AC on 25h (without Strenght of the Wyrnn OFC) and maybe one or two killed ODS 25h. But that was on 4.0.6. Now i don't know, but yes, pve atm is concerning only farming ET and BH to get VP / JP basically. So it's hard to find a "progress" guild atm. Just enjoy the suggestions posted here, maybe you'll find the guild fitted for you.

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Post Posted: 18-02-2013, 20:26:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sadly, I have to agree with Vinc.
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Post Posted: 18-02-2013, 20:29:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Blizzkid wrote:
1. Top 10 mostly means they take this game way too serious, just search for a normal guild where you can also have fun and enjoy this game with normal people.
2. Truth be told "b2r" is a pretty good guild and i see no reason to leave it.
Yours sincerely

1. No one from either TCK (The Cold Knights) or Forsaken Knights are taking this game seriously.
That can't be told for B2R at this moment.
2. B2R "WAS" a pretty good guild before they started inviting every living thing in Stormwind with an ilvl over 355. Now, they are still good, but filled with 'bad' members, such as ninjas, retards and kids with both ninja and retard characteristics.
Anyone who is stealing items from raids and such things IS taking this game seriously.

Berna wrote:
1. There are no top PvE guilds on Exodus.
2. No guilds killed AC on 25h (without Strenght of the Wyrnn OFC) and maybe one or two killed ODS 25h. But that was on 4.0.6.

1. True, there are no top PvE guilds on Exodus NOW, because no one can actually prove their worth in PvE in this moment, due to the lack of raids and dungeons. 4.0.6 was a different story.
2. That is true too, none of the existing guilds killed AC on 25h on the previous patch, with or w/o the buff. But speaking of the difficulty of those raids (BoT and BWD), 25 man versions are allot easier than 10 man versions (you can go afk in a 25h fight and you will still kill the boss). And there aren't that much guilds with AC 10h run with a full guild group.I'd say there are only 3 or 4 of them in the Alliance. And those are the ones I believe are the "top" PvE guilds.
Omnotron Defense System was equally challenging to do on 10h, and I'm proud to say that our guild did it (TCK) before the Strength of Wrynn (wowhead link) buff was implemented.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-02-2013, 20:54:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macedo931 wrote:

Anyone who is stealing items from raids and such things IS taking this game seriously.

- must be a miracle, im like first in the ninja list

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-02-2013, 00:50:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macedo i'm sorry but i'm not agreeing with you. It's common known that 25 man raids are WAY harder than 10 man. Skills apart only cause you have to coordinate 25 brains. You can ask any retail / private servers player. Being said that, i played on Exodus alot, then switched to genesis and theres no competition honestly. I saw like 5/6 players max from my experience that would fit a top guild on genesis coming from Exodus (they are more ofc but still) and i even played with them. They confirmed what i'm saying. My guild reached some nice achievements in the previous patch so i think i know what i'm saying.

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Post Posted: 19-02-2013, 11:07:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You only need about 17-20 brained people for a 25 man heroic raid, and 9 people MINIMUM for a 10 man heroic (if those 9 people have 372 ilvl and don't make a single error. Well *** it dude, i did a 6 man (10n) BWD, and the HARDEST boss in there was Chimaeron. Everything else was easy.
But nevermind that. Because no one on 4.0.6 did AC or ODS 25hc with a guild group, all the guilds that DID those on 10h are equally good, thus the best PvE guilds on Exodus.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-02-2013, 11:40:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

well ok let's stick to the topic. Just saying, no way you can kill ac with 17 brained ppl, HkP who got the server first kill had 25 players and even 7/8 druids. Even on retail no one gives a fuk about 10h raids (one 10m guild reached many first kill on MoP, but it's never mentioned anywhere, while the other guild that got the kill on 25 are). This doesnt mean that i dont care about 10h raids (back in the days we got server first kill of ods 10h) but still it's a fact. CHimaeron is supposed to be the hardest boss on normal (it's infact easier on hc). And as i said, ofc there are top Pve guilds ON EXODUS and sticking to Exodus.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-02-2013, 13:57:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

it's actually the other way around, the least people on retail do 25-man raids, only big guilds do them but the majority and including roughly 90% of global or pug raids are 10-mans. The reason is because the loot is the same, there is no actual benefit, "just more people". Thats why they will implement "some sort of benefit" in the new patch, to encourage more people to do the 25-mans. (Paragon is a 10-man raiding guild)
And i personally found 25-mans a lot easier than 10-mans, in the past we half pugged bwd + bot 25-heroic raids and i was facepalming a lot with guildies on raidcall, at how bad some people were, but we still cleared them (without AC). In 10-mans 1 mistake, it could be anything up from a DC to lag or falling from your chair, can ruin your try and wipe the raid. But thats just my opinion.
Someone was also implying that being in a "top" guild means not having fun at the game? I have no clue in what "top" guild you were in then...but for me such a guild isn't in my "top" guild scala. There is no guild where you have 100% fun, 100% of the will always have some bad day, lots of wipes or what not. But completely not having fun isn't true, but that's also just my opinion.

If you are looking for a "top" pve guild you will have to wait till some content gets released and then see what guilds are active in the field. Right now there is just a "warmup" phase and you can't really tell what guild is good, or good for you depending on your expectations.

EDIT: To add some guildnames, on the horde side there was hey im pve and on the alliance side, as mentioned above, the cold knights or forsaken knights...but i have no clue about the alliance ones, never saw them anywhere except here on the forums.

<Guildmaster of Eminence>

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Post Posted: 19-02-2013, 14:54:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)




Berna wrote:
I saw like 5/6 players max from my experience that would fit a top guild on genesis coming from Exodus

I am 5 of those 6 people.


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