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Author Message1701


Status: Offline
(since 08-03-2024 13:58)
Joined: 13 Mar 2010
Posts: 12665, Topics: 267
Location: Romania

Reputation: 2269
Votes: 151

Post Posted: 15-03-2013, 01:45:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Tiarra-Requiem
2. Magica-Daca
3. Alexandrina Hristov-Noi doi
4. Desperado-Am cazanul meu
5. Ka Gaia An - Doina
6. Bucovina-Duh
7. Bucovina-Mestecanis
8. Phoenix-Negru Voda
9. Phoenix-Singur
10. Dordeduh - Flacararii
11. Truda- Tzipa-tye pe linoleu
12. Warchant-Hora
13. Omblandon ft. Guess Who-Noapte buna Bucuresti
14. Tiarra-Ielele
15. Mircea Baniciu-Pisica neagra
16. Pheonix-Nunta
17. Nightlosers-Dragostea-i ca si o raie
18. Trooper-Vlad tepes
19. Tapinarii-Doi bani
20. Martolea-Spaima
21. Parazitii-Violent
22. Negura Bunget-Hotar
23. Truda ft Crivat-Popa
24. Syn Ze Sase Tri - Sub Semnul Lupului
25. Syn Ze Sase Tri - Fauritorul Lumii
26. Agathodaimon - Ne cheama pamantul
27. Altar-Nascut invingator
28. E.M.I.L.-Supradoza de vise
29. Niste baieti-Gica petrescu Medley
30. Trooper-Solii turci

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