
[DUPLICATE] Dragon Soul: Warmaster Blackhorn
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Post Posted: 25-04-2014, 23:53:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dragonul care e tras de harponul din partea stanga are doar 1108k HP ( pe toate dificultatile ). Pe unele dificultati ar trebuii sa aibe mai putin HP si pe unele dificultati mai mult HP

Last edited by Aliziea on 02-05-2014, 19:05:57; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 25-04-2014, 23:56:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nexflame wrote:
razvan1234567 wrote:
de indata ce vine goriana jos ( incepe faza 2) dragonasi de pe parti ramasi ar trebui sa dispara. aici trebuie sa ii bati altfel dau damage in barca in continuare.

+ 1 am patiti si noi

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Post Posted: 25-04-2014, 23:59:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nam wrote:
Nexflame wrote:
razvan1234567 wrote:
de indata ce vine goriana jos ( incepe faza 2) dragonasi de pe parti ramasi ar trebui sa dispara. aici trebuie sa ii bati altfel dau damage in barca in continuare.

+ 1 am patiti si noi

Dovada ca trebuie sa fie asa?*

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[Bone Fletcher]

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Post Posted: 26-04-2014, 00:18:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Seemed all fine on 25man normal,some issues with sappers randomly not being where they've dropped at and completely avoiding everything,also the shockwave effect is a little smaller than it seems and makes it really hard to notice it

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Post Posted: 26-04-2014, 00:34:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Warmaster bugs:

- Sappers do insane damage to the ship, they shouldnt do so much should be 20% of the ships health
- Shockwave dmg is reeeeeeeeally low, like really really, it should oneshot the person that is caught by it aka 100k+ - dmg
- Small bombs aka the purple thingies the smaller ones are doing way a lot of dmg, they shouldnt one shot you, a single person can soak it
- Fires dont even work, but sometimes they do and does like 50k~ per tick which is insane
- Sappers are immune to fear and other CCs

Thats it from us.

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[Newb Developer]

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Post Posted: 26-04-2014, 00:50:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

alexthewarrior1 wrote:
Warmaster bugs:

- Sappers do insane damage to the ship, they shouldnt do so much should be 20% of the ships health
- Shockwave dmg is reeeeeeeeally low, like really really, it should oneshot the person that is caught by it aka 100k+ - dmg
- Small bombs aka the purple thingies the smaller ones are doing way a lot of dmg, they shouldnt one shot you, a single person can soak it
- Fires dont even work, but sometimes they do and does like 50k~ per tick which is insane
- Sappers are immune to fear and other CCs

Thats it from us.

1. Sapper should do 20% of ship's maximum health every single time they explode.
2. Investigating...
3. Investigating...
4. "Fires dont even work", what does it mean?
5. Sappers should be only immune to fear. (as they currently are)

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Post Posted: 26-04-2014, 00:59:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nexflame vezi ca goriona pune prea multe balti, cel putin pe normal, deoarece punea una la 10 sec... vengeance-ul nu merge, deoarce boss-ul da cam acelasi damage fie ca e la 10% sau 100% bossul.

Demonolgy Warlock Guide 5.4.8

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Post Posted: 26-04-2014, 01:23:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

alexthewarrior1 wrote:
Warmaster bugs:
- Fires dont even work, but sometimes they do and does like 50k~ per tick which is insane

The fires are suppost to do ~45k per second as it's even written in the ingame Journal.
I just don't know if it was me not noticing or the NPCs which are suppost to be extinguishing the fires just weren't there.

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Post Posted: 26-04-2014, 01:23:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Goriona pe n ramane in aer pana la 25% si da incontinuu cu balti dalea, si dupa ce a murit bosul inca mai dadea cu balti.Normal la 90% pleaca pe normal...

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Post Posted: 26-04-2014, 02:03:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nexflame wrote:
alexthewarrior1 wrote:
Warmaster bugs:

- Sappers do insane damage to the ship, they shouldnt do so much should be 20% of the ships health
- Shockwave dmg is reeeeeeeeally low, like really really, it should oneshot the person that is caught by it aka 100k+ - dmg
- Small bombs aka the purple thingies the smaller ones are doing way a lot of dmg, they shouldnt one shot you, a single person can soak it
- Fires dont even work, but sometimes they do and does like 50k~ per tick which is insane
- Sappers are immune to fear and other CCs

Thats it from us.

1. Sapper should do 20% of ship's maximum health every single time they explode.
2. Investigating...
3. Investigating...
4. "Fires dont even work", what does it mean?
5. Sappers should be only immune to fear. (as they currently are)

The animation where NPCs put out fire - like when you see those "water hose things" - isn't visible - or at least I barely notice it through the chaos.

So that's probably what Alex meant by the fires not working - perhaps the NPCs already watered down the fire but the visual is still there.
(iirc - from the guides I read -- players on retail can go into the fire once they see the "water hose" animation as that already means there's no damage, just the fire visuals are left behind).

Tl;dr visual bug

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Post Posted: 26-04-2014, 02:11:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

La 10H a picat inel de 397 .

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-04-2014, 02:13:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nexflame wrote:
alexthewarrior1 wrote:
Warmaster bugs:

- Sappers do insane damage to the ship, they shouldnt do so much should be 20% of the ships health
- Shockwave dmg is reeeeeeeeally low, like really really, it should oneshot the person that is caught by it aka 100k+ - dmg
- Small bombs aka the purple thingies the smaller ones are doing way a lot of dmg, they shouldnt one shot you, a single person can soak it
- Fires dont even work, but sometimes they do and does like 50k~ per tick which is insane
- Sappers are immune to fear and other CCs

Thats it from us.

1. Sapper should do 20% of ship's maximum health every single time they explode.
2. Investigating...
3. Investigating...
4. "Fires dont even work", what does it mean?
5. Sappers should be only immune to fear. (as they currently are)

- Sappers are doing more damage, like for instance the ship has 6M hp, that means 6M *20/100 = 1 200 000 , that means they should do 1.2M dmg not ~3M
- ..
- ..
- They spawn and despawn immidiatly
- You are right.

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Post Posted: 26-04-2014, 02:44:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

alexthewarrior1 wrote:

- They spawn and despawn immidiatly

well that's what they're supposed to do
after they land on the boat they vanish
Sappers are only supposed to appear when they reach the middle of the boat and only then u can dps them.

[RO]Warrior Fury PvE Guide 5.4.8

[EN]Warrior Fury PvE Guide 5.4.8

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-04-2014, 02:50:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Twilight Barrage doesn't damage the boat at all on 10HC.

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Post Posted: 26-04-2014, 10:47:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

-Warmaster's Vengeance doesn't work (this causes shockwave and disrupting roar to deal low damage)
-After beating the boss, you'll be stuck in combat, most probably with Goriona..

Anything else as far as I am concerned works ok, exept that the dragons stay there even after Goriona lands.

Btw: Add a portal back to wyrmerest temple.

*****Hearthstone Arena Coaching*****

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