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[The Gatekeeper]

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Post Posted: 07-07-2014, 09:38:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Sebastian
2. Varsta: 19
3. Localitate:Galati
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.)?: Cand este nevoie de mine o sa fiu online.
4. Clasa: Druid
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Resto/Nu am momentan ca nu am jucat de ceva timp dar o sa fie boomkin
6. Link Armory*: Armory
7. Screenshot cu Interfata**: Interfata
8. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? :Cand m-am apucat de wow acum mult timp niste prieteni tot vorbeau ca le trebuie healer si am jucat healer de atunci.
9. Spune-ne cum crezi tu ca trebuie sa joci pe acest spec(talente, rotatie, importanta gear, gemming, importanta unor stats in fata altora, etc). :Principalul spell de heal este Rejuvenation care il pun pe mai multe targeturi cand stiu ca trebuie sa urmeze o perioada in ecounter unde se ia mult dmg aoe . Wild Growth si Swiftmend le folosesc in perioada de heal aoe decent si am grija sa le dau mereu inainte sa dau Tranquility ca sa nu irosesc nici un pic de heal.Lifebloom il tin up mereu pe tanki, iar cand sunt in Tree Form pun pe cat mai multe targeturi cel putin 2 stackuri.Regrowth il folosesc cand un target este foarte low HP si nu pot da altceva pe el sa il salvez. Nature`s Swiftness il folosesc ori cu Healing Touch cand un tank este aproape mort ori cu Rebirth . Nu sunt genu de healer care sta si spameaza heal chiar daca nu este nevoie , si in acele momente prefer sa dau damage chiar daca este nesemnificativ.
10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). :Am jucat de pe tbc pana pe MOP
11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.) :I N L
12. Detalii PC***.Pc
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre? : Vreau sa ma reapuc de wow pe freakz si caut o guilda in care pot sa fac raiduri si sa ma si distrez in acelasi timp.
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.) :Elev , pot spune student ca dau bacu in cateva saptamani. Joc baschet in timpu liber , hockey iarna, in momentul de fata invat in principal
15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante). Am avut full progres pe blizz pe 4.3.4 cu buff de doar 10% , stiu scripturile foarte bine .Am luat bacu !
16. Screenshot Recount 3 Mil. DMG Done(pt dps only) - Normal Training Dummy din Orgrimmar(nu cel heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls.

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[the Insane]

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Post Posted: 07-07-2014, 09:51:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

arggalati12 wrote:

5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Resto/Nu am momentan ca nu am jucat de ceva timp dar o sa fie boomkin

Pai ar trebui sa "put your money where your mouth is" si ma refer la semnatura -

arggalati12 wrote:

15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante). [...] .Am luat bacu !


Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand,
Blood and revenge are hammering in my head.

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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 07-07-2014, 14:01:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

arggalati12 wrote:
1. Nume IRL: Sebastian
2. Varsta: 19
3. Localitate:Galati
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.)?: Cand este nevoie de mine o sa fiu online.
4. Clasa: Druid
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Resto/Nu am momentan ca nu am jucat de ceva timp dar o sa fie boomkin
6. Link Armory*: Armory
7. Screenshot cu Interfata**: Interfata
8. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? :Cand m-am apucat de wow acum mult timp niste prieteni tot vorbeau ca le trebuie healer si am jucat healer de atunci.
9. Spune-ne cum crezi tu ca trebuie sa joci pe acest spec(talente, rotatie, importanta gear, gemming, importanta unor stats in fata altora, etc). :Principalul spell de heal este Rejuvenation care il pun pe mai multe targeturi cand stiu ca trebuie sa urmeze o perioada in ecounter unde se ia mult dmg aoe . Wild Growth si Swiftmend le folosesc in perioada de heal aoe decent si am grija sa le dau mereu inainte sa dau Tranquility ca sa nu irosesc nici un pic de heal.Lifebloom il tin up mereu pe tanki, iar cand sunt in Tree Form pun pe cat mai multe targeturi cel putin 2 stackuri.Regrowth il folosesc cand un target este foarte low HP si nu pot da altceva pe el sa il salvez. Nature`s Swiftness il folosesc ori cu Healing Touch cand un tank este aproape mort ori cu Rebirth . Nu sunt genu de healer care sta si spameaza heal chiar daca nu este nevoie , si in acele momente prefer sa dau damage chiar daca este nesemnificativ.
10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). :Am jucat de pe tbc pana pe MOP
11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.) :I N L
12. Detalii PC***.Pc
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre? : Vreau sa ma reapuc de wow pe freakz si caut o guilda in care pot sa fac raiduri si sa ma si distrez in acelasi timp.
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.) :Elev , pot spune student ca dau bacu in cateva saptamani. Joc baschet in timpu liber , hockey iarna, in momentul de fata invat in principal
15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante). Am avut full progres pe blizz pe 4.3.4 cu buff de doar 10% , stiu scripturile foarte bine .Am luat bacu !
16. Screenshot Recount 3 Mil. DMG Done(pt dps only) - Normal Training Dummy din Orgrimmar(nu cel heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls.
w elihahh ,twiixx,drutau ,hac in game

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 19:57:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Tavi
2. Varsta: 23
3. Localitate: Constanta
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) : Depinde de vreme, 2-3 ore sa zicem.
5. Clasa: Druid
6. Main Spec/OFF spec: Balance\Resto
7. Link Armory*:
8. Screenshot cu Interfata*:
9. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? : Prefer Caster over Agility
10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm).
Vanilla raids , ce vremuri... pe cataclysm nu stiu prea multe raiduri dar invat repede ca nu e fizica cuantica.
11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.)
Momentan m-au adoptat intr-o guilda PVP Battlemaster si ma gazduiesc pana imi gasesc o guilda PVE (aceasta sper)
12. Detalii PC*. 2.66duo , 1gb video, 4gb ram
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre?
Pentru ca...PVE - si pareti organizati.
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.)
Sunt student la electromecanica navala, nu lucrez , timpul liber mi'l petrec pe plaja vara sau in casa 1 saptamana cand ma duc ca prostu pe plaja la ora 2.
15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante).
Joc wow de placere, pentru relaxare. A...sunt aproape integralist...

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 20:27:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

michaelFCK wrote:
1. Nume IRL: Tavi
2. Varsta: 23
3. Localitate: Constanta
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) : Depinde de vreme, 2-3 ore sa zicem.
5. Clasa: Druid
6. Main Spec/OFF spec: Balance\Resto
7. Link Armory*:
8. Screenshot cu Interfata*:
9. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? : Prefer Caster over Agility
10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm).
Vanilla raids , ce vremuri... pe cataclysm nu stiu prea multe raiduri dar invat repede ca nu e fizica cuantica.
11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.)
Momentan m-au adoptat intr-o guilda PVP Battlemaster si ma gazduiesc pana imi gasesc o guilda PVE (aceasta sper)
12. Detalii PC*. 2.66duo , 1gb video, 4gb ram
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre?
Pentru ca...PVE - si pareti organizati.
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.)
Sunt student la electromecanica navala, nu lucrez , timpul liber mi'l petrec pe plaja vara sau in casa 1 saptamana cand ma duc ca prostu pe plaja la ora 2.
15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante).
Joc wow de placere, pentru relaxare. A...sunt aproape integralist...

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[You can't do it.]

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Post Posted: 11-07-2014, 23:35:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

. Nume IRL: Andrei
2. Varsta: 20
3. Localitate: Onesti/Brasov
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) : Seara dupa 10 sunt disponibil non stop daca e ceva de raid pot sa intru daca pot anunt inainte oricum -
5. Clasa: DK
6. Main Spec/OFF spec: Unholy/blood
7. Link Armory*:
8. Screenshot cu Interfata*:
9. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? : Pentru ca ai posibilitatea la CR pentru ca esti dk si offspek tank care este foarte folositor.. Si pentru ca DK rules (asa zic eu)
10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). Wotlk am jucat destul adica nu prea am chef sa va povestesc as scrie 100 de randuri..Stim toti cum e freakz bugs etc.. Dar era mai frumos Wotlk -
11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.) Wiked.The forgotten heroes.Pride.The Divinity etc...
12. Detalii PC*. coad core 3.2 8 gb rami..Placa onboard ca mi sa ars cea buna:))
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre? RULES si cu asta am zis tot
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.) Pai lucram in brasov aveam 2 locuri de munca ca sa pot sa ma intretin, fost sportiv.. Am lasat scoala ca nu aveam bani sa traiesc acum stau in Onesti unde m-am nascut cu maicamea am grija de ea ca e bonlava... etc
15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante). Nu cred
16. Screenshot Recount 3 Mil. DMG Done(pt dps only) - Normal Training Dummy din Orgrimmar(nu cel heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls. Ma testeati in joc screenurile se pot falsifica -

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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 12-07-2014, 06:35:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cripper25 wrote:
. Nume IRL: Andrei
2. Varsta: 20
3. Localitate: Onesti/Brasov
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) : Seara dupa 10 sunt disponibil non stop daca e ceva de raid pot sa intru daca pot anunt inainte oricum -
5. Clasa: DK
6. Main Spec/OFF spec: Unholy/blood
7. Link Armory*:
8. Screenshot cu Interfata*:
9. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? : Pentru ca ai posibilitatea la CR pentru ca esti dk si offspek tank care este foarte folositor.. Si pentru ca DK rules (asa zic eu)
10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). Wotlk am jucat destul adica nu prea am chef sa va povestesc as scrie 100 de randuri..Stim toti cum e freakz bugs etc.. Dar era mai frumos Wotlk -
11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.) Wiked.The forgotten heroes.Pride.The Divinity etc...
12. Detalii PC*. coad core 3.2 8 gb rami..Placa onboard ca mi sa ars cea buna:))
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre? RULES si cu asta am zis tot
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.) Pai lucram in brasov aveam 2 locuri de munca ca sa pot sa ma intretin, fost sportiv.. Am lasat scoala ca nu aveam bani sa traiesc acum stau in Onesti unde m-am nascut cu maicamea am grija de ea ca e bonlava... etc
15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante). Nu cred
16. Screenshot Recount 3 Mil. DMG Done(pt dps only) - Normal Training Dummy din Orgrimmar(nu cel heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls. Ma testeati in joc screenurile se pot falsifica -

Slab progres pe hc, dar cum zici si tu te testez in game, wisp theworm.

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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 14-07-2014, 13:46:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-07-2014, 13:14:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1.january. IRL Name: John
2. Age: 20
3. Location: England
4. How long have available for WOW (per day, per week, approximately.) I can be online everyday most hours and will be available for majority of raids.
5. Class: Death Knight
6. Main Spec / Off Spec: Unholy/ Blood
7. * Armory Link:
8. Screenshot of interface *:
9. Why did you choose species that play now? : I have been playing dk unholy for about 3 years now and i really enjoy this class, i am experienced using it pvp/pve wise so I know this class really well.
10. Tell us about your experience in raids when you started to play WOW and so far (Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). I started playing seriously wo WOTLK on a 1x server.
11. Former Guild (what guilds have been, as they were, why you decided to leave, etc.). Inactivity - The guild became really inactive during a exam period and then majority of players did not return so raiding stopped completely.
12. Details PC *. i5 6GB ddr3 ram, AMD ATI Radeon HD 5770
13. Why you wish to join our guild? As a guild of progress, I trust that they are capable of.- I would like to make progress in a DS heroic run. i have currently achieved 2/6 hc without a proper guild. i believe with this guild I will have the chance to go to a higher level of raiding and also enjoy myself more - also meeting new people is a nice thing and experiencing something new -
14. Tell us something about you as a person (if you are a student, you work, how you spend your free time, hobbies, etc..) Student - Well i am currently a student at university approaching my 2nd year, i also do part time work on weekends. i like to spend my free time playing video games, going out with friends to the cinema and taking part in sport such as football.
15. Other comments (which you consider important).
16. Recount Screenshot 3 Mil. DMG Done (for dps only) - Normal Training Dummy in Orgrimmar (not the heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls. -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-07-2014, 14:26:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

. Nume IRL: George
2. Varsta: 18
3. Localitate: Bucuresti
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) : Timpul nu este o problema intru cand este nevoie de mine
5. Clasa: DK
6. Main Spec/OFF spec: Blood/unholy
7. Link Armory*:
8. Screenshot cu Interfata*:
9. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? : Este o clasa foarte jucata plus ca este foarte util pentru ca poti sta dps cand este nevoie cat si tank
10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). Joc pe freakz de pe Wotlk unde am avut un dk si cu care am facut full hc , acest caracter il am de pe 406 cu care am facut full hc de asemenea , cat despre 4.3.4 am reusit sa fac toti bossi pe heroic in afara de Warmaster
11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.) Wicked (s-a desfiintat) The Forgotten Heroes ( absenta 3 luni cu liceul)
12. Detalii PC*. Quad core i7 placa video nvidia 2gb 8 gb ram
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre? Este o guilda foarte serioasa
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.)Sunt o persoana calma si foarte sociabila imi place sa fac glume dar stiu sa fiu serios cand trebuie
15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante). Nu cred
16. Screenshot Recount 3 Mil. DMG Done(pt dps only) - Normal Training Dummy din Orgrimmar(nu cel heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls.

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[the Insane]

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Post Posted: 15-07-2014, 14:37:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

qasim19 wrote:
1.january. IRL Name: John
2. Age: 20
3. Location: England
4. How long have available for WOW (per day, per week, approximately.) I can be online everyday most hours and will be available for majority of raids.
5. Class: Death Knight
6. Main Spec / Off Spec: Unholy/ Blood
7. * Armory Link:
8. Screenshot of interface *:
9. Why did you choose species that play now? : I have been playing dk unholy for about 3 years now and i really enjoy this class, i am experienced using it pvp/pve wise so I know this class really well.
10. Tell us about your experience in raids when you started to play WOW and so far (Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). I started playing seriously wo WOTLK on a 1x server.
11. Former Guild (what guilds have been, as they were, why you decided to leave, etc.). Inactivity - The guild became really inactive during a exam period and then majority of players did not return so raiding stopped completely.
12. Details PC *. i5 6GB ddr3 ram, AMD ATI Radeon HD 5770
13. Why you wish to join our guild? As a guild of progress, I trust that they are capable of.- I would like to make progress in a DS heroic run. i have currently achieved 2/6 hc without a proper guild. i believe with this guild I will have the chance to go to a higher level of raiding and also enjoy myself more - also meeting new people is a nice thing and experiencing something new -
14. Tell us something about you as a person (if you are a student, you work, how you spend your free time, hobbies, etc..) Student - Well i am currently a student at university approaching my 2nd year, i also do part time work on weekends. i like to spend my free time playing video games, going out with friends to the cinema and taking part in sport such as football.
15. Other comments (which you consider important).
16. Recount Screenshot 3 Mil. DMG Done (for dps only) - Normal Training Dummy in Orgrimmar (not the heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls. -

Link/connect your game account to the forum account.

Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand,
Blood and revenge are hammering in my head.

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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 15-07-2014, 14:46:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

qasim19 wrote:
1.january. IRL Name: John
2. Age: 20
3. Location: England
4. How long have available for WOW (per day, per week, approximately.) I can be online everyday most hours and will be available for majority of raids.
5. Class: Death Knight
6. Main Spec / Off Spec: Unholy/ Blood
7. * Armory Link:
8. Screenshot of interface *:
9. Why did you choose species that play now? : I have been playing dk unholy for about 3 years now and i really enjoy this class, i am experienced using it pvp/pve wise so I know this class really well.
10. Tell us about your experience in raids when you started to play WOW and so far (Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). I started playing seriously wo WOTLK on a 1x server.
11. Former Guild (what guilds have been, as they were, why you decided to leave, etc.). Inactivity - The guild became really inactive during a exam period and then majority of players did not return so raiding stopped completely.
12. Details PC *. i5 6GB ddr3 ram, AMD ATI Radeon HD 5770
13. Why you wish to join our guild? As a guild of progress, I trust that they are capable of.- I would like to make progress in a DS heroic run. i have currently achieved 2/6 hc without a proper guild. i believe with this guild I will have the chance to go to a higher level of raiding and also enjoy myself more - also meeting new people is a nice thing and experiencing something new -
14. Tell us something about you as a person (if you are a student, you work, how you spend your free time, hobbies, etc..) Student - Well i am currently a student at university approaching my 2nd year, i also do part time work on weekends. i like to spend my free time playing video games, going out with friends to the cinema and taking part in sport such as football.
15. Other comments (which you consider important).
16. Recount Screenshot 3 Mil. DMG Done (for dps only) - Normal Training Dummy in Orgrimmar (not the heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls. -

Reject, low dps

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-07-2014, 17:55:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Name: Quickr

2. Age: 22

3. Locality: Indian

4. How long have available for WOW (a day, a week, about.): I can play 6-10 hours a day if needed.

5. Class: Hunter

6. Main Spec/OFF Spec: Beast Mastery/Survival

7. Link Armory:

8. Screenshot Interface: IMG:

9. Why did you choose species that play now?: I wanted to play new class in Cataclysm so i choose hunter and it was nice experience :3

10. Tell us about your experience in raids when you started to play WOW and so far(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm).: I started playing TBC a little(leveling) with rogue then in WITLK i played main holy priest and warlock,i lead some raids like ulduar and toc.Now in Cataclysm i'm playing main hunter and priest and alts(Warrior and dk) first thing i cant lead but i done Ds(6/6 Normal,2/6 Heroic)with Dps and Heal.

11. Former Guild (what guilds have been, as they were, why you decided to leave, etc..): EKP(Wrath of avengers,Nice guilds but due to inactive i decided to leave)

12. Details PC: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional,AMD FX(tm)-4100 Quad-Core Processor,3600 Mhz,4 Core,4GB RAM,ATI Radeon 3000 Graphics Powered by AMD.

13. Why you wish to join our guild?: Need Active Guild With Heroic progress i'am Non-pvp player so i spend my all time with raids and dungeons.

14. Tell us something about you as a person (if you are a student, you work, how you spend your free time, hobbies, etc..): I'm Collage Student and i spend my free time playing wow and watching animes and some household chores,i play cricket and love street foods.

15. Screenshot Recount 3 Mil. DMG Done:IMG:

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[Stalker of ENS]

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(since 17-05-2022 00:38)
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Post Posted: 16-07-2014, 11:31:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

kaushaljack wrote:
1. Name: Quickr

2. Age: 22

3. Locality: Indian

4. How long have available for WOW (a day, a week, about.): I can play 6-10 hours a day if needed.

5. Class: Hunter

6. Main Spec/OFF Spec: Beast Mastery/Survival

7. Link Armory:

8. Screenshot Interface:

9. Why did you choose species that play now?: I wanted to play new class in Cataclysm so i choose hunter and it was nice experience :3

10. Tell us about your experience in raids when you started to play WOW and so far(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm).: I started playing TBC a little(leveling) with rogue then in WITLK i played main holy priest and warlock,i lead some raids like ulduar and toc.Now in Cataclysm i'm playing main hunter and priest and alts(Warrior and dk) first thing i cant lead but i done Ds(6/6 Normal,2/6 Heroic)with Dps and Heal.

11. Former Guild (what guilds have been, as they were, why you decided to leave, etc..): EKP(Wrath of avengers,Nice guilds but due to inactive i decided to leave)

12. Details PC: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional,AMD FX(tm)-4100 Quad-Core Processor,3600 Mhz,4 Core,4GB RAM,ATI Radeon 3000 Graphics Powered by AMD.

13. Why you wish to join our guild?: Need Active Guild With Heroic progress i'am Non-pvp player so i spend my all time with raids and dungeons.

14. Tell us something about you as a person (if you are a student, you work, how you spend your free time, hobbies, etc..): I'm Collage Student and i spend my free time playing wow and watching animes and some household chores,i play cricket and love street foods.

15. Screenshot Recount 3 Mil. DMG Done:

Rejected.Low DPS

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 19-04-2015 17:28)
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Post Posted: 19-07-2014, 13:03:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Sergiu
2. Varsta: 17
3. Localitate: Hateg, jud HD
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) : 3-6 ore/zi 5-7/sapt cand nu sunt plecat in vacanta desigur - si desigur cand sunt raiduri sunt on si stau pana la capat.
5. Clasa: Druid
6. Main Spec/OFF spec: Resto
7. Link Armory*:
8. Screenshot cu Interfata*:
9.De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? : Imi place druidul in primul rand si am optat pentru heal deoarece nu gaseam in raiduri etc si am vrut sa fiu eu.. si imi place mult -
10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). : Am inceput pe rowow sa joc wotlk am avut un hunter a fost super mai ales in ziua cand l-am batut pe lk - apoi pe hc a fost ceva uimitor pentru mine - , dar din pacate serverul sa inchis si am inceput pe cata pe 4.0 aici am facut din raiduri pe un alt cont pe evolutin, dar s-a inchis si nu am transferat contul si acum sunt aici si sper sa fiu alaturi de voi!
11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.) : am inceput cu un prieten in propria guilda Babester apoi am stat cu globalul am fost in Evolution de curand, dar nu m-am simtit bine acolo asa ca am iesit.. de curand am primit o invitatie globala cred cu /w in guilda actuala DamBineSalut sau ceva de genul, dar nu imi place in ea multi unskilled, low gear si e si lvl 7, progrese 0. :\
12. Detalii PC*. : am avut o rabla care se bloca si in ds nu am prea putut face performanta cu el... ieri am cumparat un pc cu intel i5 de 3,3 Ghz cu boost ajunge la 3,7, placa video zotac geforce GTX 760 de 4GB, 8GB de RAM merge wow la ultra fara pic de lag si sutn foarte multumit -.
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre? Vreau sa fac performanta alaturi de oameni de treaba si sa ma simt bine -
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.)
Sunt elev pe clasa a 11-a profil Real chimie-biologie, lunea de la 9 sunt la basket la sala in rest ma joc fotbal cu prieteni si alte jocuri pe pc cum ar fi lol,bf4 etc. , dar WoW-ul e baza -.
15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante). Acum ca am un PC bun vreau sa am si un progres(performanta) mai bun alaturi de altii.

Last edited by shuniade on 19-07-2014, 13:25:36; edited 1 time in total
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