
[PvP Event] Battlegrounds between Guilds v2
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Post Posted: 19-07-2014, 12:27:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Date / Time: 29 & 30 November 2014. Matches will be played between 18 - 22 PM Server Time.
Location: Warsong Gulch / Arathi Basin / Eye of the Storm / Battle for Gilneas / Twin Peaks
Spectators: Yes
Live Stream: No (Unless players will do on their own)





Information, Rules and Rewards are subject to modifications. I am awaiting feedback on current ones

Last edited by Zohlomg on 26-11-2014, 23:56:31; edited 2 times in total
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[supa la plic]

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Post Posted: 15-11-2014, 12:29:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dupa cum s-a desfasurat ultimul event de genul, am cateva observatii / intrebari
1. Cati gms o sa supravegheati un battleground? Si cu 2 tot o sa fie momente ca datile trecute in arathi basin sau gilneas cand o sa se gaseasca un rogue sau druid sa ia steagul din stealth si sa scape nesanctionati. Nu e chestie marunta, poate decide un bg.

2. Doar gear Cataclysm / Ruthless, dar data trecute s-a permis sa intre cu gear cata elite. Sunt doar cativa care le-au luat din 3v3, restu au donat pentru ele. O sa fie lasati sa intre cu cele care au stats in plus fata de gearul normal(sabie/relic/etc)?

3. Ce sanctiuni puneti pentru playerii care se inscriu la event cu 2 charuri in guilde diferite? Si mai ales, o sa verificati ipurile ca sa fiti siguri ca nu va treziti in semifinala ca o echipa ramane fara oameni pentru ca au mainurile in alt guild?

4. Daca intr-o guilda mai numeroasa, raman foarte multi playeri pe dinafara, pot da leave sa isi creeze guilda noua cu care sa participe, sau au voie doar guilde de level 25 deja existente?

5. Data trecuta s-a creat un mare scandal din cauza ca orele nu erau respectate, unele teamuri intarziau prea mult, altele erau anuntate cu doar 5 minute inainte sa inceapa eventul ca defapt ele urmeaza si nu erau gata. Puneti de acum reguli cu timpul dupa care un team e descalificat prin neprezentare, si ce se intampla cu teamurile care inca nu au jucat cu guilda respectiva fata de cele care au jucat deja.

Mereu au fost drame la eventurile de genul, la ultimul s-au saturat gms de acuzatii si nici nu s-a mai tinut finala dintre cele 3 teamuri, le-au premiat pe toate si au lasat-o asa. Daca o sa fie tot doar 2 gms care sa se ocupe de event si unuia i se taie iar cheful amanati meciurile de final pentru alta zi si gasiti un alt gm care sa ii tina locul 2 ore cat o sa mai dureze meciurile.

Scuze pentru wall of text, dar nu cred ca am batut campii. Succes la event.

English short version for the foreign guys
1. How many gms will be observing the bgs, because in the last event with just 2 gms in gilneas and arathi , rogues and druids could capture the flag in stealth.

2. Only cataclysmic / ruthless gear allowed, but what about the cata elite items that have bonus stats like the sword and all that. Will they be allowed to use them, since most got them from donations and not arenas?

3. Sanctions for players who join the event with characters in 2 different guilds, and how will the gms check to see if this doesn't happen, so there won't be a lame moment in the semifinals when one guild has not enough players left because they are gonna play on their main char in another guild.

4. If some guilds have too many players, will some be allowed to make another guild and compete, or will they only accept level 25 guilds that already exist.

5. Rules about teams being late for their matches, or when are they withdrawn from the event. What happens with the teams who haven't played with them, do they get a victory point, and if so.. do the other teams that had already played against the withdrawing team and maybe lost get a point also? Specify all these rules now so there won't be any more raging when things like this happen and the gms make a rule on the spot.

That's about it, good luck to the guys involved.

Last edited by toX on 15-11-2014, 15:39:57; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 15-11-2014, 14:29:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

English please...

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Post Posted: 15-11-2014, 16:44:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

toX wrote:

English short version for the foreign guys
1. How many gms will be observing the bgs, because in the last event with just 2 gms in gilneas and arathi , rogues and druids could capture the flag in stealth.

2. Only cataclysmic / ruthless gear allowed, but what about the cata elite items that have bonus stats like the sword and all that. Will they be allowed to use them, since most got them from donations and not arenas?

3. Sanctions for players who join the event with characters in 2 different guilds, and how will the gms check to see if this doesn't happen, so there won't be a lame moment in the semifinals when one guild has not enough players left because they are gonna play on their main char in another guild.

4. If some guilds have too many players, will some be allowed to make another guild and compete, or will they only accept level 25 guilds that already exist.

5. Rules about teams being late for their matches, or when are they withdrawn from the event. What happens with the teams who haven't played with them, do they get a victory point, and if so.. do the other teams that had already played against the withdrawing team and maybe lost get a point also? Specify all these rules now so there won't be any more raging when things like this happen and the gms make a rule on the spot.

That's about it, good luck to the guys involved.

1. Hopefully enough to catch this kind of exploits.
2. They are allowed, as you can also obtain them ingame with 2k 3v3 rating.
3. You have to write the players before-hand, so no-one will risk this kind of stuff
4. All guilds are accepted.
5. If a team is not present, the other team wins by default.

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Post Posted: 15-11-2014, 22:03:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

+ 1 Guild Achievement

We can choose ?

Staff message (Zohlomg):
It was already in the rules "Guild Achievements may only be chosen from the list present in the donation shop. "

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Post Posted: 16-11-2014, 13:31:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Em no troll posts this time. Seriously amazing job with keeping topics in English so everyone can understand what's going on. Just try to promote this event a bit better, also maybe try to improve rewards just a bit so guilds actually start applying. My guild is going to apply as soon as we make a deal about group.
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Post Posted: 16-11-2014, 19:15:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Can we use potions and flasks ?

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Post Posted: 17-11-2014, 15:08:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yakul wrote:
Can we use potions and flasks ?

Yes. As everyone will be able to do it, it will be balanced.

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Post Posted: 17-11-2014, 20:34:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Guild name: Battleforged
Leader: Iol
Iol - holy paladin
Jakulka - discipline priest
Dozerinis - retribution paladin
Acknowledged - feral druid
Nuclearbomb - fire mage
Dreadblade - frost death knight
Moogul - arms warrior
Mawenaftw - elemental shaman
Amnesiaqt - sub rogue
Redplum- boomkin

EDIT : I replaced Arthas with Dreadblade

Last edited by Nevinafreaklol on 24-11-2014, 23:07:12; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 18-11-2014, 20:30:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nevinafreaklol wrote:
Guild name: Battleforged
Leader: Iol
Iol - holy paladin
Jakulka - discipline priest
Dozerinis - retribution paladin
Acknowledged - feral druid
Nuclearbomb - fire mage
Arthas - frost death knight
Moogul - arms warrior
Mawenaftw - elemental shaman
Amnesiaqt - sub rogue
Redplum- boomkin

You may only come with one type of class/spec. EG: You cannot have two Shadow Priests, but you can have one Shadow and one Discipline.
A maximum of 2 of the same class which have multiple roles is allowed. You may not come with Balance/Feral/Restoration druids.


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Post Posted: 18-11-2014, 20:54:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

frid@y wrote:
Nevinafreaklol wrote:
Guild name: Battleforged
Leader: Iol
Iol - holy paladin
Jakulka - discipline priest
Dozerinis - retribution paladin
Acknowledged - feral druid
Nuclearbomb - fire mage
Arthas - frost death knight
Moogul - arms warrior
Mawenaftw - elemental shaman
Amnesiaqt - sub rogue
Redplum- boomkin

You may only come with one type of class/spec. EG: You cannot have two Shadow Priests, but you can have one Shadow and one Discipline.
A maximum of 2 of the same class which have multiple roles is allowed. You may not come with Balance/Feral/Restoration druids.

He's not coming with Balance/Feral/Restoration, he's coming with Balance/Feral.

His application was accepted as I even +repped him.

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Post Posted: 19-11-2014, 20:59:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Guild name: HAOS
Leader: Angentgreen
Angentgreen - Hunter Marksmanship ( Orc )
Diienuka - Priest Discipline ( Blood Elf )
Pisiic - Druid Feral ( Tauren )
Diaboliqq - Death Knight Frost ( Blood Elf )
Deadwings- Mage Arcane ( Undead )
Deevillish - Druid Balance ( Troll )
Eowynns - Rogue Subtlety ( Undead )
Muteviolence - Paladin Retribution ( Blood Elf )
Ianculetstgo - Shaman Elemental ( Tauren )
Nayty - Paladin Holy ( Blood Elf )
Unii din cei prezenti aici au cateva probleme cu conexiunea la internet,este posibil sa mai schimbam din oameni.

Wingz inlocuit cu "Deadwings"
Iisus inlocuit cu "Deevillish"


Last edited by frid@y on 25-11-2014, 20:52:46; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 20-11-2014, 20:43:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1 question. Is beacon of light going to be fixed before event maybe? Because right now it gets you into combat bug 24/7, you have to remove it every time in order to leave combat. It's a bit frustrating for holy paladins...
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Post Posted: 20-11-2014, 21:55:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nevinafreaklol wrote:
1 question. Is beacon of light going to be fixed before event maybe? Because right now it gets you into combat bug 24/7, you have to remove it every time in order to leave combat. It's a bit frustrating for holy paladins...

There are tons of other bugs which won't be fixed, it would be a major imbalance to fix only some of those now.

We're focusing on MoP at the moment.

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Post Posted: 24-11-2014, 15:02:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Will there be any event specific rules for EoTS and AB? Since they're normally 15v15.

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