
[A] Looking for an active English-speaking guild

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 30-04-2017 01:04)
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Post Posted: 18-09-2015, 23:21:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

My name is Anne and I'm on the West Coast of the US. I've been playing WoW-retail since...well, middle of BC but recently left retail because of money issues but of course, I just can't stay away. I'm a die-hard alt-holic with plans to take over the auction house....or at least make a lot of gold in the process. My playtime is sporadic, thanks to family and college, but I do game regularly on the server. I like to run stuff casually but my schedule doesn't allow me to have regular die-hard raid nights, but I don't mind being in a support position for larger guilds. I have a handful of toons right now but my main is a lvl 90 tankadin. She's the one I mainly run dungeons and such with.

I'm looking for an English-speaking guild of like-minded people who like to run stuff, talk, kid around, do crazy things together, etc. etc. Really, the talking part is the most important thing for me. Too many guilds I've jumped into have been dead silent, even when someone asks a questions.

Anyone interested?


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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 15-02-2017 15:04)
Joined: 07 Jul 2013
Posts: 168, Topics: 29
Location: India

Reputation: 75.7
Votes: 6

Post Posted: 21-09-2015, 21:51:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If you are interested for such guild..I would glad to inv you to my guild..its horde guild btw...if u plan to change in horde side
Wrath Of The AvenGerS -

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