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World PvP and PvP zones, Crossfaction battlegrounds
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Posted: 19-11-2015, 12:22:49
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Hello WoWFreakz Community.
I started this post because there is unfortunately couple of huge problems with PvP on our server. At the very beginning i would like to make list of problems who torture players who support blizzlike PvE/PvP encounters. I know that it was vote some time ago, but there is some things that only pvp players should be asked. (Same way as only pve players should give us their opinion about pve encounters without interfering pvp players.
1. World PvP is disabled
- Many of us would like to enjoy in PvP challenges all around world. For example I saw that you have nice npc elite spam timer on home page, where players can be informed about rare drops (Mounts, Flasks, Pets ect.) But there is no challenge at all. All what is going on is massive aoe on elite spam place. 10 -20 players in same time. Some class like hunters does not have aoe on 5.4.8 at all, and there is no way to take down elite first. Players should create raids for that, fight hard for reword. But now all that we have is aoe spam. Sad
2. Tol Barad, Wintergarsp
- Creating Tol Barad as PvE zone is compete failure. Can anyone tell me one logical explanation why place where we farm honor is pve zone?
3. Crossfaction Battlegrounds
- There is no greater satisfaction after one good Horde vs Ally battle. It worth every minute, 15 or 20 min in que! With crosfaction battlegrounds PvP players will avoid wowfreakz, because there is no challenge at all. And about this things only PvP players should give us their opinion. PvE players should make posts to improve pve encounters. Their opinion should be irrelevant like mine in PvE boss script encounters. I spoke with tons of players with more than 500.000 hs on War.... and other servers, all have same clue: PvP MUST BE Horde vs Alliance
4. Alterac Valley, Deepwind Gorge
- Is there any good reason that we cant play those two awesome battlegrounds on Freakz? Do not tell me that PvE players vote ...
These are only few, but major problems on our server. Until they are here, all good PvP players will avoid us.
Best regards!
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Posted: 19-11-2015, 13:23:15
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Here is my opinion.
1 = + not that important for incoming players as world pvp has died long time ago. Reason for it is that you can do everything you want just by standing in orgrimmar/stormwind. You can queue for bgs/arenas/dungeons/raids so chances that you are going to find player with equal level and gear in some zone is kinda not that great.
2= + Gotta agree with that, its logical.
3= - Crossfaction battlegrounds is what got this server back to life a bit, many people came back to play since queues are extremely fast. Here is an example. I was in guild that was really battlegrounds oriented, during cataclysm we were kind of bg heroes, i don't remember horde winning against us ever. When mop came there was a problem, since majority of pvp players are in alliance they started spamming battlegrounds to gear up and that led to 20-25 mins queues that would end in about 2- 3mins because it was buggy as fk. That was a problem for 1-2 months and almost entire guild left the server, now that we have crossfaction bgs some of them came back so my advice is to keep CF bgs.
4= meh idc about these
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[Mentally Stable]
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Posted: 19-11-2015, 16:50:26
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I would like to say something more about couple of things - their fix is a must:
- Half PvP achieavements in battlegrounds are bugged atm. for example - Perfect Storm ect -
- Wins in battlegrounds does not count at all ?? srsly PvP players do care about their win/loss even in duels and of course in battlegrounds, so we are short here as well
You must understand that PvP is not only - join xfaction bg and kill first that you see... - Its much much more..
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[Mentally Stable]
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Posted: 19-11-2015, 20:38:42
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1. There already is a suggestion about this - PvP Revival Project (English Version) - Proiect Revitalizare PvP (Romanian Version)
2. Same as 1
3. Cross BGs are awesome, finally we have equality.
I know that it might seem strange, but before the Cross faction was introduced, horde players used to migrate towards alliance to have a better chance in bg.
Add this over a large enough period of time and you end up with a very big problem, not to mention the huge queues.
If not for cross faction, 100 players would be stuck in queue because they got no opponents to fight.
Thanks to cross-faction, things are smooth, people play, queues are short, action is through the sky.
You can still join with a premade and enjoy a very good BG with competitive play.
The best thing that happened lately.
If you don't believe me, check the PvP population that migrated here in the last 2 weeks. I did, and I was amazed. Things are going well man. Enjoy it!
4. Big BGs that overload the server ... meh.
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Posted: 20-11-2015, 01:35:29
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ye something must be done, but can you see anyone that realy care?
We have 3-4 topics about this, and maybe 1-2 GMs answers that have no solution, and they act like they didnt even read it.
I guess they will wake up when some new blizzlike panda server shows up, with blizzlike xfaction/pvp zones/rare world("fight for it") things, working -simple counter- achievements (srsly i dont understandt hat ,programmers learn counters in 1st grade...).
Pvp players cant find anything interesting on freakz, maybe arenas 2v2...
So again me with world pvp. Since we have bad bgs, buged achievements, pvp zones as questing zones, at least let us fight for rare elites.
I got my 500all stats flask yesterday, i jumped into hordes aoe spell to make him pvp flaged, and he was begging me to leave him alone. srsly he didnt even try to fight back(he had better itemleveland more hp), so tell me, what kind of players are playing here?
i do not feel proud and "pro" (i hate that word in gaming world), because of that, i feel like im in completely different game than i used to play.
Posturi unite automat, 20-11-2015, 01:35:29
This is getting nowhere. Flaming each other won't fix the PvP issues.
Ashcool said that and closed the topic before.
You can see here that they didnt even read.
there were very nice solutions posted...
We are not here to "fix" we came with solutions, and every of them is better than current situation.
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Posted: 20-11-2015, 01:39:41
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Hello everybody!
I can't seem to understand why when I don't reply to a topic it turns out that I haven't readed it?
I did, actually I did. I agree there are some quite good ideas, there are some quite bad ideas that repeat the old topic (but that's ok, great ideas are born arguing).
However if I don't have something constructive to say at the current moment I don't feel the need of my reply.
PS: I like the discussion. It's really civil. Keep it up.
Cheers, Ash.
Ashcool -
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[Mentally Stable]
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Posted: 26-11-2015, 01:29:27
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dejakosmajac wrote:
Hello WoWFreakz Community.
I started this post because there is unfortunately couple of huge problems with PvP on our server. At the very beginning i would like to make list of problems who torture players who support blizzlike PvE/PvP encounters. I know that it was vote some time ago, but there is some things that only pvp players should be asked. (Same way as only pve players should give us their opinion about pve encounters without interfering pvp players.
1. World PvP is disabled
- Many of us would like to enjoy in PvP challenges all around world. For example I saw that you have nice npc elite spam timer on home page, where players can be informed about rare drops (Mounts, Flasks, Pets ect.) But there is no challenge at all. All what is going on is massive aoe on elite spam place. 10 -20 players in same time. Some class like hunters does not have aoe on 5.4.8 at all, and there is no way to take down elite first. Players should create raids for that, fight hard for reword. But now all that we have is aoe spam. Sad
2. Tol Barad, Wintergarsp
- Creating Tol Barad as PvE zone is compete failure. Can anyone tell me one logical explanation why place where we farm honor is pve zone?
3. Crossfaction Battlegrounds
- There is no greater satisfaction after one good Horde vs Ally battle. It worth every minute, 15 or 20 min in que! With crosfaction battlegrounds PvP players will avoid wowfreakz, because there is no challenge at all. And about this things only PvP players should give us their opinion. PvE players should make posts to improve pve encounters. Their opinion should be irrelevant like mine in PvE boss script encounters. I spoke with tons of players with more than 500.000 hs on War.... and other servers, all have same clue: PvP MUST BE Horde vs Alliance
4. Alterac Valley, Deepwind Gorge
- Is there any good reason that we cant play those two awesome battlegrounds on Freakz? Do not tell me that PvE players vote ...
These are only few, but major problems on our server. Until they are here, all good PvP players will avoid us.
Best regards!
1. It's irrelevant.This is not the main issue the server has PvP wise.It's just a flavour that can be added after the actual PvP is fixed.
2. If they enable world PvP this will solve itself.
3. Best idea this server has ever had. People that complain about this are 12 year olds with no PvP experience whatsoever. PvP is player versus player not Horde versus Alliance. Go play on a Role Playing pvp realm on retail if you want that.
PS: By your logic arenas should never queue up AvsA or HvsH so we can have 42342 hour queues in 2v2 aswell? Patethic thinking....
4. Those BGS are bugged as hell. To repair them one would need A LOT OF TIME and human resources. Other PvP areas can be improved upon first.
Secondly: You do realise that 20 people are doing pvp and AV requires 40v40? Even if they repair it 100% you'll have AVs that last for 5 minutes (because of 5 v 5 players or something like that) and the team who killed the most guys or gets both mines asap wins......that's just dumb.Talking from experience as i've spammed AV during the cata days and 1 out of 30 avs were actual 40v40.
Revetalizing/improving/polishing PvP was discussed since Cata days.We came up with amazing ideas but those topics were just useless. I even got perma banned on the forums for CRITICIZING the staff for their lack of interest shown towards the PvP issues that were presented. I was an advocate of the cross-faction idea for years yet during my time (when people were still doing pvp but the problem was a 423423 to 1 ratio A:H ratio in the queue which let to 40 min queues as solo) the staff dismissed and ignore every thread + a perma. I'm glad to see that they finally implemented it but to no avail.... just as a desperate pvp revival effort.
The best thing you can do at the moment is just deal with it to be honest. I mean the issues you're presenting and the Q.Q are already present in other 300 topics that are forgotten.
They will eventually make things right (I hope) but I highly doubt it will be anytime soon.
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