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[Make-up Artist]

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(since 31-01-2016 13:23)
Joined: 24 Dec 2009
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Post Posted: 19-01-2016, 09:14:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character Name: Local
Item Name & ID: Horridon's Last Gasp (ID: 94514)
Armory Link:
Details: (optional): Posibil de la un eventual crash. Am atasat mai jos un print.


Sper sa se rezolve. Va urez o zi cat mai frumoasa!

Later Edit: A mai picat ieri trinket-ul dar am dat pass la un alt player in speranta ca se va rezolva problema mea astfel evitand sa am o dublura si sa fie fair play din partea mea sa fac asta. Am specificat asta ca sa nu fie ceva in neregula cu recuperarea lui. Postul e facut pe data de 19.01.2016.

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Status: Offline
(since 08-03-2024 13:58)
Joined: 13 Mar 2010
Posts: 12665, Topics: 267
Location: Romania

Reputation: 2269
Votes: 151

Post Posted: 21-01-2016, 21:33:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sorry but we cannot help you

Later Edit: A mai picat ieri trinket-ul dar am dat pass la un alt player in speranta ca se va rezolva problema mea astfel evitand sa am o dublura si sa fie fair play din partea mea sa fac asta. Am specificat asta ca sa nu fie ceva in neregula cu recuperarea lui. Postul e facut pe data de 19.01.2016.

For clarity, yes I have read this part and taken it into consideration when making the decision.

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Locked by Alexander0810, 21 January 2016 19:34

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