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[Guild Master]

Status: Offline
(since 11-11-2016 21:40)
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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 12-11-2015, 21:56:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Guild Intro

Midwinter is a English speaking raiding guild on Genesis Realm focused on heroic raid on a light 2 days per week schedule.

We’ve been around for 2 years and counting, starting as an Alliance guild that raids Freakz. A lot of us are old school ex-hardcore players who, if we didn't have jobs, school, partners, children etc. would probably be playing computer games 24/7. But since most of us actually have lives, we only raid twice a week.

Our raid times are:

- Friday : 20.00 – 23.00 (server time)
- Saturday : 20.00 – 23.00 (server time)
- Monday : 20.00 – 23.00 (server time)
- Tuesday : 20.00 – 23.00 (server time)

Our raid times are casual, but we’re a hardcore raiding guild focused on efficiency, doing the max amount of (relevant) content in the least possible time spent. We always aim to clear all content on mythical difficulty. Many of us have been raiding together for years and a lot of us have killed every single boss in the game prior to major easy mode nerfs.

What we offer:

- We offer focused high-end raiding on a light schedule.
- We offer a very stable guild with a 2 year history of killing bosses (and counting).
- We offer a guild where you will be treated with respect and an open heart. We always welcome thoughts, ideas and strategies.
- We offer a raid team where spots are given out based on merit and not favoritism.
- We offer you a social community of like minded people.

What we want from you:

- We want you with a strong raiding background, a willingness to improve and high knowledge about your class.
- We want you who are looking to be part of a team for the long term.
- We want you with situational awareness, you who can use your hearthstone and you who are not afraid to admit you made a mistake in order to improve upon it. We believe that nobody wants to be the weak link and that everyone strives to be the best.
- We want you to have a high raid attendance while at the same time be prepared to sit out on certain bosses. We always swap people in and out of raids in order to maximize efficiency and/or loot distribution.
- We want you who know how to communicate both verbally and in writing. We use TeamSpeak for communicating in raids.

Application Form

If it looks like you spent about 20 seconds doing your application, do not be surprised if we spend less time than that declining. Please make an effort with your presentation and try to write coherently.

Thank you for your interest in our guild.

If you have any questions. Reach out to our officers ingame, they will be glad to share more info.

All applications are private.

Application is the only way to obtain an invitation Midwinter. Every application is discussed by the Guild's staff and the better application is, more chance You have to get invited.

Basic Information

Character name :

Class :

Main spec :

Off spec :

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot :

Raiding History

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving :

Previous expansions experience :

Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you?

About Yourself

Name :

Tell us about yourself :

How did you hear about us? :

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."

Last edited by eruth on 03-01-2016, 04:29:54; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 26-12-2015 22:40)
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Post Posted: 22-12-2015, 22:11:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Basic Information

Character name : Reule

Class : Warrior

Main spec : Arms, Fury in endgame gear

Off spec : Prot

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot :

Raiding History

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving : Deranged Epidemic, people started to leave, wow didn't appeal to them, so we started to find other stuff to do.

Previous expansions experience : i've been in MoP and Draenor on retail, and since bc on private servers.
Spent alot of time in RTK Gaming back in 3.3.5a
and most of my time in 5. was in retail, i have an album of a few screen shots during my time there

Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you?
i do not think any1 of DE is still playing.

About Yourself

Name : Pedro Vieira

Tell us about yourself : Just a simple guy in college, wanting to get back to wow's PvE, maining Warrior since ever, used to both dps and tank for DE

How did you hear about us? : Was looking for an english speaking guild in the forums

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[Guild Master]

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(since 11-11-2016 21:40)
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Post Posted: 23-12-2015, 00:40:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

- Rejected (Feel free to apply again, once you hit 90 level.)

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 26-12-2015 22:40)
Joined: 22 Dec 2015
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Location: Portugal

Reputation: 0.1

Post Posted: 23-12-2015, 17:01:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Basic Information

Character name : Reule

Class : Warrior

Main spec : Arms, Fury in endgame gear

Off spec : Prot

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot :

Raiding History

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving : Deranged Epidemic, people started to leave, wow didn't appeal to them, so we started to find other stuff to do.

Previous expansions experience : i've been in MoP and Draenor on retail, and since bc on private servers.
Spent alot of time in RTK Gaming back in 3.3.5a
and most of my time in 5. was in retail, i have an album of a few screen shots during my time there

Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you?
i do not think any1 of DE is still playing.

About Yourself

Name : Pedro Vieira

Tell us about yourself : Just a simple guy in college, wanting to get back to wow's PvE, maining Warrior since ever, used to both dps and tank for DE

How did you hear about us? : Was looking for an english speaking guild in the forums

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[Guild Master]

Status: Offline
(since 11-11-2016 21:40)
Joined: 10 Jun 2014
Posts: 43, Topics: 15
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Reputation: 6.6
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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 23-12-2015, 20:42:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We are currently looking for :

- All tanking classes with a minimum requirement of 495 Item Level and good progress on heroic mode , working microphone , offspec is a must and knowledge of class.

- All healing classes except shamans, with a minimum requirement of 490 - 500 Item Level around and good progress on heroic mode , working microphone , offspec is a must and knowledge of class.

- All dps classes excluding the following : Warrior, Monk, Paladin with a minimum requirement of 490 - 500 Item Level and good progress on heroic mode and knowledge of class.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."
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Status: Offline
(since 23-11-2022 03:29)
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Post Posted: 19-01-2016, 09:47:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Basic Information

Character name : Maraadreborn

Class : Paladin

Main spec : Retribution

Off spec : Protection

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot :

Raiding History Done MSV normal all cleared Toes normal all cleared ,never got my hands off on HOF (workload)

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving : Currently I left some any random guild named PvP core it was just a randomly accepted guild from my side, but if u ask abt serious raiding guild then I left rebirth coz the guild disbanded

Previous expansions experience :
Played TBC for 2 years then comes 1 year on wot lok and 2 big years with cata on freakz
Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you?
Ofc there are many - faithy,slayerknight,Ahn,liltramp
About Yourself

Well my IRL name is Aakash I'm an engineer currently working soo I normally get some time to play during weekends tbh
Name : Aakash

Tell us about yourself : pls read above -

How did you hear about us? :

Hear ? I used to be a member of Midwinter back in cata (dualwarr) the only reason I'm applying to this guild is bcoz I have a lots of friends in that guild and I wanna have some fun raiding with them n also looking forward to make some new friends and help my guild out in the best possible way I can

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[Guild Master]

Status: Offline
(since 11-11-2016 21:40)
Joined: 10 Jun 2014
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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 19-01-2016, 17:18:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

biljanski wrote:
Basic Information

Character name : Maraadreborn

Class : Paladin

Main spec : Retribution

Off spec : Protection

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot :

Raiding History Done MSV normal all cleared Toes normal all cleared ,never got my hands off on HOF (workload)

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving : Currently I left some any random guild named PvP core it was just a randomly accepted guild from my side, but if u ask abt serious raiding guild then I left rebirth coz the guild disbanded

Previous expansions experience :
Played TBC for 2 years then comes 1 year on wot lok and 2 big years with cata on freakz
Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you?
Ofc there are many - faithy,slayerknight,Ahn,liltramp
About Yourself

Well my IRL name is Aakash I'm an engineer currently working soo I normally get some time to play during weekends tbh
Name : Aakash

Tell us about yourself : pls read above -

How did you hear about us? :

Hear ? I used to be a member of Midwinter back in cata (dualwarr) the only reason I'm applying to this guild is bcoz I have a lots of friends in that guild and I wanna have some fun raiding with them n also looking forward to make some new friends and help my guild out in the best possible way I can

biljanski - Rejected (Lack of experience, poor application.)

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."
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Status: Offline
(since 23-11-2022 03:29)
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Post Posted: 20-01-2016, 20:27:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

eruth wrote:
biljanski wrote:
Basic Information

Character name : Maraadreborn

Class : Paladin

Main spec : Retribution

Off spec : Protection

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot :

Raiding History Done MSV normal all cleared Toes normal all cleared ,never got my hands off on HOF (workload)

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving : Currently I left some any random guild named PvP core it was just a randomly accepted guild from my side, but if u ask abt serious raiding guild then I left rebirth coz the guild disbanded

Previous expansions experience :
Played TBC for 2 years then comes 1 year on wot lok and 2 big years with cata on freakz
Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you?
Ofc there are many - faithy,slayerknight,Ahn,liltramp
About Yourself

Well my IRL name is Aakash I'm an engineer currently working soo I normally get some time to play during weekends tbh
Name : Aakash

Tell us about yourself : pls read above -

How did you hear about us? :

Hear ? I used to be a member of Midwinter back in cata (dualwarr) the only reason I'm applying to this guild is bcoz I have a lots of friends in that guild and I wanna have some fun raiding with them n also looking forward to make some new friends and help my guild out in the best possible way I can

biljanski - Rejected (Lack of experience, poor application.)

Be specific if ur rejecting a post lack of experience in what?

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 01-04-2017 22:20)
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Reputation: 7.3

Post Posted: 01-02-2016, 21:17:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Basic Information

Character name : Hazziora

Class : Shaman

Main spec : Elemental

Off spec : Restoration

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot : file:///C:/Users/Deidara%20Blue/Desktop/WTF/Screenshot_1.png

Raiding History

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving : Zaft, They are just not made for heroic raiding and I want more then just normal raiding.

Previous expansions experience : Well I haven't really wanted to raid before MOP, but I did play on retail with SoO and a bit of ToT.

Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you? Yes I have been playing on this server though the whole MOP expansion so far and I have made some friends that I can trust. Such as Imahuntard from Midwinter but I also have some friends in other guilds that I also trust which actually told me about Midwinter and that they were a good English raiding guild.

About Yourself

Name : Magnus

Tell us about yourself : Im a student from Sweden, I'm 17 years old and I like meatballs

How did you hear about us? : I have friends in your guild, such as Holyarena or Hangryofwar as his name is on horde. And my other friend is Imahuntard which I played a bit with on Horde. Friend told me that you guys were good at raiding and nice as persons.

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[Guild Master]

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(since 11-11-2016 21:40)
Joined: 10 Jun 2014
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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 01-02-2016, 21:19:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Makapaka29 wrote:
Basic Information

Character name : Hazziora

Class : Shaman

Main spec : Elemental

Off spec : Restoration

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot : file:///C:/Users/Deidara%20Blue/Desktop/WTF/Screenshot_1.png

Raiding History

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving : Zaft, They are just not made for heroic raiding and I want more then just normal raiding.

Previous expansions experience : Well I haven't really wanted to raid before MOP, but I did play on retail with SoO and a bit of ToT.

Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you? Yes I have been playing on this server though the whole MOP expansion so far and I have made some friends that I can trust. Such as Imahuntard from Midwinter but I also have some friends in other guilds that I also trust which actually told me about Midwinter and that they were a good English raiding guild.

About Yourself

Name : Magnus

Tell us about yourself : Im a student from Sweden, I'm 17 years old and I like meatballs

How did you hear about us? : I have friends in your guild, such as Holyarena or Hangryofwar as his name is on horde. And my other friend is Imahuntard which I played a bit with on Horde. Friend told me that you guys were good at raiding and nice as persons.

Accepted - Contact with any officer to invite.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."
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Status: Offline
(since 29-09-2023 08:54)
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Post Posted: 06-02-2016, 11:13:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Basic Information

Character name : Zhanya

Class : Druid

Main spec : Guardian

Off spec : Restoration/Balance

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot :

Raiding History

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving : Classified, i'm tired of waiting to see how they make raids just with a group of friends.

Previous expansions experience : I played on freakz the last expansion, cataclysm, when all ds was over scripted, but not on this char.

Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you? Yes, but not from midwinter, i played from the beginnings of mop expansion, so i have experience and people who can vouch for me.

About Yourself

Name : Marian

Tell us about yourself : I'm 19 years old, i'm from Romania and i'm currently working.

How did you hear about us? : i saw a lot of members from this guild in rdf, i spoke with them and they were so sociable. i forgot their names, but they made me come in this guild.

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[Guild Master]

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(since 11-11-2016 21:40)
Joined: 10 Jun 2014
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Post Posted: 06-02-2016, 19:54:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zhyna wrote:
Basic Information

Character name : Zhanya

Class : Druid

Main spec : Guardian

Off spec : Restoration/Balance

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot :

Raiding History

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving : Classified, i'm tired of waiting to see how they make raids just with a group of friends.

Previous expansions experience : I played on freakz the last expansion, cataclysm, when all ds was over scripted, but not on this char.

Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you? Yes, but not from midwinter, i played from the beginnings of mop expansion, so i have experience and people who can vouch for me.

About Yourself

Name : Marian

Tell us about yourself : I'm 19 years old, i'm from Romania and i'm currently working.

How did you hear about us? : i saw a lot of members from this guild in rdf, i spoke with them and they were so sociable. i forgot their names, but they made me come in this guild.

Accepted - Contact any officer in game to invite.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 02-07-2016 13:45)
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Post Posted: 11-02-2016, 13:48:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Basic Information

Character name :Knukles

Class : Hunter

Main spec : Marksmanship

Off spec : Survival

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot :

Raiding History

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving : I quit "wrath of avengers" because the guild leader left, so players started to leave guild.

Previous expansions experience : Both normal and heroic has bin made in cataclysm ( In retail i did all the six)

Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you? I dont know any one of you guys, maybe someone in guild know me or heard anything about me.

About Yourself

Name :
shlomi chaky

Tell us about yourself :
I'm 30 years old from Israel, playing a guitar, got a girlfriend for one year, working as Multimedia Editor in my home and got a second job as a truck driver, delivering milk to supermarkets! However, i find load of time playing wow.
i started to play 9 years ago exactly one year after the second expansion came out. I played in retail server, for 6 years i played Hunter, only hunter! then i came here around three years ago and opened my hunter and after that made another 4 alts.

How did you hear about us? :
to be honest i didn't heard about you, i know the guild just from being in game.
i came hear to the guild zone and checked guilds and decided to make an application.

Shlomi chaky- knukles. -

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[Guild Master]

Status: Offline
(since 11-11-2016 21:40)
Joined: 10 Jun 2014
Posts: 43, Topics: 15
Location: Midwinter

Reputation: 6.6
Votes: 5

  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 12-02-2016, 03:13:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

knukles wrote:
Basic Information

Character name :Knukles

Class : Hunter

Main spec : Marksmanship

Off spec : Survival

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot :

Raiding History

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving : I quit "wrath of avengers" because the guild leader left, so players started to leave guild.

Previous expansions experience : Both normal and heroic has bin made in cataclysm ( In retail i did all the six)

Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you? I dont know any one of you guys, maybe someone in guild know me or heard anything about me.

About Yourself

Name :
shlomi chaky

Tell us about yourself :
I'm 30 years old from Israel, playing a guitar, got a girlfriend for one year, working as Multimedia Editor in my home and got a second job as a truck driver, delivering milk to supermarkets! However, i find load of time playing wow.
i started to play 9 years ago exactly one year after the second expansion came out. I played in retail server, for 6 years i played Hunter, only hunter! then i came here around three years ago and opened my hunter and after that made another 4 alts.

How did you hear about us? :
to be honest i didn't heard about you, i know the guild just from being in game.
i came hear to the guild zone and checked guilds and decided to make an application.

Shlomi chaky- knukles. -

knukles - Rejected

Posturi unite automat, 12-02-2016, 03:13:01

We are currently looking for :

Druid : Restoration

Priest : Holy/Disc

Shaman : Restoration/Elemental

Rogue : Combat/Subtlety

Death Knight : Unholy/Frost

Warlock : Affliction/Demonology

Monk : Brewmaster/Mistweaver

with a 510 ilvl + normal and heroic mode good attitude and a bit of knowledge regarding the scripts



A few words about you (including age):


Race and Class:

Main spec/Off spec:

What's your item level in PvE gear?



Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ?

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)?

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere:


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc):

Which addons are you using?


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage.

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Council of Elders.


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?

Any incomplete application will be automatically rejected.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 25-10-2022 12:42)
Joined: 01 Jan 2016
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Location: Croatia

Reputation: 143.1
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Post Posted: 19-02-2016, 15:02:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Basic Information

Character name : Runereaver

Class : Death Knight

Main spec : DPS ( Frost 2H )

Off spec : Blood

Armory link :

Raid UI screenshot : don't have any atm since i'm not in guild, but i'm skilled in Masterfrost spec, doing 150-200k dps single target with current gear, & ofc you can test me anytime you want.

Raiding History : Let's start from the beginning, i spent 7 years on retail & that includes clearing all endgame (hc) content till WoD. During that time i was on 2 servers, Darkspear & Silvermoon in some of top guilds like Deus & Group Two. Had a few "Realm's First" ach & was ranked as world's 87th dk at end of cata. Did Openraid crossrealm encounters too. On several occationes droped EJ's theory's about best class/spec at some patches. Last year i spent on Monster cata realm & now moved to Genesis 2 months ago.
Was a long time i did MoP & i'm a little rusty, but hopeing to get back in the game with youre help.

Previous Guilds and reasons for leaving : Only one guild since i came to Genesis, Nightmare on Elfstreet. we had diference in opinion about loot distributing ( they allow os need if that's role played for encounter )

Previous expansions experience : Vannila, BC, WotLK, Cataclysm, MoP.

Is there anyone in Midwinter or another guild who can possibly vouch for you? Cheapcheap possibly if he remembers me from rdf

Name : Tihomir

Tell us about yourself : I come from Croatia, 39 years old. Working for local oil company. Divorced. Love SF, Fantasy & Mystery old school.

How did you hear about us? : ingame recruitment adds.

Ty in advance;


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