
[REJECTED] Legendary Cloak proc in pvp vs players
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-09-2016, 20:32:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

More proof that the Legendary Cloak doesn't proc vs players.
And it should not proc vs players in world/rbg/arena.,_Breath_of_Yu%27lon

Patches and hotfixes
Hotfix (2014-11-15): "Resolved an issue causing the Mists of Pandaria Legendary Cloaks and Metagems to remain effective for level 100 characters."
MoP Patch 5.4.8 (2014-05-20): Can now be upgraded twice more up to item level 616.
Hotfix (2013-09-23): "Reduced the activation rate for caster and healer Legendary cloak effects for characters in a tanking specialization by 75%."
Hotfix (2013-09-13): "Effects for Legendary cloaks no longer activate while fighting against other players."
MoP Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Added.

This is the Cloak's effect: (wowhead link)

Essence of Yu'lon
Your damaging spell casts have a chance to empower you with the Essence of Yu'lon, causing you to hurl jade dragonflame at the target, dealing 1 damage over 4 sec. This damage also affects up to 4 other enemies near the burning target. (Approximately [2.61 + Haste] procs per minute)

This is a video with the proc aoe effect on dummy:

Video: PvP/Duel - Just the Cloak equipped

Video: PvP/Duel - Gear + Cloak Equipped

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Post Posted: 22-09-2016, 08:03:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There was a hotfix yes but this should've been implemented from the first minute they released it in the shop. As I said earlier, some people including myself bought the cloak just for random bgs and not any hardcore raiding. Maybe, yes, it was a mistake they didnt do it like this when the released it, (intentional / not intentional?)
Im not saying they cant "hotfix" anything they do it all the time its just called bug fixing instead. But you have to understand that its different when the item comes from a shop for IRL money and on top of that, the item is really expensive.

My point is: They cant just change it now after so many bought it. Atleast if they dont make a refund option which i doubt and hope not.
This has already been rejected. No point in taking it further.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-10-2016, 10:45:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You think that money gives you power over people?
We call that a corrupt and illegal system.
You accept the fact that it doesn't proc in Arena but you don't accept if it doesn't work in BG/World PvP.

You think that players who make RBG/World PvP deserve less? Where is the Fair Play in that?

The cloak effect it's random proc and it's uncontrollable.
It breaks CC(Blind, Sap, Gouge, Freezing Trap, Scatter Shot, Polymorph etc) and it even procs when the owner of the item is under CC and that's wrong.
Also it does a large amount of damage and it scales with debuffs/trinkets/burst.
Wow Classes do not have extra skills to counter that effect and no extra heal to cover that damage.
That's 2 of the reasons it was hotfixed by Blizzard.





Seyrox deleted his reply: I didn't need his proof anyway. First he said No then it was Yes and he deleted it.

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Post Posted: 17-10-2016, 08:45:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I think you missread my post abit. I feel like taking this discussion further is just pointless because it seems like you've put all reason aside and have already decided that your opinion is the best.
This already ruins any chance to have a normal and healthy discussion.

Let me just clear a few things up.

totala wrote:
You accept the fact that it doesn't proc in Arena but you don't accept if it doesn't work in BG/World PvP.

This... If you even read my post I said that WoW Freakz told us this was the conditions of the cloak proc from the beginning.

Direct quote from the shop: "Cloaks can be used anywhere. Their procs are disabled only in rated arenas, they are fully working in all other zones."

Thats why I dont accept if they would change it. You cant sell something, say that to your customers and then completely change it. This applies to everything. Even if you like it or not you cant disagree that lying to your customers is not morally right, if they change it, they will do exactly that.

totala wrote:
You think that players who make RBG/World PvP deserve less? Where is the Fair Play in that?

I absolutely dont. I said in my post that i assume you didnt read because of this response, they should've disabled the procs in BG / World PvP. All your proof is correct and I have search around myself. You are right, the proc should't work i BG / World PvP.
BUT! What Im saying is that changing it now is very tricky because there is money in the picture.
After all this is a private server, it runs on donations, those who donate are always gonna have some advantages thats just how it is. Dont like it? dont play. that simple.

totala wrote:
The cloak effect it's random proc and it's uncontrollable.
It breaks CC(Blind, Sap, Gouge, Freezing Trap, Scatter Shot, Polymorph etc) and it even procs when the owner of the item is under CC and that's wrong.

I never mentioned any of this, if there are bugs like this (I dont know), fix it! I 100% agree. Im talking about the actual proc. wether it proc or not.

To sum it up to avoid confusion.

I Agree:
They should have disabled the proc in BG / World PvP (should is a keyword here)

I Disagree:
Changing it now, meaning they would scam all their customers.
-if they work out a reasonable way of changing it, Im all for a change. Just not when its like this.

Read my original post one more time please, and read it with the mindset that you are interested in what im saying. Your response was filled with anger which leads to an unhealthy discussion and that benefits no one.
Its ok that you didnt like my response but attacking me like this is just silly.

I will not repond any further than this. My opinions are said everything after this will just be repeating myself.
p.s ty for -rep... its your choice. Did i insult someone? just expressed my opinions.. I didnt say your proof was incorrect, I know its correct and I even admitted that in my original post
Rarity_ wrote:
There was a hotfix yes
- - -

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