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[Little Pandawan]

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Post Posted: 03-11-2016, 19:56:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

So much drama for 2 deleted posts. Go do some World PVP and kill some A / H to chill out.

If you really want I can move your topic back to Others but that doesn't guarantee that it will be solved faster -

Fixes will be live only after a server restart !

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Post Posted: 03-11-2016, 20:40:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Pirinush wrote:
So much drama for 2 deleted posts. Go do some World PVP and kill some A / H to chill out.

If you really want I can move your topic back to Others but that doesn't guarantee that it will be solved faster -
It's not only about those posts, this is happening for quite long time, its about how staff members think and behave with players in some cases...

Yea, if only wpvp was working properly.

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Post Posted: 03-11-2016, 22:52:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

At this moment, I think there are more important stuff to focus on that this "exploit. If I'm not mistaken it dates way back the bug...
Yes, Lethal should have made some SS before he deleted the post or at least deleted your insults... but this doesn't excuses the fact you had a toxic attitude.

Theoretical situation: X and Y fight. X kills Y so he has multiple options: ALT+F4, leave or remain to fight again. If he ALT+F4 or leaves it's the same thing because he will de-flag himselff. If he stays and fights let's say he ALT+F4 before Y comes back to make his HP back to full (but it can be done even without ALT+F4).
If we are to think of a big group, even if you ALT+F4 or not, you will still get PvP Flagged for healing other teammates to say so.
Hopefully you understand where this idea is going. Even if you ALT+F4 in combat you come back DEAD so where's the point?
As for the decision for World PvP it was the community's idea so stop blaming the staff for it. Be happy that we made it even for both sides to have or not PvP at their own discretion.
(You want Retail Situation? WPvP is almost non-existent on a highly populated PvP server. Even if two players engage they still mind their own businesses.)

tl;dr useless drama, just wait in line 'till the bug is fixed

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Post Posted: 04-11-2016, 01:18:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I wont try to explain all over again or argue with you people
... I can just say that you are not aware in what broken state wpvp is, and/or you did not read/understand about what my bug report was(I updated it few times), anyway, it feels not worth of effort/time pointing "things". PEACE.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-11-2016, 15:18:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name: Wind
Gamemaster name: Erudaxyz
Date and time: 10.11.2016, 00:02
More information on the subject: Salut, eram la un raid de 25 hc pug, a disparut cufarul, l-am chemat pe Erudax si a intrebat cate iteme pica pe 25, 4 sau 6, iar eu i-am spus 6 la panarama si s-a suparat apoi cand a picat boss-ul pe ptr si a dropat 4 iteme, el fiid oricum nevoit sa sa intre pe ptr sa ne dea random loot, asta ca o introducere.
Eram aseara la soo 10hc cu guilda, si i-am adus aminte de chestia asta pe ts, mi-a spus sa termin si mi-a dat kick pe ts, am intrat inapoi si mi-a spus " zi mersi ca nu ti-am dat ingame" , apoi imi spunea mereu termina termina, ti-am spus sa termini pe ts, am intrat in instanta la protectors, am luat wipe, inainte sa iau wipe am primit combat ress de la geniuskp prin symbiosis de la mine, apoi wipe fiind, am dat accept la ress dupa ce s-a luat wipe, iar Erudax a vazut ca am ajuns prea repede la boss, si a considerat ca am avut speed, fara nicio dovada, el fiind frustrat de discutia noastra pe ts, cea cu lootul, practic m-a banat ingame pentru ca am facut misto de el pe ts, practic nu avea nicio dovada ca am folosit ceva, si de ce foloseam speed? doar pentru a ajunge mai repede la boss, iar apoi sa stau dupa tot raidul sa ajunga, nu vad logica. Nu ar trebui sa aiba nici un fel de legatura ce se intampla pe ts cu ingame. Putea foarte frumos sa-mi dea ban pe ts pt ca l-a deranjat ca i-am amintit de acel 25hc pug, nu ingame.
V-as aduce dovezi la tot ce s a intamplat dar totul s-a petrecut pe ts, nu am scris. Sunt multi care pot confirma daca este nevoie. El cunoscundu-ma de mai mult timp, vad ca si-a permis sa faca o chestie de genul, dar nu este corect. Dece sa primesc ban ingame din cauza convorbirii noastre pe ts, cum am spus mai sus nu are logica. De ce as fi folosit speedhack in raid? Imi da encrease la dmg sau ceva? NU! E stupid, ce se intampla. + stiam ca e gm si cat de prost as fi fost sa folosesc cu el in raid, lasand la o parte faptul ca suntem in aceeasi guilda, asta nu conteaza. Pe parcursul raidului m-a tot amenintat ca-mi da ban, eu stiind ca n-are de ce pentru ca nu am facut nimic il mai intrebam in gluma daca-mi trimit goldul si niste potiuni/flash/mancare. La final primind disconnect si verificand site-ul am vazut ca am primit ban 60d de el.
P.S. joc pe 64bits si nici daca as vrea sa folosesc ceva nu mi ar merge.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-11-2016, 02:22:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sa nu fac drame? Nu e nici un fel de drama, nu ti asumi ce ai spus?
,,-Mie nu-mi cere nimeni dovezi''
Chiar crezi ca esti prea inteligent daca-mi dai ban cu pretextul de speedhack dupa o discutie pe ts?

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Post Posted: 15-11-2016, 08:04:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

"Nu sunteti in stare sa scrieti 3 cuvinte, sunteti puternici".
Asteapta-ti raspunsul si nu incerca sa incepi drama.

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[Little Pandawan]

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Post Posted: 15-11-2016, 22:50:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I trust my Gamemasters in making the right decisions. If he said that you had speed hack then you must have had speed hack. The ban remains

Fixes will be live only after a server restart !

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-11-2016, 01:03:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cum spuneai tu: ,,Pe mine nu ma controleaza nimeni, nu trebuie sa aduc dovezi''. Vad ca asa e, macar GM points sa faci ca oricum dreptate nu se face. Raman cu ban.Np

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Post Posted: 19-11-2016, 06:05:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

quote Wind : am luat wipe, inainte sa iau wipe am primit combat ress de la geniuskp prin symbiosis de la mine, apoi wipe fiind, am dat accept la ress dupa ce s-a luat wipe, iar Erudax a vazut ca am ajuns prea repede la boss, si a considerat ca am avut speed, fara nicio dovada, el fiind frustrat de discutia noastra pe ts, cea cu lootul, practic m-a banat ingame pentru ca am facut misto de el pe ts, practic nu avea nicio dovada ca am folosit ceva, si de ce foloseam speed

Geniuskp e de vina ca ti-a dat ress..Genius, ce-ai facut?

Am toate titlurile PvP pe Freakz, am jucat in echipa cu toti Gladiatorii de pe Freakz si impotriva lor. Am fost foarte bun!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-01-2017, 21:19:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name: emylol
Gamemaster name: wipemagnatu
Date and time: pentru CD-uri, 3 ianuarie
More information on the subject: Salut. Am si eu niste nedumeriri in legatura cu ce se intampla in staff si ce isi permit GMii sa faca si vreau si eu sa fiu lamurit de un superior. Wipemagnatu, pana acum ceva timp a fost la alianta impreuna cu guilda suicide squad. Acum, a fost mutata la hoarda si, incet incet, au intrat acolo si playerii care erau cand guilda era la alianta. Intrebarea mea este, a donat WIPE pentru transferul char-ului si a guildei la hoarda? Se poate prezenta de catre donator/primitor o dovada in care sa vad si eu donatia? De asemenea, playerii care au fost transferati (cei care erau in guilda cand era la alianta), au donat si ei? Sau tot acest transfer a fost facut moca de wipe in schimbul GM points si alte vrajeli?

Nu vreau sa fiu impertinent si nesimtit, vreau doar sa imi raspunda un GM, fara insulte si fara sa mi se stearga acest post, cum sta treaba aici, este doar o nedumerire de-a mea.

De asemenea, am verificat ce CD-uri are si vad asta:

Da, am vazut sunt 10 playchars + GM-ul. De ce are GM-ul CD la 10n si 10h? S-a buguit loot-ul si a intrat sa ii ajute sau ce? Nu e prima data cand se intampla. Nu acuz de nimic, sunt doar curios de ce a intrat cu GM-ul la raiduri de playchars normale.

Astept un raspuns de la tine, sa ma lamuresti @Wipe

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Post Posted: 03-01-2017, 22:22:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Unu la mana, guilda a fost transferata pe banii mei, restul playerilor s-au transferat singuri folosind reducerile de sarbatori, desi nu vad de ce ar fi treaba ta chestia asta...
Doi la mana, pot sa intru in orice raid fara ca acele persoane sa stie de existenta mea acolo. Raidul nu a beneficiat de absolut nimic doar am asistat, nu am nimic de ascuns (dar totusi, oare de ce incerc sa iti dau tie explicatii, un om care e doar frustrat si cauta sa atace in necunostinta de cauza). Imi iau automat CD in momentul in care ma teleportez la un player dintr-un raid, la fel cum mi-am luat cand eram in raidul vostru de ati luat ban pentru hacks. Incerci sa ma acuzi de favorizari si abuz de putere? Spre deliciul tau, chiar as vrea ca cineva sa-ti prezinte toate logurile sa vezi ca nu e asa pentru ca ti-as da eu, insa n-am acces.

Don't touch this

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[Little Pandawan]

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Post Posted: 03-01-2017, 22:32:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Au donat toti pentru transfer de la A la H. Nici un GM nu are acces la comanda de schimbare de faction, se face din Database.

Fixes will be live only after a server restart !

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-01-2017, 22:44:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

multumesc pentru raspunsuri! NU am nimic cu tine si nu te-am acuzat, am si precizat asta in repetate randuri, sunt doar curios cum isi face treaba un GM si cum decurg lucrurile, am avut nevoie de o confirmare.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-01-2017, 18:16:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I want to report a super moderator Ashcool.

Let's start from the beggining. I was playing with my brother on Before new year eve he decided to transfer 2 characters to WOW-Frakz. He said that's all okay, so i created new forum account (i had old wow account have no idea if i played some time ago). I created new topic on migration character. After he came out to read it, he closed it without asking any question judging me that i have multiple accounts on the server.

If there's any doubt about having two accounts for my own youse HE SHOULD ASK before closing the topics and being so rude, asking me witch account to deactivate on forum.|

I'm feeling realy dissapointed right now, cause of it.

There's loads of people that plays WOW with part of familly from the same house, same IP address and even in some situations from same PC (there's loads off people that have finnancial problems at home).

Rules are realy clear THAT each person can have just one account/

Now i had to create video saying shit on it, to prove that i have family that plays wow with me. I had to show myself to someone i never seen before, and i have no idea what he will do with it after.

Please be aware of situations like. Just becouse POLES want's to play on the server doesn't mean that we wanna break all rulles, being rude on chat or doing something that could be caused by deactivating / banning accounts...

I wouldn't like to get another situations like that next time.

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