
[Night Elf][Racial] Shadowmeld

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Post Posted: 02-02-2017, 23:43:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: The spell doesn't work properly.

You cannot:
Shadowmeld AoE fears
Shadowmeld spells such as (Polymorph,Hex)which land immediately on you (non-flying spells,like frostbolt for example).You can pretty much shadowmeld when you see the mage is casting polymorph on you and prevent it with Shadowmeld,but what doesn't work is that you cannot shadowmeld the actual spell.Example : Shaman starts casting Hex on you and you want to waste his Hex,not just avoid it,cuz if you use it earlier the shaman will remain with Hex up and will be able to cast it on you later,so the way it should work is,you can just wait until the cast is almost at the end of the cast bar and shadowmeld and the hex will be casted on you,but it will not land.Same goes for AoE fears such as howl of terror and psyhic scream which normally should be "meldable" when used at the same time as the fear is casted.

What does not work for shadowmeld also and perhaps spells like vanish and spectral guise is that when some Mage is casting Frostbolt on you for example,but let's say you have a Living Bomb on yourself(DoT) and you want to shadowmeld the frostbolt,here's what happens : Frostbolt cast > shadowmeld > cast keep "loading" rather than getting "Interrupted" (red bar interrupted) > the Living Bomb DoT damages you while in Shadowmeld and you get out and the Frostbolt lands on you.(This is really annoying when having DoTs on yourself and you're about to get CC'd (ex: boomkin dotted you,paladin goes for Turn Evil on you,you shadowmeld since you can't even shadowmeld it in the end due to not working properly,so you shadowmeld while the paladin is casting Turn Evil,boomkin DoTs break the shadowmeld and you get full Turn Evil) ...

You CAN shadowmeld kidney shot,blind (i've melded blind in Cataclysm once,but you really need to get so lucky when doing it on purpose) and also a kidney shot in MoP ,but it doesn't work always(like it should).What i mean here is that when i know the rogue is going to kidney shot me i use shadowmeld,it gets on cooldown the exact same second as i get kidney shotted and the kidney shot lands on me.
Mighty Bash is probably the easiest Melee Stun that can be Shadowmelded and i've literally never done it here.

So the things this bug should be looked the most at is the part when you don't stop the cast of your enemy upon using Shadowmeld (bug:cast still goes on after shadowmeld)
2nd most critical - (can't shadowmeld spells such as Hex,Polymorph at the very end of the cast)
3rd - the rest of the spells which you cannot shadowmeld(psyhic scream,HoJ,Howl of terror,shadowfury,kidney shot,cheap shot,etc)

The spell works perfectly for flying spells (I can shadowmeld Wyvern Sting,Scatter shot,Chimera,Chaos bolt,mortal coils,etc) but not for the listed above.

between 44:06-08(44:08 for me) the priest casts Psyhic Scream and Hydra shadowmelds it.

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Post Posted: 03-02-2017, 19:04:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Another thing for this is that on rogues when you meld you cant stealth right away always,i cant reproduce it but it happened to me pretty often in arenas.(Maybe it has someting to do with threth that isnt lost or gained while meld)
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Post Posted: 03-02-2017, 19:48:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Foxed wrote:
Another thing for this is that on rogues when you meld you cant stealth right away always,i cant reproduce it but it happened to me pretty often in arenas.(Maybe it has someting to do with threth that isnt lost or gained while meld)

It doesn't get you out of combat,that's the problem.There is overall combat bug...Yesterday i stood in combat for 30 seconds with nobody near me or any pet chasing me or smth....

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Post Posted: 07-02-2017, 00:25:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This should be fixed as soon as possible... its rly annyoing

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Post Posted: 07-02-2017, 01:08:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Callabero wrote:
This should be fixed as soon as possible... its rly annyoing

Hahahahaa lol wtf,it always worked @HoJ for me - Actually it counted as buff on you and you probably could right click it to remove the CC lolololol.

This and the "never leave combat" bug is pretty much game breaking imo.The other bugs arent less important too tho.

Priest PvP Glyph Guide 5.4.8
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Post Posted: 21-02-2017, 18:10:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

God... can u already fix this?... its so annyoing coz im losing only coz of this...

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Post Posted: 11-04-2017, 02:02:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

haha its very fun! remove cc! its must be fast fix!

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