
[EN] Legendary Cloak Questline
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Post Posted: 29-04-2016, 14:57:48 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Chapters implemented:
- Prologue
- Chapter I
- Chapter II
- Chapter III
- Chapter IV
- Chapter V


When you are level 90, you can pick up the quest Stranger in a Strange Land from these NPCs:

Rogues with Fangs of the Father will get the quest Stranger in a Strange Land only from these NPCs:

Chapter I

After you accepted the Stranger in a Strange Land quest, you can begin your journey!

1. Stranger in a Strange Land
Travel to The Veiled Stair and bring Wrathion the Mysterious Note.

2. A Legend in the Making
Share a drink with Wrathion and listen to his story.

3. Trial of the Black Prince (Rogues with Fangs of the Father can skip this)

Goal: Reach Honored with The Black Prince.

Kill the following:
  • Mogu and Mantid in Townlong Steppes
  • Mogu in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
  • Mantid in Dread Wastes
  • Horde/Alliance forces along the southern shores of Krasarang Wilds
  • everything on the Isle of Thunder

Recommendation: Because the density of mobs on the Isle of Thunder is higher than in the other zones, you should farm your reputation there. Do this while waiting for LFR invites.
Hint: During the whole questline you have to farm the reputation until Exalted, so it's ok if you get Revered while waiting for invites. But note, that the quests you turn in to Wrathion will get you reputation too.

4. The Strength of One's Foes
Goal: Collect 10 x Sigil of Power and 10 x Sigil of Wisdom

Overview: Sigil of Power and Sigil of Wisdom drop in:
  • Mogu'shan Vaults from 6 bosses.
  • Heart of Fear from 6 bosses.
  • Terrace of Endless Spring from 4 bosses.
  • Throne of Thunder from 12 bosses. (Lei Shen has a 100% dropchance)

= total 28 bosses.

Calculation: If you do all bosses every week, you should get the 20 Sigils within 1-2 weeks. But it still depends on your activity in LFR/Normal/Heroic raids, and on your luck.

Important: You have one chance per boss per week to get a Legendary item drop. This is across all raid difficulties. Don't waste your time!

Example: If you killed Jin'Rokh the Breaker in LFR (regardless of whether you got a legendary drop or not) you won't get one on the other difficulties (normal / heroic).

Recommendation: Do Terrace of Endless Spring as the last one. In case you get enough Sigils in other raids, you can complete the next step without having to do this raid twice.

For more information regarding Sigils / Titan Runestones / Secrets of the Empire, please CLICK HERE!

5. Fear Itself
Defeat the Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring and loot the Chimera of Fear

6. Breath of the Black Prince
Travel to Mason's Folly and speak with Wrathion.

Reward: Sha-Touched Gem
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
(Additional gems can be purchased from Blacktalon Quartermaster or Commander Oxheart for 10,000 gold each)

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Chapter II

This is were the legendary questline splits, and both Alliance and Horde will have their own separate quests.


IMPORTANT: To continue you have to do the lore quest chain in Krasarang Wilds with the arrival of the Alliance fleet.
1. Meet the Scout from Lyalia
2. A King Among Men from King Varian Wrynn
3. Lion's Landing from 7th Legion Champion

=> This will complete the quest Incoming... you got from Wrathion.

Legendary questline quests

1. The Measure of a Leader
Speak with Wrathion.

2. The Prince's Pursuit
Goal: Reach Revered with The Black Prince.

Kill the following:
  • Horde forces along the southern shores of Krasarang Wilds.
  • Everything on the Isle of Thunder.
Recommendation: Because the density of mobs on the Isle of Thunder is higher than in the other zones, you should farm your reputation there.

Hint: During the whole questline you have to farm the reputation until
Exalted, so it's ok if you get Revered nearly full while waiting for invites. But note, that the quests you turn in to Wrathion will get you reputation too.

3. A Test of Valor
Just as the quest says, you need to gain 3000 valor. That means the quest will COUNT the valor you get from THE MOMENT YOU GET THE QUEST!
In other words, you can get the quest and start getting all the valor you can, and once you reach 3000 valor, it will complete your quest.

For example:
I have 2500 valor, I go and take the quest. I make 500 valor, reach 3000 valor => quest completed.

There is no easy way around it. You can either save valor before you get the quest, or after that. The point is that if you want to finish the quest, you need to be FULLY VALOR CAPPED! (Reach 3000 valor on your character).

Also, if you want to see your progress, you can simply track the achievement, because the quest will not keep track how much valor you've gained. To do so, just run this command:
/run AddTrackedAchievement(8031)

There are several ways to earn Valor Points but you can only earn 1000 per week. So this will take at least 3 weeks to complete.


  • Random scenario = 50 daily
    = total 350 per week
  • Random heroic = 80 daily
    = total 560 per week
  • Random heroic scenario = 120 daily
    = total 840 per week
  • First time of each LFR segment = 90
    = total 1170 per week (with all 13 segments)

Recommendation: I recommend to queue for the daily random scenario, daily random heroic and all possible LFR segments at the same time, to get a shorter LFR waiting time.

4. A Change of Command
Kill Warlord Bloodhilt in Krasarang Wilds. (Some can solo him, but it's easier to ask a friend to help. Should be no problem for a group of two players).

5. The Lion Roars
Win one PVP battle in Temple of Kotmogu and one in Silvershard Mines.

6. Call of the Packmaster
Speak with Wrathion.


IMPORTANT: To continue you have to do the lore quest chain in Krasarang Wilds with the arrival of the Horde fleet.
1. Meet the Scout from Sunwalker Dezco
2. The Might of the Warchief from Garrosh Hellscream
3. Domination Point from Garrosh Hellscream

=> This will complete the quest Incoming... you got from Wrathion.

Legendary questline quests

1. The Measure of a Leader
Speak with Wrathion.

2. The Prince's Pursuit
Goal: Reach Revered with The Black Prince.

Kill the following:
  • Alliance forces along the southern shores of Krasarang Wilds.
  • Everything on the Isle of Thunder.
Recommendation: Because the density of mobs on the Isle of Thunder is higher than in the other zones, you should farm your reputation there.

Hint: During the whole questline you have to farm the reputation until
Exalted, so it's ok if you get Revered nearly full while waiting for invites. But note, that the quests you turn in to Wrathion will get you reputation too.

3. A Test of Valor
Just as the quest says, you need to gain 3000 valor. That means the quest will COUNT the valor you get from THE MOMENT YOU GET THE QUEST!
In other words, you can get the quest and start getting all the valor you can, and once you reach 3000 valor, it will complete your quest.

For example:
I have 2500 valor, I go and take the quest. I make 500 valor, reach 3000 valor => quest completed.

There is no easy way around it. You can either save valor before you get the quest, or after that. The point is that if you want to finish the quest, you need to be FULLY VALOR CAPPED! (Reach 3000 valor on your character).

Also, if you want to see your progress, you can simply track the achievement, because the quest will not keep track how much valor you've gained. To do so, just run this command:
/run AddTrackedAchievement(8031)

There are several ways to earn Valor Points but you can only earn 1000 per week. So this will take at least 3 weeks to complete.


  • Random scenario = 50 daily
    = total 350 per week
  • Random heroic = 80 daily
    = total 560 per week
  • Random heroic scenario = 120 daily
    = total 840 per week
  • First time of each LFR segment = 90
    = total 1170 per week (with all 13 segments)

Recommendation: I recommend to queue for the daily random scenario, daily random heroic and all possible LFR segments at the same time, to get a shorter LFR waiting time.

4. A Change of Command
Kill High Marshal Twinbraid in Krasarang Wilds. (Some can solo him, but it's easier to ask a friend to help. Should be no problem for a group of two players).

5. Glory of the Horde
Win one PVP battle in Temple of Kotmogu and one in Silvershard Mines.

6. The Soul of the Horde
Speak with Wrathion.

Reward: Extra Weapon Socket
You will get Eye of the Black Prince for your Sha Touched Weapon.
(Additional sockets can be purchased from Blacktalon Quartermaster or Commander Oxheart for 2,500 gold).

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Chapter III


Before you can start doing the Chapter III quests, first you must make sure you've done the following lore-related Isle of Thunder quests. If you skip even one of them, you won't be able to finish Chapter III.
But you've probably done almost all of them as some are they're the ones which give you access on the Isle of Thunder, and that our server has already completed the successive unlocking of each area on the Isle of Thunder.

ALLIANCE pre-quests:

HORDE pre-quests:

Legendary questline quests

1. Meet Me Upstairs
Meet Wrathion upstairs on the second floor of the Tavern in the Mists in The Veiled Stair.

2. I Need a Champion
Goal: Reach EXALTED with The Black Prince.

Kill the following:
  • Opposing faction forces along the shores of Krasarang Wilds;
  • Everything on the Isle of Thunder.
Recommendation: Because the density of mobs on the Isle of Thunder is higher than in the other zones, you should farm your reputation there, while you also wait for the LFR queue to pop-up.

3. Secrets of the First Empire
Goal: You will need to collect 40 x Trillium Bar & 20 x Secrets of the Empire.
Overview: Secrets of the Empire drop in:
  • Throne of Thunder from 12 bosses. (Lei Shen has a 100% drop chance)
  • Siege of Orgrimmar from 8 bosses (Wing 1 & Wing 2 / and Sha of Pride has a 100% drop chance)
    = total 20 bosses

Calculation: This can take from 1 to 6 weeks, depending on your look luck and your activity.

Important: You have one chance per boss per week to get a Legendary item drop. This is across all raid difficulties. Don't waste your time!
eg. If you killed the Sha of Pride in LFR (regardless of whether you got a legendary drop or not) you won't get one on Flex, Normal or Heroic.

Reccomendation: If you're close to 20 Secrets of the Empire, do the Throne of Thunder Wing 1 and Wing 2 first, so you can still get Titan Runestone the same week for the "Chapter III - supplement" (check below). Once you've killed the boss no Titan Runestone will drop this week from it.

4. The Thunder Forge
Meet Wrathion at the Isle of Thunder and complete a special single player scenario.

Short Guide:
  • The Celestial Blacksmith needs to be protected while the Celestial Defender does damage and tank.
  • You can tank, while the Celestial Defender does damage.
  • You can heal the Celestial Defender so he does more damage.
  • When the Sha Amalgamation spawns, interrupt Insanity by clicking on the charged anvils. At low HP click the lance near Wrathion and use the special action button "Throw Lance" to kill the Sha Amalgamation.
If any of these NPCs which are helping you die, you will fail and will have to restart the scenario.

5. Spirit of the Storm Lord
Ask a friend to help and tank Nalak while you kite the Essence of Storms. Classes with pets or tanking minions can try to solo this part, but it is risky.

Goal: Target Nalak, then activate Lightning Lance and a Essence of Storms will manifest and follow you. It's slow and every time it moves it loses health. Run away until it's dead. After you completed the quest, reset Nalak by running to the crossroad in the southeast.

6. The Crown of Heaven
Travel to Mason's Folly and speak with Wrathion.

Reward: Legendary Meta Socket
You can choose from one of these rewards:

(Additional sockets can be purchased from Blacktalon Quartermaster 5 x Primal Diamond, which can be made by anyone with Alchemy (Transmute: Primal Diamond) or Jewelcrafting (Primal Diamond), or just check the Auction House)

(these are MANDATORY to continue the questline into Chapter IV)

1. Echoes of the Titans
Collect 12 x Titan Runestone.

Overview: Titan Runestone drop in:

  • Throne of Thunder from 6 bosses (Wing 3 & Wing 4 / and Lei Shen has a 100% drop chance)
  • Siege of Orgrimmar from 8 bosses (Wing 1 & Wing 2 / and Sha of Pride has a 100% drop chance)
    = total 14 bosses

This can take 1 to 4 weeks, depending on your loot luck.

Important: You have one chance per boss per week to get a Legendary item drop. This is across all raid difficulties. Don't waste your time!
eg. If you killed the Sha of Pride in LFR (regardless of whether you got a legendary drop or not) you won't get one on Flex, Normal or Heroic.

Recommendation: Leave Pinnacle of Storms (Throne of Thunder Wing 4) for the last. In case you get enough Titan Runestone in other raids, you can complete the next step without having to do the raid twice.

2. Heart of the Thunder King
Kill Lei Shen (in Throne of Thunder) and LOOT (manually) the Heart of the Thunder King.

Chapter IV

1.Celestial Blessings

Speak to Wrathion and take the quest
Travel to the Temple of the White Tiger in Kun-Lai, the Temple of the Red Crane in Krasarang, the Temple of the Jade Serpent in the Jade Forest, and Niuzao Temple in Townlong Steppes to obtain four blessings of the celestial's. Complete ONE of their four available challenges.

2.Cloak of Virtue
Travel to Mason's Folly in the Veiled Stair and speak with Wrathion

You will be able to choose one of the Cloaks
>Jadefire Drape
>Cranewing Cloak
>Tigerfang Wrap
>Tigerclaw Cape
>Oxhoof Greatcloak
>Oxhorn Bladebreaker

Chapter V

1.A Timeless Discovery

Speak to Wrathion and take the quest
Travel to the Timeless Isle southeast of the Jade Forest and speak with Wrathion

2.Secrets of the Timeless Isle

Speak to Wrathion to take the quest
Collect 5000 Timeless Coins from creatures and events on the Timeless Isle.

3.The Emperor's Way

Speak to Wrathion to take the quest
Defeat Yu'lon, Chi-Ji, Xuen and Niuzao, the four August Celestials of Pandaria

4.A Pandaren Legend

Speak to Wrathion to take the quest
Meet Wrathion within the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Important the Above Quest Rewards you with Timeless Essence of the Black Dragonflight

Chapter V - Supplement Quest <<< You do not need this for Legendary Cloak ,This is for the achievement ONLY !!!! >>>

Judgment of the Black Prince
Complete the Siege of Orgrimmar and defeat Garrosh Hellscream

Rewards you with Achievement Chapter V: Judgment of the Black Prince

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Last edited by Ventress90 on 19-09-2016, 15:42:25; edited 17 times in total
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Post Posted: 14-05-2016, 09:54:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

A very big thumbs up for the guide Ventress!


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[Death's Demise]

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Post Posted: 14-05-2016, 10:29:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Love this, GJ!
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Post Posted: 14-05-2016, 11:02:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thank you all -

| The COMPLETE Rogue PvE guide | Legendary Cloak Questline - GUIDE |

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[Papa Bless]

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Post Posted: 14-05-2016, 11:27:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

good work, as usual. -

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Post Posted: 14-05-2016, 12:15:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We can finally show the newbs what to do

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Post Posted: 14-05-2016, 14:09:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If Lei Shen has dropchance 100 % as it says in the guide, how come I never got a sigil drop from him???

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Post Posted: 16-05-2016, 16:49:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If Lei Shen has dropchance 100 % as it says in the guide, how come I never got a sigil drop from him??? same

in 2 weeks just one sigil drop, - -

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Post Posted: 24-05-2016, 14:41:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I have a little bit of a problem with the second chapter. I've done the lore quest chain in Krasarang Wilds and I have triggered the cinematic.
I have completed the quest called "Incoming..." and then .... nothing.
Wrathion does not give me any quests. When I talk to him he says only "We are just beginning our pandaren campaing, ... " , no quests no nothing.
As I understand this should be the place where I get "The Measure of a Leader " quest.
I double and triple checked the quests and I did not missed anything.

PS: A GM fixed the problem Ingame

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Post Posted: 14-06-2016, 12:08:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Chapter III should have been added before phase 3 .......
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Post Posted: 14-06-2016, 12:56:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We will switch to Phase 3 on 6th June (Monday), sometime afternoon:
  • Although we have tested phase 3 content, there is some chance that not everything will be fully working / missed bugs / exploits, please bare with us while we improve it in the following days
  • Valor points will NOT be deleted or converted, you can keep them
  • Siege of Orgrimmar raid bosses will be available one by one on normal mode until a wing is completed (first 2 wings have 4 bosses, the other 2 wings have 3 bosses). After a wing is completed, we will enable heroic mode for the whole wing
  • We will have FLEXIBLE MODE after a couple of weeks
  • We are planning on implementing Brawler's Guild too, but not just yet, hopefully soon
  • We will move Oondasta and Nalak back in world where they belong
  • WoW Shop will NOT be updated with Phase 3 items immediately. We will probably add them 1-2-3 weeks after the initial launch. The item upgrade from phase2 to phase3 items will also be postponed 1-2-3 weeks
  • The NPC which offers the custom Raid Finder quests will be deleted and re-added soon after phase 3 starts in order to update quests\bags to phase 3
  • The Timeless celestials will be spawned at first in world, in Timeless Isle, but if server starts to lag because of too many players, we might move them somewhere else
  • Chapter III: Two Princes will be implemented couple of weeks after phase 3 start
  • Until Chapter V: Judgment of the Black Prince is scripted, Ordos will be implemented with nerfed damage and HP and will NOT drop warforged items, but will drop LFR items instead (because this boss requires players to have the legendary cloak)

More information can be found here:

Learn to be more patient.

| The COMPLETE Rogue PvE guide | Legendary Cloak Questline - GUIDE |

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[Err505 Baguette Way]

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Post Posted: 14-06-2016, 17:50:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Important: You have one chance per boss per week to get a Legendary item drop. This is across all raid difficulties. Don't waste your time!

Example: If you killed Jin'Rokh the Breaker in LFR (regardless of whether you got a legendary drop or not) you won't get one on the other difficulties (normal / heroic).

THIS ! What a good information to get, i was sad because i didn't have enough time to make every single raid in all difficulties, this is the valuable intel ever. Great guide, a bit of rep should come in switfly.

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Post Posted: 19-09-2016, 15:46:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Guide updated - I'm sorry it took so long.

Chapter III written & done. I will add video guides for the solo-scenario & Nalak quest when I get to them.

Good luck everyone!

| The COMPLETE Rogue PvE guide | Legendary Cloak Questline - GUIDE |

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Post Posted: 04-01-2017, 16:29:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Chapter IV has been implemented.
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Post Posted: 13-02-2017, 11:42:58 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Updated guide with Chapter IV & V

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