
Frost Death Knight PvP Guide 7.1.5

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Post Posted: 24-03-2017, 19:10:54 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Frost Death Knight PvP Guide 7.1.5

1. Introduction

Hello everyone,

I would like to briefly explain a few terms and abbreviations that are used in PvP:

  • CC - short for Crowd Control, a term used to describe any effect that causes loss of control over your character: Polymorph, Sap, Stuns etc. Some of those effects can be broken by damage.
  • DR - short for Diminishing Returns, it is used to describe the resistance of players against repeatedly used CC effects. For example, if a player gets stunned for 5 seconds, and if in the next 15 seconds he gets stunned again, the second stun will only last 2.5 seconds, the third one 1.25 seconds, and the fourth one 0 seconds.
  • RNG - abbreviation for Random Number Generator. It describes abilities or events that have a set chance to happen, such as Critical Strikes.
  • Peel - term used to describe the act of helping your teammates in trouble, either by CC-ing the enemy, slowing them, or by simply damaging them.
  • Fakecast / Juke - when a caster suddenly stops his cast to trick you into interrupting nothing.
  • Burst - used to describe the moment when a player uses all of his cooldowns to maximize damage.
  • Downtime - used to describe the moments when a Death Knight has no Runes or Runic Power and he cannot do anything.
  • Baseline - something that is available by default.
  • Proc - when something procs, its special effect becomes active or available to use.
  • Uptime - used to describe the amount of time you spend in melee range. For example, if the fight took 10 minutes and you had an uptime of 70%, it means that you spent 7 minutes out of 10 in melee range.
  • GCD - short for Global Cooldown, a 1 second cooldown shared by most abilities.

2. What Has Changed With Death Knights?

  • The Rune System has been drastically simplified (there is now only one type of Rune, and Runes recharge individually).
  • Dual-wielding One-Handed Weapons is now the only possible way of playing the specialisation.
  • Runic Empowerment (wowhead link) is now a passive ability, and is the only means of increasing Rune regeneration rate.
  • Abilities That Were Pruned Include: Desecrated Ground, Lichborne, Death Siphon, Death Pact, Icy Touch(along with its dispel), Plague Strike, Soul Reaper, Blood Boil, Asphyxiate, Outbreak, Death and Decay, Plague Leech and one of the biggest prunes in my opinion was the presence pruning.
  • Blood Plague (wowhead link) has been removed, and Frost Fever (wowhead link) can only be applied by Howling Blast (wowhead link).
  • Rime (wowhead link) now also increases the damage of Howling Blast (wowhead link).
  • Killing Machine (wowhead link) now has a chance to proc from auto attack critical strikes (as opposed to just from auto attacks).
  • Many talents Breath of Sindragosa (wowhead link), Abomination's Might (wowhead link), Freezing Fog (wowhead link), Horn of Winter (wowhead link), etc. have received buffs, and none have received nerfs.
  • All Death Knight specs have a ranged kick of 15 yards called Mind Freeze, which is very nice because we lack mobility.
  • Death Strike costs 45 runic power instead costing 2 runes like it used to. It can heal you for a minimum of 10% of your maximum health plus 20% of all the damage you took in the last 5 seconds.
  • We have a great, utilizable talent tree for many different arena situations.
  • Death Knights have a new ability called Wraith Walk, which allows you to break roots and slowing effects, and increase your movement speed by 70% for 3 seconds. So, this is essentially a 3 second Freedom (wowhead link) every 45 seconds, just remember that any action you do, will cancel the effect.
  • Chains of Ice is now a 70% slow, up from 50%, which is a great tool to peel for your teammates.
  • We have a new ability that comes from our artifact weapon. This ability is called Sindragosa's Fury (wowhead link). It does a massive amount of aoe damage, like it should for a 5 min cd, and is really fun to use.
  • Glyphs are completely removed from the game, but you are able to buy cosmetic glyphs to make some of your abilities look cooler.
  • An important thing to notice is your artifact weapon talent tree as well. When you guys obtain your weapon make sure to read each piece because some of them are extremely vital tools for your kit in arena.

3. Races and Their Benefits



  • Best ally race for Death Knights.
  • Every Man for Himself - Stun removal with a 2 minute cooldown, shares a 30 second cooldown with trinket / medallions.
  • The Human Spirit - You gain 2% more from all secondary stats "Haste, Crit, Mastery, Versatility" from all sources.


  • Stoneform - Removes all poison, disease, curse, magic, and bleed effects and reduces all physical damage taken by 10% for 8 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.
  • Might of the Mountain - Critical Strike damage and healing increased by 2%

Night Elf

  • Shadowmeld - Activate to stealth. Lasts until cancelled or upon movement or damage intake. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of the effect.
  • Elusiveness - Speed in stealth increased by 5%
  • Quickness - Increases your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 2% and increases movement speed by 2%
  • Touch of Elune - Increases critical strike chance by 1% during daytime, and increases haste by 1% during nighttime.


  • Escape artist - Removes the effects of any immobilizarion or movement speed reduction effects. 1 minute cooldown.
  • Expansive mind - Maximum mana increased by 5%
  • Engineering specialization - Engineering skill increased by 15 "allowing you to go 15 points higher than the average engineer".
  • Nimble Fingers - Haste increased by 1%


  • Gift of the Naaru - Heals the friendly target for 20% of the caster's total health over 5 seconds. 40 yard range. 3 minute cooldown.
  • Heroic Presence - Increase strength, agility, and intellect by a fixed amount based on your level.


  • Darkflight - Increases your speed by 40% for 10 seconds.
  • Viciousness - Increases critical strike chance by 1%.



  • Best horde race for Death Knights.
  • Blood fury - Increases your attack power and spell power by 4 "scales with level" for 15 seconds, 2 minute cooldown.
  • Command - Damage done by pets increased by 1%
  • Hardiness - Stun duration reduced by 20%


  • Cannibalize - When used regenerates 7% of total health and mana every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. "35% total." (Requires a dead body nearby within 5 yds).
  • Will of the Forsaken - Removes any charm, fear and sleep effects. This shares a 30 second cooldown with medallion/trinket. 2 minute cooldown.
  • Touch of the Grave - Your attacks and damaging spells have a chance to drain the target dealing 12 "scales with level" shadow damage and healing you for the same amount.


  • War stomp - Stuns up to 5 enemies within 5 yards for 2 seconds "Affected by dimishing returns" 0.5 second cast time, 1.5 minute cooldown.
  • Brawn - Critical strike damage and healing increased by 2%
  • Endurance - Increases your stamina by 2 "scales with level".


  • Berserking - Increases your haste by 15% for 10 seconds. 3 minute cooldown.
  • Da Voodoo Shuffle - Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 20%
  • Regeneration - Health regeneration rate increased by 10%, and you get 10% of your health regeneration during combat.

Blood Elf
Blood Elf male, you say? There's no such thing...

  • Arcane Torrent - Silence all enemies within 8 yards for 2 seconds, and restores 3% mana, 15 rage, 15 energy, 20 runic power, or 15 focus (based on your class).
  • Arcane Acuity - Increases critical strike chance by 1%


  • Rocket barrage - Deals 13 "scales with level" fire damage, 30 yard range, shares a cooldown with rocket jump.
  • Rocket jump - Lunges you forward, cannot be slow falled for 10 seconds after using, shares cooldown with rocket jump.
  • Time is money - 1% haste increase​.

4. Talents

Level 56: Murderous Efficiency (wowhead link) is an ideal talent choice for this slot because almost every Killing Machine (wowhead link) proc you get, you are able to potentially refund a rune and more runes can mean more damage with Breath (wowhead link), or more peeling with Chains of Ice. It works very well with your passive that gives you a chance to refund a rune when you spend runic power.

Icy Talons (wowhead link) is best if you can sustain a good connection to any target. The reason for this is because Icy Talons (wowhead link) gives faster auto-attack speed, which then leads to more Killing Machine (wowhead link) procs, which can then lead to Rime (wowhead link) procs, and I'm sure you see the point now.

Shattering Strikes (wowhead link) is currently not as up to par, it is useful for a mini-burst every 5 Razorice (wowhead link) stacks, but otherwise it is rather lackluster and the sustained 5 Razorice (wowhead link) stacks are more important.

Conclusion: With the new Breath of Sindragosa (wowhead link) spec, Murderous Efficiency (wowhead link) has an increased chance to proc, and those runes it can grant us help with single target pressure as well as Breath pressure due to keeping our Runic Power flowing. Consider this a strong option if you are not running the Icy Talons (wowhead link) / Frozen Pulse (wowhead link) combo.

Level 57: Freezing Fog (wowhead link) is a must for this tier list because each Rime (wowhead link) proc that you get increases the damage of Howling Blast (wowhead link) by 100%, so the extra 25% on top of that is a nice addition and it makes your Frost Fever (wowhead link) deal more damage as well.

Similarly to Icy Talons (wowhead link), our auto-attacks do a lot of stuff for us, and with the increased attack speed of Icy Talons (wowhead link), when we're low on runes, Frozen Pulse (wowhead link) will start to seriously destroy everyone around you as long as you can connect.

Conclusion: Freezing Fog (wowhead link) feels very nice for sustained pressure and cleave now due to the 5% damage increase, and I feel Frozen Pulse (wowhead link) now lacks the cleave it has with Icy Talons (wowhead link) when taking Murderous Efficiency (wowhead link). I would highly recommend taking Freezing Fog (wowhead link) now, Horn of Winter (wowhead link) seems nice for keeping a longer Breath, but if played correctly, Overpowered Rune Weapon (wowhead link) should take care of the RP regen enough, and Freezing Fog (wowhead link) has great additional cleave for our kit.

Level 58: Hungering Rune Weapon is a must for this tier in order for you to keep Breath (wowhead link) Up.

Level 60: Blinding Sleet (wowhead link) is basically an unpredictable Dragon's Breath (wowhead link). It is unpredictable in the fact that it can break on damage, but sometimes it sits full, which is very nice because if you are playing with a heavy stun partner, you can use this ability out of the stuns for extra pressure.

Winter is Coming (wowhead link) is also pretty good. If there is an initial stun, or even the Frozen Center (wowhead link) root, you should be able to catch at least 2 enemies and use Breath of Sindragosa (wowhead link) right into them with Pillar of Frost (wowhead link) causing some truly devastating amounts of damage. Even more so if you run Chill Streak (wowhead link).

Level 75 Volatile Shielding (wowhead link) or Permafrost (wowhead link). You would use Volatile Shielding (wowhead link) in any circumstance where there high magic damage on the opposing team and Permafrost (wowhead link) would be ideal versus teams that have little to no magic.

White Walker (wowhead link) is too sparse in terms of how much it helps as a defensive, and Wraith Walk (wowhead link) is rather unreliable right now anyway, so don't tie a defensive into it.

Conclusion: Most of the time you should be running Volatile Shielding (wowhead link), even against teams like Ret/Enh, Ret/DK, DK/Enh, they are still bursting you with mostly magic damage, so it's important to absorb as much as possible and that extra damage afterword is good for cleave. Otherwise, run Permafrost (wowhead link) against physical damage melee cleaves (Warriors, Windwalkers, etc.).

Level 90 Gathering Storm (wowhead link) is a great ability that amplifies your Remorseless Winter (wowhead link), which is an ability that you want to use to amplify the damage of your Frost Strike (wowhead link) from a PvP Talent called Tundra Stalker (wowhead link).

Frostscythe (wowhead link) is definitely cool, but not viable for bursting down single target at the moment.

Runic Attenuation (wowhead link) is close to being a good alternative, but empowering RW's snare and damage is just too good to pass up at this time.

Conclusion: Gathering Storm (wowhead link) can be devastating if you can move out a lot of runes while Remorseless Winter (wowhead link) is up. Having RW's duration extended and damage increased makes it that much easier for you to connect, and continue to deal consistent cleave to everything around you. The damage increase to Gathering Storm (wowhead link) has made Remorseless Winter (wowhead link) even scarier and cleavier.

Level 100 Obliteration (wowhead link) is still great, but it has fallen slightly behind due to the Breath of Sindragosa (wowhead link) buff, which has become the central ability to our new spec. Breath of Sindragosa (wowhead link) when played correctly is absolutely devastating. I strongly recommend all DKs try it to see the sort of pressure it causes.

Obliteration (wowhead link) gives you an overall stronger and more consistent burst. Guaranteed Killing Machine (wowhead link) procs off Frost Strike (wowhead link) with Obliterate (wowhead link) costing 1 Rune means an easy 2-3 Obliterate (wowhead link) crits within 8 seconds that can chunk out someone's health if they aren't careful, and that is exactly what you need.

Glacial Advance (wowhead link) is too low in terms of damage and reliability of hitting to run right now.

5. PvP Talents

First Tier: Gladiator's Medallion (wowhead link) is usually a go to vs teams that have spammable cc, like polymorphs, or fears. ORC OPTION: If the team has heavy stuns and you are an orc, then the Relentless (wowhead link) talent would be the way to go. If you run Adaptation (wowhead link), sure you have a shorter trinket, but you will also face teams who will exploit the trinket proc, and kill you a couple seconds later with a full CC.

Second Tier: Reinforced Armor (wowhead link) is used in almost all situations because one, dks have the highest HP pool in arena, and two, Sparring (wowhead link) is only really viable against pure physical melee teams, which rarely exist.

Third Tier: Most of you might not like this talent tree because there are two very good options on there. Dark Simulacrum (wowhead link) and Anti-Magic Zone (wowhead link). AMZ, which has been significantly buffed, has always been a great defensive tool for either yourself or your teammates. I personally choose Anti-Magic Zone (wowhead link) because it is, literally, another entire defensive CD for your team and can save trinkets from your healer or defensives for your partners in general. Dark Simulacrum (wowhead link) is also viable, especially if you do not need the extra defensive CD.

Fourth Tier: This is a pretty easy decision based on team comp. Running with a physical DPS (Warr/WW)? Decomposing Aura (wowhead link). Running with magic damage (Ret/Enh/Lock)? Necrotic Aura (wowhead link). Heartstop Aura (wowhead link) should be used against super mobile teams so you can more easily connect to them after movement enhancing abilities. Combine Heartstop Aura (wowhead link) with Delirium (wowhead link) to make it extra difficult for things to escape from you, just make sure to keep Delirium (wowhead link) at 2 stacks at all times on your main target.

Fifth Tier: The AoE root from Frozen Center (wowhead link) is great after you grip, and it's undispellable, so enemies have to sit and take your burst for about 2-3 seconds before they can get away. It is also fantastic for peels, you can run out and root someone chasing your heals to give them some space to heal for a bit. Deathchill (wowhead link) requires too many runes/GCDs to be effective. As I stated previously, you would run Delirium (wowhead link) for teams that have incredibly mobile classes so you can stick to them.

Sixth Tier: I believe Overpowered Rune Weapon (wowhead link) can greatly benefit our new Breath of Sindragosa (wowhead link) spec. It grants us a shorter CD for more runes and RP which in turn extends our Breath greatly. If you get lucky enough with procs and RNG, the Breath (wowhead link) can run upwards of 30-45 seconds, sometimes even running right back into Hungering Rune Weapon being back up thanks to Overpowered Rune Weapon (wowhead link).

Chill Streak (wowhead link) combos super well when you do a grip into root/blind and then pop it, it guarantees that it'll bounce its maximum amount of times and give you very heavy pressure.

Tundra Stalker (wowhead link) gets ruined by anything that can wipe off snares or roots, or can range you, it's better to run with something that you know will hit and do a decent amount of damage.

6. Artifact Progression

1. Crystalline Swords (wowhead link)
2. Blades of Frost (wowhead link)
3. Nothing but the Boots (wowhead link)
4. Frozen Core (wowhead link)
5. Frozen Skin (wowhead link)
6. Dead of Winter (wowhead link)
7. Sindragosa's Fury (wowhead link)
8. Cold as Ice (wowhead link)
9. Ice in Your Veins (wowhead link)
10. Chill of the Grave (wowhead link)
11. Mirror Ball (wowhead link)
12. Ambidexterity (wowhead link)
13. Hypothermia (wowhead link)
14. Blast Radius (wowhead link)
15. Over-Powered (wowhead link)
16. Frozen Soul (wowhead link)
17. Bad to the Bone (wowhead link)
18. Soulbiter (wowhead link)

7. Relic Choice

When choosing which relics to use, always take the one that grants you the highest item level, regardless of the benefit it offers. When having to choose between relics that grant the same item level, chose based on the following trait enhancement priority:

1. Ambidexterity (wowhead link) - Despoiled Dragonscale
2. Nothing but the Boots (wowhead link) - Unwaking Slumber
3. Blast Radius (wowhead link) - Cube of Malice
4. Cold as Ice - Chilled Incisor
5. Bad to the Bone - Suspended Nightwell Droplet
6. Over-Powered - Drugon's Snowglobe
7. Dead of Winter - Ageless Winter

8. Gearing

People are confused on the whole gearing subject, so I am going to explain it to you guys, so you can benefit yourselves in the best way. The simplest way to explain how to gear in Legion for PvP purposes is to achieve the highest ITEM LEVEL GEAR that you could obtain. Regardless of the stats, each class has a predetermined PvP template of stats when they enter either a BattleGround or Arena. This "Predetermined" Set of Stats increase with Item level, NOT WITH WHAT THE STATS ON YOUR GEAR SAY.

Here is an example: You obtain a 850 Ilvl piece that gives you mastery and crit and you are like "WoW this is great!" "My Best Stats!". Then 20 minutes later you receive a 855 Warforged piece that gives you haste and versatility. Go for the piece with the higher item level regardless of the stats on the gear, because those stats do not matter at all once you step into a PvP related experience.

To those DKs who want to do the most optimal damage in arena, you are going to have to get your pve pants on because the item level for mythic raiding gear gives your pvp stat templates a nice boost in arena if you are maxed out. The difference would be 5% or so, but that is very worth it in my eyes, especially in higher rated PvP.

9. Rotation In PvP

Runeforging - Rune of Razorice (wowhead link) and Rune of the Fallen Crusader (wowhead link)

Coming to a PvP guide looking for a rotation is a very bad way to try and get used to a PvP playstyle. PvP requires you to go on more of a priority-based system with your abilities, because it is dynamic and it is not about doing the highest damage possible through some rotation. In terms of priority, I'll give you a 2v2 scenario:

Say you're running DK/Hpala against Rogue/Priest, as a DK you obviously will be using Obliterate (wowhead link), Frost Strike (wowhead link), and Howling Blast (wowhead link) plenty for damage, but you need to mix in things like Chains of Ice, Mind Freeze, Death Grip (wowhead link), Blinding Sleet (wowhead link), Remorseless Winter (wowhead link) (AS A ROOT!), etc.

So if your Holy Pally is in trouble because of the Rogue for instance: Grip the Rogue off, blind him, root him, slow him, and just generally keep him controlled until your Pally is okay.

Say the Priest is about to get a heal off that could save him and the Rogue, KICK HIM! Mind Freeze right then and there, because you need your pressure to stay high. Don't have Mind Freeze? blind (wowhead link) the heal, grip (wowhead link) the heal, have your Pally come in and HoJ (wowhead link) him, just keep the pressure going.

Just because you're a DK, which is well-known for just doing straight damage, doesn't mean you can get away without doing some sort of CC or disruption of the enemy team's flow. This stuff right here is what separates a good DK from a great DK, get used to doing more than damage.

Due to the Breath of Sindragosa (wowhead link) spec, I want to go over a short summary of rotation to get the best Breath (wowhead link) possible. Starting out, you're going to want to cap your Runic Power WITHOUT using Hungering Rune Weapon. As soon as you do that, you should go on the healer or DPS you want to cleave then pop Pillar of Frost (wowhead link), Remorseless Winter (wowhead link), and Breath of Sindragosa (wowhead link), then spam Obliterate (wowhead link) and Howling Blast (wowhead link) into the team while you Breath (wowhead link) all of them down. DO NOT USE FROST STRIKE (wowhead link) OR DEATH STRIKE DURING THIS! You need to keep pressure, wasting Runic Power on FS (wowhead link) or DS is going to ruin the whole point of your spec. Keep hitting ANYTHING with Obliterate (wowhead link) / Howling Blast (wowhead link), keep the Breath (wowhead link) flying, and make sure to use Hungering Rune Weapon when you are absolutely out of resources to keep the Breath (wowhead link) going for a near eternity. Repeat this every 2 minutes to eventually ensure an easy kill.

10. Macros

About macros. Modifiers and Targets.

Macros allow you to put several spells on a single keybind, and you can also define Modifiers and Targets in your macros.

So here are the modifiers you can use:


It is important to define [nomod] in any macro that has at least 1 modifier, else it will not work.

And the targets:

[@partyX] - replace X with any number between 1 and 5.
[@arenaX] - replace X with any number between 1 and 5.
[@player] - macros with @player will be cast on yourself.
[@mouseover] - macros with @mouseover will be cast on the target you're keeping your mouse on.

Macros that you're going to need:

Focus current Target:

Focus Mouseover:

/focus [@mouseover]

Focus Arena 1,2,3:

/focus [@arena1,exists]

/focus [@arena2,exists]

/focus [@arena3,exists]

Remove current Focus:

Death Grip + Focus:
#showtooltip Death Grip
/use [nomod] Death Grip
/use [mod:shift, @focus] Death Grip

Chains of Ice + Focus:
#showtooltip Chains of ice
/use [nomod] Chains of Ice
/use [mod:shift, @focus] Chains of Ice

Mind Freeze + Focus:
#showtooltip Mind Freeze
/use [nomod] Mind Freeze
/use [mod:shift, @focus] Mind Freeze

Blinding Sleet + Focus:
#showtooltip Blinding Sleet
/use [nomod] Blinding Sleet
/use [mod:shift, @focus] Blinding Sleet

Focus Dark Simulacrum:
#showtooltip Dark Simulacrum
/use [@focus] Dark Simulacrum

It's a good practice to keep 2 keybinds for Dark Simulacrum, one for your normal Target, and one for this Macro. For instance, let's say that you will put the normal Dark Simulacrum on 5. Then you will need to keybind shift-5 somewhere else on your Action Bar, and you will put this Macro there. This way, when you copy something with Dark Simulacrum, the copied spell will be properly cast on your Focus if you press shift-5. If you make a macro for both Focus and normal Target and put it on a single keybind, the copied spell will always be cast on your normal Target, even if you keep Shift pressed.

Slot Macros

Slot Macros will activate whatever special effect you have on the respective Gear slot. For example, if you're an Engineer, "/use 10" will activate Synapse Springs (wowhead link) if you have it on your Hands. Now let's look at the slot numbers:

/use 6

Will activate whatever enchant you have on your BELT.

/use 10

Will activate whatever enchant you have on your HANDS.

/use 13

Will activate whatever TRINKET you have in the FIRST trinket slot.

/use 14

Will activate whatever TRINKET you have in the SECOND trinket slot.

/use 15

Will activate whatever enchant you have on your BACK.

These types of macros are A LOT more reliable than "/use (itemname)" because you don't have to change the macro every time you change your respective item.

Exorcizare Gets 100.000 Honorable Kills

Last edited by Cosmin050895 on 17-09-2018, 11:39:26; edited 53 times in total
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Post Posted: 25-03-2017, 03:23:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Another strong guide. Way to go!

Ashcool - TEMPORARY UNAVAILABLE - Please contact Denim.

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Post Posted: 25-03-2017, 10:47:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

also, you could add a artifact traits path for both guides(unholy and frost)

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Post Posted: 25-03-2017, 15:49:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I've Updated both Unholy/Frost Guides with Artifact Progression.

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Post Posted: 25-03-2017, 18:25:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cosmin050895 wrote:
I've Updated both Unholy/Frost Guides with Artifact Progression.

also, you could add screenshots for both guides with talent specs(both honor and normal one), because on 28 of march blizzard will update to 7.2

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Post Posted: 25-03-2017, 18:29:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I already did that.

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Post Posted: 11-04-2017, 12:12:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Magnificent guide! Great job. Keep up the great work. I also checked your YouTube channel as well, Great content, hope you will be active in that aspect as well when the server goes live on Legion! Cheers -
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Post Posted: 19-07-2017, 17:08:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This guide is very in-depth and useful ,I'll give it a try on my DK -
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Post Posted: 25-07-2017, 19:43:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

names with the relics ? i have the 3rd slot and no relic to put inside.

Reputatie aproape moca -

R.I.P Abis


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Post Posted: 03-08-2017, 23:27:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

So Helpful Guide

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-09-2017, 23:19:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dunno about "Winter is Coming" . I strongly reccommend Abomination's Might ... However , very good guide !

Eroinastar - ww monk
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[Who Cares]

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Post Posted: 16-09-2018, 12:15:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I've made some updates for Talents Section.

Exorcizare Gets 100.000 Honorable Kills

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