
[REJECTED] [Paladin]Holy pala healing

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-05-2017, 00:15:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Holy paladin healing is incredibly low
Proof: Holy paladins are impossible to play right now, a thing proven by the very low number of holy paladins we see in arenas right now. While i have no real proof for the following statement I am trying to urge attention towards this matter. Taking for example ''holy light'' which is suppoused to be the holy paladin's strongest healing spell, in it's tooltip it says it should heal for 82,272 (which is extremely low) in arenas it barely goes up to a 250k crit from time to time. The same goes for ''flash of light'' and baisically the rest of the holy paladin healing spells.
Here I'll leave a video which shows a holy paladin in a 2v2 arena which I believe to have pretty close gear to what we are using right now putting up way different numbers. I know this is not the proof you usually look for before fixing a bug but if you take 1 minute to skip through the video and then make a holy paladin of your own, even que 2-3 arenas you will agree to the fact that it is unplayable and by all means not fixed right now.

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Post Posted: 13-05-2017, 00:36:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

regarding holy light...
do you play with (wowhead link)
it increases holy light heal by 100% in this patch and the pally in the video is using it.
With that talent I get ~ the same numbers per holy light like in the videos ~200-220k normal heals
And the rest of the heals seem to me like they are ~ the same as here

But the biggest problem is crusader strike IMO
You see in this video that the guy hits for ~98k normal hit in burst
I hit for half of that and I have no idea why.. (and it's not because of the 55% reduced dmg in arena cause judgement and holy shock are doing blizzlike damage..)

And then it's the problem with avenging crusade. When you pop it and if you spam crusader strike.. it buggs all spells and locks them.. so you can't use anything. That IMO is a big problem

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-05-2017, 10:59:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yes i am using it, and the things you just said support the fact that the holy paladins need some attention

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-05-2017, 18:55:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Let me help a little bit over here. I've been doing some comparison between holy pala and resto shaman and as far as the stats tell, it should work right but it doesn't.
Here you have a link with both of them having almost the same ilvl :
As you can see the shaman has lower stats than the pala, but in game, shaman heals better. Here I am not talking about pvp. I tried to heal myself for a couple of times only with and only with . I assume they might work the same since both of them have higher casting time and should have a high amount of heal. Well what I discovered is that the spell power which is added to each healer, in my case holy and resto, is very different, and I guess it should be. But I don't think it is possible that a lower geared shaman having more spell power than a little higher geared holy. Anyway in game it tells how much heal it should do and for resto Healing Wave shows that it supposed to heal 180k, but it does 200k most of the times ( + crit it goes from 400k to 600k ), while holy pala( don't forget with better gear ) , holy light it shows that it supposed to heal 130k and it does 180k( + crit max 300k).
Now about and . Another 2 spells that might work the same since both have low cast time and hight amount of heal + high mana cost. They are working exacting like their \" parteners\" if I can call them like that. Flash of Light heals around 180k and Healing Surge with 200k and again the amount of heal showed by the spell power in game doesn't really match.

About pvp. Well, everyone who tried playing arenas and faced a resto shaman knew that if you don't kill the healer there is almost now way to win. Why ? Because Resto shaman is using a few abillities to heal you with full health in a few seconds. Holy pala on the other hand it supposed to do the same. As far as I've seen on youtube, on patch 7.1.5 there are holy pala's who are healing 1000k per heal and shamans are doing the same. But on our beloved server, shaman is healing how is supposed to while holy pala can maximum heal 600k in arena( 600k if you are very lucky).

I know this is not a very good proof but, after I checked on youtube I found that holy pala should heal more than it does here and it's a shame that it's only this healing class with this kind of bugs.

Hopefully I was helpfull enough.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-05-2017, 19:38:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If u look closely Healing Wave has higher spell power coeficinent then holy light, same for healing surge and flash of light.
Then the problem of tooltips and actual heal its because of the, this increases are not in the tooltip. same for pala holy.
And about pvp there is a different story because of pvp templates.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-05-2017, 21:27:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Between 25% and 50% I wouldn't consider so much difference, the thing you didn't understand was the gear difference.
By the way I didn't mention anything about buffs you get from other spells.

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