
[Siege of Orgrimmar] Review

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Post Posted: 04-07-2017, 07:09:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

New fresh topic.

This will look into all bosses/trash that are currently available in SoO and tries to find all the bugs (major and minor) to make this as much as blizzlike as possible.

I need someone to start posting here all problems related to ALL encounters. (@Brigadee @hangryforwar or anyone who want to help).

I'll start working on all those problems starting with 8/9 of July.





[The Fallen Protectors]


[Sha of Pride]


[Iron Juggernaut]

[Kor'kron Dark Shaman]

[General Nazgrim]


[Spoils of Pandaria]

[Thok the Bloodthirsty]

[Siegecrafter Blackfuse]

[Paragons of the Klaxxi]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2017, 19:41:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I will post the bugs that were before the legion launch (when everyone was playing) and that probably still persist.I don't have any proof because I don't have people for testing.

-Corrosive Blast does not work properly:Immerseus hits you in front of him but at the same time, it hits you and behind it.
-Contaminated puddles cannot be healed by some spells.
-Swelling Coruption doesn't work.
-In split phase, Contaminated Puddle do not reduce the boss's pool size and it makes the fight much harder because you can't see much.
-Contaminated puddles cannot be healed by some spells.For example:Light of Dawn/Word of Glory from Holy paladin.

[The Fallen Protectors]Normal
-Inferno Strike should be reduced by defensive \\ personal cds
[The Fallen Protectors]Heroic
-Inferno Strike should be reduced by defensive \\ personal cds

-After you entered the room(depends on dps/heal/tank) and after killing your adds(dps case) you have a 50% to stay there for 1 min or less.
-Pets disappearing when you enter tests ( should appear after )
-Pets disappearing when you enter tests ( should appear after )
-There should be 4 Orbs you can click on 10H
-There should be 12 Orbs you can click on 25H
On both difficulty:There is a loss point where you can avoid Blind Hatred.

[Sha of Pride]Normal
-Reflection should indicate their spawn location for about 1-2 seconds.ATM if you are unlucky, you will die because all have spawned under you.
-At 100/100 Pride, Overcome doesn't work(occasional).

[Sha of Pride]Heroic
-Sometimes you are in Corrupted Prison and at the same time you can enter in Banishment realm and you will die.
-At 30% Sha of Pride gain Unleashed and sometimes unleashed are in the same time with Swelling Pride=>raids member will die.There should be a delay time.

[Galakras]Normal and Heroic
-You can bring mini-bosses from their tower after the progress is made.

[Iron Juggernaut]Normal and Heroic
I don't remember any bugs.

[Kor'kron Dark Shaman]Normal
-Toxic Mist dot is ticking to quickly , it's like 2->2.5 seconds , you should change it to at least 3->3.2 sec ;that means also the stacks are gained faster.

[Kor'kron Dark Shaman]Heroic
-Sometimes Iron Prison don't give the corectly damage.
-Toxic Mist dot is ticking to quickly , it's like 2->2.5 seconds , you should change it to at least 3->3.2 sec ;that means also the stacks are gained faster.

[General Nazgrim]Normal
-Sometimes Arcane Shock hits you very hard(I died on Heroic because of it)and after 1 sec, he put Magistrike on the floor.

[General Nazgrim]Heroic
-Same problem with Arcane Shock.

That is for the moment, I will try to make other posts for the rest of them in the following days.There are many bugs but I can not remember them and I can' bring solid proof(again-no players - ).

Angels can still feel fear.
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