
[REJECTED] [Death Knight][Frost] Killing Machine Procs are way too high!
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Post Posted: 17-07-2017, 05:37:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: (It even says 101% proc chance wtf)
WoWHead link: (wowhead link) (wowhead link)
Bug description: Killing machine procs are way too high.
Proof: You can easily proof this by making a trial dk and hitting a dummy

Early today i made a trial DK Character to see the issue that everyone agrees on, that is "Frost DKs dmg is way too high" and gms keep saying "DK is working as intented" when its not, Frost DKs have a bug on the killing machine proc, which makes them to have almost 100% Crit avaiable to their Obliterates everytime running low haste builds.

Please check this issue asap, Frost DKs are ridiculous.

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Post Posted: 17-07-2017, 05:44:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Real PPM
= 4.5 * (1 + TotalHaste) * (1 + TotalCriticalStrike)

Let's say you have 10% haste and 10% crit, I believe this is how it works, you would have 4.5*1.10*1.10 = 5.445 procs per minute.

That 1.10 represents 1 + 10% haste / 100.

Also RPPM means it's very RNG you can have 10 procs in 10 seconds or you can have 2 in 10 seconds.

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Post Posted: 17-07-2017, 05:48:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I understand how the RNG Math works in these cases, but cmon, that's basically saying "Every dk is always lucky and they get all the procs everytime, that's why they always top dps even if they have the lowest ilvl in the raid", Been doing Emerald Nightmare twice with my guild now and DK Frost always top dps, and they're not even 835+, while im a 851 Balance druid, can barely pull a little more than the half of their dps, same goes for mages warriors etc...

And it's not a matter of "Probably you're doing your rotation wrong" or "You probably don't know how to play Balance" cuz dude i've been mastering balance since cataclysm, cmon...

There must be some issue that makes DK Frost being this ridiculous OP.

>inb4 They're just top dps in this patch hurp durp

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Post Posted: 17-07-2017, 06:11:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rime procs way more often than it should for example, Glacial Advance hits the target 2-3 times which should not happen. It's not Killing Machine, just other bugs.

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Post Posted: 17-07-2017, 06:13:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lets just wait and see how things look after rime proccing from offhand gets fixed. No need to rush in and destroy a class for no reason. There is no question about it, right now howling blast is out of control, even on single target it is the top damage dealer doing roughly 35-38% of the dk's dps which is extremely stupid and was definitely not the case on retail.
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Post Posted: 17-07-2017, 12:25:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It says 101% because it will always proc when RPPM lets it proc. That simple. It is still RNG, but with bad luck protection. Meaning if it says 4 Base RPPM, it will proc at least 4 times, because there is a bad luck protection that does not let it proc less than 4 times a minute. But it's not something written in the stone, you won't get exactly 4 procs per minute. The bad luck protection makes it that you have MINIMUM 4 procs, but it's still a roll-based chance, meaning if you are lucky even with 4 RPPM, you can have way more than 4 procs.
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Post Posted: 17-07-2017, 17:55:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


I know that the DK damage seems odd now but we can't just point our finger at the Killing Machine's procs until we have the Rime bug fixed. The RPPM system is working fine but the RNG sometimes is behaving pretty weird.

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Post Posted: 19-07-2017, 17:03:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Also,regardless of the fact that howling blast deal such high damage,it may occure due to lots of fapts,the dk's relics,the gear,also the mastery he has.With 2 relics that increase howling blast damage is guaranteed that howling blast will be top on the chart in a dk's dps recount,both single target and aoe.
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Pinocchio Evreiesc
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Post Posted: 24-07-2017, 16:38:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

KillerBee420 wrote:
Also,regardless of the fact that howling blast deal such high damage,it may occure due to lots of fapts,the dk's relics,the gear,also the mastery he has.With 2 relics that increase howling blast damage is guaranteed that howling blast will be top on the chart in a dk's dps recount,both single target and aoe.

Seriously, just shut up its not about damage, its about rime proc activating after almost every obliterate you do cause offhand hit also procs it and it shouldnt. Damage is fine, amount of rime procs is the probem. and NO it will never be top on single target dps, even if you do 3 relics for howling blast if the proc chance wasnt basically 90% instead of 45%, on retail it never was top damage ability on single target, here is always 35% or more even on single target lol. Just stop.

But this is going offtopic, this report is about killing machine.

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Post Posted: 02-08-2017, 20:47:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Quicksand wrote:
It says 101% because it will always proc when RPPM lets it proc. That simple. It is still RNG, but with bad luck protection. Meaning if it says 4 Base RPPM, it will proc at least 4 times, because there is a bad luck protection that does not let it proc less than 4 times a minute. But it's not something written in the stone, you won't get exactly 4 procs per minute. The bad luck protection makes it that you have MINIMUM 4 procs, but it's still a roll-based chance, meaning if you are lucky even with 4 RPPM, you can have way more than 4 procs.

Candy:3 wrote:

I know that the DK damage seems odd now but we can't just point our finger at the Killing Machine's procs until we have the Rime bug fixed. The RPPM system is working fine but the RNG sometimes is behaving pretty weird.

Seyrox wrote:
Rime procs way more often than it should for example, Glacial Advance hits the target 2-3 times which should not happen. It's not Killing Machine, just other bugs.


killing machine, stormbringer, divine purpose are having ridiculous proc rate. simply install addon and track the rate.

then compare it to some retail videos.


it's bugged. even tho you cant deny/confirm it, it could be a stealth thing.

HOW THE *** am i getting more stormbringer proc than Saber Slash?

it's 4% chance per auto attack Versus 45% per Saber slash with only 0.3sec wasted GCD due to slice and dice.

you need to check all scripts related to proc rate or luck and randomizing system.

triple check the scripts coding. see some retail action and think again.


it's bullshit.

just comparing with sum 7.1.5 retail videos. enhancement's stormbringer, paladin's divine purpose and DK's killing machine proc rate is insanely high in freakz.

like wtf?! my enha shammy get's 20 stormbringer procs in a streak. and look at the probability in spellbook!


i know what your "official" script says. yet, dedicate it some time to check again.


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Post Posted: 03-09-2017, 21:37:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

No , i don't have 100% on killing machine and rime procs are OK , from time to time i keep getting 3-4 rime one after another but sometimes i get none for 4+ oblite! Stop crying if you're just bad and got rekt by a fdk
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Post Posted: 29-09-2017, 02:28:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Same as I posted on Rime procs post ,STOP posting ridiculous post like 'procs are to high' or 'that class hits to hard' without an actual proof of a bug .

Look at this guy burst at min 3:36 and you'll see the procs are fine:


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Post Posted: 01-10-2017, 15:30:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

encrypt wrote:
Same as I posted on Rime procs post ,STOP posting ridiculous post like 'procs are to high' or 'that class hits to hard' without an actual proof of a bug .

Look at this guy burst at min 3:36 and you'll see the procs are fine:


You're speaking about a 886 ilvl, that dps is normal for a player with that gear.
But sometimes you see 840 that do really hard dps

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Post Posted: 12-10-2017, 22:51:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I just checked, and it is because every crit gives you a killing machine proc. It should have a chance per auto attack crit.

Edit: I noticed that auto attacks (no crits) have a chance to give you the buff and auto attack crits have 100% chance to give Killing Machine buff.

@Quick can you check this ? It's a bit odd.

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Post Posted: 13-10-2017, 01:10:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Any proof of autoattacks (non crit) procs? Show us combatlog of your damage which was non crit that activated the proc or something!
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