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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 08-08-2017 11:13)
Joined: 20 Jun 2017
Posts: 5, Topics: 3
Location: Romania

Reputation: 6.2

Post Posted: 19-07-2017, 15:16:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): 18

Character Information:

Tell us your main name: Pacsiko

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 852 ilvl

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - Death Knight, Padk lvl 110 - - Warrior, Sista lvl 110 - - Warlock, Paloku lvl 110 - - Monk, Pamonk lvl 110 -

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : I was in Classified 2 years and I got kicked once for incativity and I was kicked second time because I died too much - I am confident that I am a one of the best resto druid at the moment. I was also in Unstoppable and I left because I want to do progres and there are pretty bad players not gonna lie expect 5 or 6 of them.

How you play your class:

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using: 1. Intelect 2. Mastery 3. Haste 4. Crit, 5.Versatility . My stats are: Intelect-28,005, Mastery-18%, Haste-16%, Crit-16%, Versitality-1%
My rotation. First I put some rejuvs up before the GO and use lifebloom and put the mushroom down. I keep to put rejuvs up and when the raid is tanking some damage I use wild growth so I can get my Dreamwalk proc - I properly use my personal cooldowns and my tranquility.

Which addons are you using? : DBM, Recount


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Yes I will.
I am also an active player - You can see me sometimes 10-12+ hours/day If I am at home.

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 07-08-2019 13:41)
Joined: 14 Jul 2015
Posts: 175, Topics: 17
Location: Poland

Reputation: 112.4
Votes: 14

Post Posted: 19-07-2017, 21:31:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wrong placement of the app, make it Here. @pms or other moderator, please close this topic.

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