
[REJECTED] [Dungeons] Crucial dungeon problems - long detailed post please read ! TY :)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-07-2017, 20:17:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Almost every dungeon has some crucial bug , that *** up the whole party , some bosses bug if you wipe etc, some bosses doesn't count as killed while killing them on mythic . Some bosses cast their skills too fast (the drake in darkheart thicket) the boulders that fall from sky proc super fast and one shot instead of 400k dmg every second . Every dungeon has some kind of a problem ,please gms do a dungeon run 5 people premade and you'll find the crucial bugs that *** up the parties TY - list of the things that I noticed :

Halls of Valor - Skovald shield bugs and you wipe , and cant finish halls of valor because the boss is unkillable ,the speed bonus doesn't work if you wipe at skovald, you have to reenter the dungeon to take the speed buff again.

Vault of Wardens - the first elevator teleports instead of moving up and down , if you fall to the last floor of the elevator you cannot go back , you are trapped there and have to use hearthstone and go by foot again to the dungeon which *** up the whole group if you're doing it timed , at last boss the light bugs sometimes and disapears at the last boss , the statue at the last boss doesnt contain light and if you get light from the first statues when you go near boss it doesnt transfer to the last boss statues and without light you cannot do the last boss that's crucial again ,

Darkhearth Thicket - The drake boss casts his boulders that fall from sky instant , it's not shown on ground and you get one shotted from them, the dmg proc super fast instead of 400k dmg every second , as a tank if I stay 1 sec in it I die from full health-3 million health and absorption shield 1 milion , the dmg must be 400k per second , 400k cannot one shot me for sure

Blackrook hold- at last boss lord kur'talos the phase where a lazer beam appears and you have to dodge it one shots ,it happens after the lastest update on server , before it did 0 dmg but now the lazer one shots .Also on the trash mobs- the flamethrowers one , one of them is kind of bugged and brings me down from full health for 2 sec , I am tank , the other flamethrowers even if I pull 15 of them I can keep their dmg , it's not normal one flamethrower to one shot me , and some of the same kind 15 mobs to be able to keep them Im 855 ilvl .

The Arcway - the first boss Ivanyr , didn't count as killed on mythic + , even though we killed him , also the spider boss -Nal Tira , leaves his poison clouds even if we wipe , if we wipe and we go back to the spider the poison clouds are still there , havent reset , so if you wipe 5 times the whole room will be in posion .

Violet Hold - Mindflayer Khaahrj , his cyclone skill that pulls players to the center of the cyclone pulls too hard , and the cyclones dmg proc too fast , if you stay 1 sec in it you die , I watched in retail the force that pulls you to the cyclones is a lot weaker , you can counter it by walking with you character , and in retail the cyclones dmg doesn't proc that fast and you dont get one shotted from full health , the other bosses are fine.

Court of stars - havent done it cant tell you about it ..

Eye of Azhara - bosses work fine , but the giant boss - King Deepbeard , can be pulled by going on the wrecked ship next to Wrath of Azhara boss - demon hunters and warriors with heroic leap can climb from the ship upwards and pull the boss , that happens because the blue wall that appear when the boss is pulled , doesn't actually work and people and boss can pass through it.the rest of the bosses are fine

Maw of souls - works fine , havent noticed anything crucial.

TY for reading !!!!!
Some screenshots :
Darkhearth Thicket - drake one shotting people
Eye of Azhara - , - The boss pulled down , by climbing up from the wrecked ship , and going down again because the blue walls that boss spawns doesnt stop you , you can go through them
Halls of Valor - , - skovald skills Ragnarok killing people because shield doesnt apply for some reason , or the boss doesnt pick up his shield while the shield is unpickable on the ground
Vault of Wardens - , , , , no lights at the last boss .
TY again for reading ! -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-07-2017, 02:47:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

A note relating to DHT, on Dresaron it's not the rocks actually 1 shotting people, it's the roar that damages the whole party hitting some targets multiple times, this has already been reported and confirmed unfortunately not fixed yet.
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Post Posted: 30-07-2017, 04:50:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Maw of souls - works fine , havent noticed anything crucial.

Are you sure it works fine? because it doesnt. It is kinda annoying when you push high keys on MoS..

#1 In Maw of Souls when you clear trashes inside boat before 2nd boss any AoE spell always pull trashes from top of the boat through textures.
A video 1:49 + 2:43
B video 1:44 + 2:44 + 2:53 + 2:58 + 3:18

#2 After killing 2nd boss u can go just left side, right side is blocked with invisible wall.
A video 7:02
B video 7:09

#3 Any damage done to Grasping Tentacle at Heyla are Evade.
A video 9:23
B video 9:45



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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-07-2017, 13:54:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

furthermore for normal Legion dungeons i posted this report long ago:
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-07-2017, 18:04:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Trash mobs in MoS before 1 boss onehitted the tank in myth +2 etc. In the log it appears as "You died" and nothing more.

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Post Posted: 02-08-2017, 14:50:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Halls of Valor - Skovald shield bugs and you wipe...

Can confirm this, but it did not happen to me since 1-2 weeks so maybe fixed?

Vault of Wardens - the first elevator teleports instead of moving up and down , if you fall to the last floor of the elevator you cannot go back...

Confirmed. On retail you can also fall under the teleporter, but you will die instantly.

... at last boss the light bugs sometimes and disapears at the last boss ...

Regarding this issue i can not confirm a bug. I noticed that Cordana will not activate if you miss killing one trash mob in the Underground part. So just make sure to kill everything and boss works fine. I am not completely sure about correct boss script, but I think it's normal that the light disapears and you have to take it again after a while (which is not really a big deal).

One bug the last Boss may have is his pattern of abilities. Sometimes Cordana nukes you really hard in the face and then on other trys the boss does just nothing.

Darkhearth Thicket - The drake boss casts his boulders that fall from sky instant , it's not shown on ground and you get one shotted from them ...

Confirmed. Refer to
It happens occasionally, somehow you can deal with it by pulling all CDs you have (did it +13).

Blackrook hold- at last boss lord kur'talos the phase where a lazer beam appears and you have to dodge it one shots ...

The laser should do a lot dmg, but I never got one shot. I can confirm that often in p2 the laser bugs and does no dmg.

Court of stars...

There are some bugs.
1. There are some line of sight bugs, for example the bridge with 1 big trash at the beginning, you have to pull him away from there or stand inside the mob to get Vision.
2. The last Boss sometimes hits you with abilities far away from visuals. So you can not dodge them and will die if the fight lasts too long (often the case in mythic > 10).

Maw of souls - works fine ...

Can not confirm. There are also some bugs:
1. The soulkeeper trash will suicide bomb everything if you fight them for too Lolg (can be prevented by hard focus on them and cc).
2. The 2nd Boss casts voids which have an extremely broken hitbox. Often you stand far away and still get hit, very annoying and nearly impossible to do on high keystones.
3. As earlier mentioned, trash can be pulled through walls.
4. Invisible NPCs standing around, which stack bolstering if you unintentionally kill them.

The Arcway ...

Something to add:
1. The door to the demons at the beginning should be open.
2. Trash is still stun immune, my topic to this was set to fixed but nothing is changed -->

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-08-2017, 18:51:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

When using Felblade on Helya as dmeonhunter isntead of charging at hear you jump high into the air and ca fall off the map if not using glade. I made a topic about this and this is a crucial bug for demonhunters. Happens everytime I'm doing MoS.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-08-2017, 19:17:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The arcway also has an issue with bolstering where the purple orbs and the corpses on the ground that are meant to be dead, are not actually dead and if you kill them when in combat with other mobs it will give bolstering stacks, preventable in some places by a ranged attack at the corpse/orb to kill only that target.

Regarding them being stun immune, it's simple, even with just 2 interrupts it's doable, always interrupt demonic ascension, it's not cast often anyway and really a chaosbringer should only cast once before dying and the warp shades are also interruptable and just save interrupts for arcane reconstruction, also the video you posted where you said you can see the shade being stunned, you can't actually see a stun animation over the shade, only the wyrms.

Soulkeepers in maw of souls have already been fixed.

Edit: Soulkeepers in Maw of Souls still seem to instant kill melee range but only in rdf hc, not seen it happen in any other difficulty.

Last edited by Cartmon1337 on 13-08-2017, 01:43:16; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 13-08-2017, 01:04:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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Post Posted: 14-10-2017, 09:27:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Have been reported on

And been fixed

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