
tertiariy vs donated items
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[Enha God]

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Post Posted: 25-10-2017, 18:45:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

5 items/char and maxim 2 with the same type sounds good
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-10-2017, 18:58:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

zeulshaman wrote:
5 items/char and maxim 2 with the same type sounds good

is there any limitations on blizzard? to have maximum 2 from the same type?
also i bring again what shokeru sells on his wow shop - Full PvE character (best PvE items + 2 legendary items + class hall upgrade + artifacts + 3 ilvl 895 relics + AK 25) (ilvl 895 Mythic Warforged / 910 leg.)

if u read carefully u will see : full pve character and also ( best pve items = bests itemes ) also this page shockeru himself gave everyone the possibility to choose the best items for your class with the most usefull stats .

can anyone argue with that? if yes please tell me what does best items means to you guys? item

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Post Posted: 25-10-2017, 19:31:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yes, there's a limitation on retail. You can have max +55 iLvl increase (55 only when the item would not exceed the global iLvl cap, which is 895 atm), 1 socket and 1 tertiary stat on one item.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-10-2017, 19:38:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Quicksand wrote:
Yes, there's a limitation on retail. You can have max +55 iLvl increase (55 only when the item would not exceed the global iLvl cap, which is 895 atm), 1 socket and 1 tertiary stat on one item.

alright so please then implement it as it is on blizzard , and also is there a limit on how many items you can wear?

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[Enha God]

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Post Posted: 25-10-2017, 19:41:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

zbaam wrote:
zeulshaman wrote:
5 items/char and maxim 2 with the same type sounds good

is there any limitations on blizzard? to have maximum 2 from the same type?
also i bring again what shokeru sells on his wow shop - Full PvE character (best PvE items + 2 legendary items + class hall upgrade + artifacts + 3 ilvl 895 relics + AK 25) (ilvl 895 Mythic Warforged / 910 leg.)

if u read carefully u will see : full pve character and also ( best pve items = bests itemes ) also this page shockeru himself gave everyone the possibility to choose the best items for your class with the most usefull stats .

can anyone argue with that? if yes please tell me what does best items means to you guys? item

You are right with the best items...but think about balance...
1.You want to have the same situation like on mop?to have the unbeaten warlocks?even if u play perfectly another class a warlock double your dps...where is the balance?
2.imagine a raid with full leech 1 tank 29 dps(maybe 30 dps if he has enough sustain)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-10-2017, 19:46:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

zeulshaman wrote:
zbaam wrote:
zeulshaman wrote:
5 items/char and maxim 2 with the same type sounds good

is there any limitations on blizzard? to have maximum 2 from the same type?
also i bring again what shokeru sells on his wow shop - Full PvE character (best PvE items + 2 legendary items + class hall upgrade + artifacts + 3 ilvl 895 relics + AK 25) (ilvl 895 Mythic Warforged / 910 leg.)

if u read carefully u will see : full pve character and also ( best pve items = bests itemes ) also this page shockeru himself gave everyone the possibility to choose the best items for your class with the most usefull stats .

can anyone argue with that? if yes please tell me what does best items means to you guys? item

You are right with the best items...but think about balance...
1.You want to have the same situation like on mop?to have the unbeaten warlocks?even if u play perfectly another class a warlock double your dps...where is the balance?
2.imagine a raid with full leech 1 tank 29 dps(maybe 30 dps if he has enough sustain)

mate i want it to be exactly as on blizzard , they offer on their wow shop bis char for 300$$ , it says bis items , i have already payed it so its only fair for me to have best items with best stats
and exactly as it is on blizzard possible to obtain , i don't really care about anything else , its money that i have spent here , if on blizzard you can obtain 14 items with leech on it than i want to obtain it here aswell

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[Papa Bless]

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Post Posted: 25-10-2017, 19:58:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First of all, the discussion about putting a cap of 5 maximum items tertiary stats or gems for non-donors doesn't make any sense. If there was any limit per char put in the donation, so you could get only 5 items of that type, you wouldn't be limited to acquire more than that in-game. You donated 5 items, but you also have the possibility to acquire more in-game after that. The same for the casual player. So even if there was, let's say, a limit of items that you can donate for with those tertiary stats, there shouldn't be a limit for items that you can have in-game. Anyway, these items are even harder to obtain. First you need the item to drop, then you need that item to be titanforged , which I wouldn't like to speculate on the chance, but still, it's a percetange to happen, which we know is not that often, especially for ilvls close to ilvl cap, then you have a fraction of the chance for that item to have a socket, and then an even a smaller change for that item to have tertiary stats.

I don't know which should happen more. Warforged items with tertiary stats and socket or Legendary items. Probably quicksand or someone else who plays on retail can answer that question. But, I believe that Legendaries are easier to obtain, because Legendaries can come from all kinds of sources, and all kinds of tasks, from simple to hard. Whereas getting a high ilvl item with bonus stats and socket happens in only a few scenarios.

In my opinion, these items should be available in the shop, based on the same principle of the currently available items.
There are no ilvl 895 items in the game, you have to be lucky enough to receive an upgrade, but in the shop they are already 895, so that advantage has already been offered.
Making those items available should make sense, based on this principle. This is an even more elitist advantage, that is even rarer that titanforged items, and the advantages are it offers are even bigger, by a big margin.

Having a BiS Char does not happen that often, even on retail. Even if you are a guild leader and can take all the items, as you wish, and everyone gives you everything. Even so, it requires high amount of luck on RNG, on all your item slots. Patches always come out, and with Legion quicker and quicker, where you have even less time to farm for your BiS set, when the next expansion already hits you. Even on Retail MOP, where there was an extremely long period to farm Siege of Orgrimmar (before Warlords of Draenor was announced), and even there where Warforged items where easier to get than the equivalent to them here (titanforged of max ilvl), there were still top people that weren't quite bis at the end of MOP.

BiS is not just something that happens everyday, or even at all, even less now with all these Legion RNGs, and all these chances to get better gear and legendaries.
But yet, although it is very hard to be "BiS", this option was always available on Freakz, by donating.
Best example of this is the WotlK days, when possesing Shadowmourne was a huge advantage, maybe close to what having a char full of tertiary items would mean. Shadowmourne would just faceroll everything in its' path, and yet it was available. If it's theoretically possible, this option should be available. But if there is a limitation, such as having only a maximum of 2 legendaries equipped, then it should definitely be limited.

My suggestion is that these items should be able to benefit from a tertiary stat or gem, in a random manner.
If a player wants an item that has a 100% chance of an item with a gem, he should pay more.
If a player wants a 100% chance of an item with a random tertiary stat, the same.
If a player wants an item with 100% chance of tertiary stat, and he can even choose which stat he wants, he should pay even more than that.
On the subject of number of item limitations per character, I have no suggestions. Whatever the management thinks is best.

Either way, these tertiary stats and bonus gems would have no extra value in PvP, only in PvE. So we have to think of the scenarios in which having a full set of these items would be overpowered. Raids? Mythic Dungeons? The scenarios are limited, if at all. And mind you that below is a video of a demon hunter on retail solo-ing Gul'Dan:

Don't hate. Just my 2 cents.

P.S. To the people that already got the "best items" and now they see that there are items that are even better than those, they should not be sad. Those were the best items at that time. It might be the case of a faulty wording on the shop page. This is a special case, in which these items offer a huge advantages when stacked, and the expression "best items" was definitely not intended towards these items, because at that time, it was unknown whether they could be fixed or not. If the tertiary stats items were available from the start, I guarantee you, the phrasing would have been different on the site, and instead of "best items" it would have been "895 items".

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-10-2017, 21:17:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Check and you will see how many chars are 890+ ,so it's not that hard to reach that ilvl which is not so far from 895 ,just look at top guilds and you'll see.

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[Papa Bless]

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Post Posted: 25-10-2017, 22:54:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

demonte wrote:
Check and you will see how many chars are 890+ ,so it's not that hard to reach that ilvl which is not so far from 895 ,just look at top guilds and you'll see.

Number 90 - Shamyzizi ilvl 891
Number 1 on played time - 70 days.
Thats just one example, but you can find a lot more, and mind you that most of that time spent in-game is just farming mythics and doing raids, and yet still not in BIS gear yet. As I've said, you require a lot of luck to actually get to the best possible gear and a lot of time invested. Anyway, I've said my opinion, other people should say their opinions aswell so we can find the best solution for this.


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Post Posted: 25-10-2017, 23:09:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

saturnfever wrote:
demonte wrote:
Check and you will see how many chars are 890+ ,so it's not that hard to reach that ilvl which is not so far from 895 ,just look at top guilds and you'll see.

Number 90 - Shamyzizi ilvl 891
Number 1 on played time - 70 days.
Thats just one example, but you can find a lot more, and mind you that most of that time spent in-game is just farming mythics and doing raids, and yet still not in BIS gear yet. As I've said, you require a lot of luck to actually get to the best possible gear and a lot of time invested. Anyway, I've said my opinion, other people should say their opinions aswell so we can find the best solution for this.


why so much discussion around this matter ,it is simple > make it like in blizzard> if on blizzard players could wear 14 items with lech/speed / indestructible the same should be here too , otherwise it will be custom

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-10-2017, 00:15:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I would not give them option to choose one of those stats, but making it fear by doing that random. I dont know if that is possible, i neither know how the donor system works with actualy item recieving , but if its like " they dropped / looted it" is for in game commands. then making it random is best solution , no ? not only leech but even sockets on every slot is kinda op , but if it goes random it keep some kind of balance as well
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-10-2017, 17:57:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@zbaam Dumb stuff you are saying are the reason why private servers die. If you want it to be similiar to blizz, than don't donate and play normally. Stop trying to get overpowered fully donated chars even more imba. Fact that you are allowed to choose best stats on each item + relics is already too much, but sadly thats the only way to support the server. People like you just can't play and think 891 and 895 chars are small difference.Give it to the right person and you'll see like 200k difference in dps. In fact, the bis stat difference and relics is like extra 15ilvls.

Chances for normal players of getting bis 895 are already minimal. Getting a socket on top of it (Sockets worth 10-20ilvl) are equal to nearly 0. Getting 5 of those sounds rediculous, and you are not happy? Just get out of here please.

Open wowprogress and check top ilvl, people have like 2x leech 1 socket. Giving 3 sockets on max ilvl bis stats is more than enough in my opinion. For normal players make it unlimited.

Donations are meant to support the server, people that donate get already very strong items in return. Ignore those who wants to have 10x more powerful chars just because they can spend 300$. You will kill the server really. I raided on blizz for years, im more experienced than a lot of players and i don't want to play on a server if people can put 0 effort and do 2x of your dps without any knowledge.I'm sure many think same way. It is really fine atm, 3-4 tertr is a huge cherry on top.

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Post Posted: 26-10-2017, 18:16:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please dont start drama/flaming in this topic YOU will get warned

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-10-2017, 18:26:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Complete RNG should be the way to go in my opinion.

Donating already gives you a huge advantage, which is a full 895 ilvl BIS character. An ilvl 895 character is extremely rare. An ilvl 895 BIS character is 0.001%.

Even with no tertiary stats what so ever your fully donated BIS toon is technically better than the most dedicated/lucky/geared or otherwise active player on the realm. That should be enough.

You're donating for the server. In turn you're rewarded with what is technically a shortcut to an endgoal 99% of players never reach by traditional means anyway. The rng system is there for a reason. It's how blizzard meant the game to be played.

So full RNG + maybe (maybe) the option of allowing players to roll each piece of gear twice.

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Post Posted: 26-10-2017, 18:57:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Let's not forget that us donors contribute to server's longevity in a way or another on which you play for free!

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