
tertiariy vs donated items
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-10-2017, 18:12:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I can see people have a misguided notion about what DONATION means so let me shed some light on it from a legal perspective:
It is NOT a trade in which you give Shockeru money and he gives you items in return, so you can claim that he scamed you or didn't deliver on his end of the bargain.
If it was I would be the first to say you have been wronged, but in all honesty you haven't. Donating means you enter in a verbal contract with the recipient of the funds, agreeing to transfer said funds, asking for nothing in return (also known as a "Gift"). Then, unrelated to the donation, Shocker decides to "gift" you items in proportion to your contribution, but in no way as a means of reimbursement for it.
Only Blizzard is allowed to provide you with any forms of paid WoW services. So you didn't buy anything from wowfreakz, neither did you donate under duress or false pretenses. You had all the information available at the time of transfer of funds, so throwing guilt around is pointless, no one forced you to give your money away and you shouldn't expect to be treated like royalty just because you did some CHARITY (a.k.a. donation).

On the topic of stats, my opinion would be to allow people to choose their prefered stat but to limit the amount that any single stat can reach (some reasonable number you can decide by testing that won't be gamebreaking). This means if u can choose for example 2 stats you can take both of the one you want, but in case you have let's say 5 then after reaching the cap for that stat you have to choose another.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-10-2017, 18:59:05 [Bad post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Horakhty wrote:
I can see people have a misguided notion about what DONATION means so let me shed some light on it from a legal perspective:
It is NOT a trade in which you give Shockeru money and he gives you items in return, so you can claim that he scamed you or didn't deliver on his end of the bargain.
If it was I would be the first to say you have been wronged, but in all honesty you haven't. Donating means you enter in a verbal contract with the recipient of the funds, agreeing to transfer said funds, asking for nothing in return (also known as a "Gift"). Then, unrelated to the donation, Shocker decides to "gift" you items in proportion to your contribution, but in no way as a means of reimbursement for it.
Only Blizzard is allowed to provide you with any forms of paid WoW services. So you didn't buy anything from wowfreakz, neither did you donate under duress or false pretenses. You had all the information available at the time of transfer of funds, so throwing guilt around is pointless, no one forced you to give your money away and you shouldn't expect to be treated like royalty just because you did some CHARITY (a.k.a. donation).

On the topic of stats, my opinion would be to allow people to choose their prefered stat but to limit the amount that any single stat can reach (some reasonable number you can decide by testing that won't be gamebreaking). This means if u can choose for example 2 stats you can take both of the one you want, but in case you have let's say 5 then after reaching the cap for that stat you have to choose another.

You are talking sht, stop posting pls. It`s wow shop not wow donations and items have a price, the term "donation" was used for a long time and ppl got used to it. If players don`t get something in return they simply won`t "donate" anymore and that is a fact. I don`t believe someone in his right mind will pay 2k $ just so others can play this game and after he pays to be treated like donors are treated on wow freakz ( countless insults etc.) because kids in general have the idea that everyone here goes to school and has the rest of the day off like them. If you resent "donors" complain somewhere else pls, this topic is about decisions.

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stop raging and offtopic please

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Post Posted: 29-10-2017, 01:43:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

demonte wrote:
Shocker wrote:
zbaam I asked you nicely 5 times now (in messages and here by deleting your posts) to stop spamming the same thing over and over. Giving FULL CHAR tertiary/sockets IS NOT GOIN TO HAPPEN, it's extremely unbalanced and just statistically impossible on retail too. I also explained to you that complaining about "I donated for BIS gear but I don't have BIS gear" is stupid, if you really want us to be thorough we shouldn't have given this possibility to donors who already donated at all. When you got the gear, you knew what you spent the money for... FOR THAT GEAR, not for future changes to the gear (except Nighthold upgrade, but that's something else). However I decided to still respect the donors and give them tertiary stats too (AS AN UNEXPECTED BONUS), but you raging about this is just too much. I have disabled you the possibility to post in this topic, you're simply out of line.
Back to the actual discussion, the max amount of tertiary gear will be guaranteed 4 items (1 tertiary bonus each 4 items), and maybe +1 bonus for full chars => 5 tertiary in total. This means: 1 tertiary for 1 item, 1 tertiary for 2 items, 1 tertiary for 3 items, 1 tertiary for 4 items, 2 tertiary for 5 items, 2 tertiary for 6 items, ... and so on, depending on how many donated items the player has).

The ONLY thing that still needs to be discussed is how to do it:
1) Fully random (you get either stat or socket guaranteed)
2) At choice

If we go with 1) then there's nothing else to discuss. If we go with 2) then we need to discuss if we should prevent choosing the same thing (same stat or socket) 4/5 times on the same char. Would it be too unbalanced if you have 5x tertiary at your choice?

Ok,firstly you shouldn't make this a public discution,you should see how much of an impact these changes would really have by testing with ur gms,second thing is that now you've wasted our money because as long as there is un upgrade into the loot table for our 'best gear' we are facing with the problem of having to delete our donated items as we loot gear from instances which could be an actual upgrade which is a huge scam.Thank you Shocker for your respect towards us donors....!

Just proves what i just said, and calling something a scam cause you got something you exaclty payed for is wrong, and you already have 895 items nothing will be better than that unless you get super lucky with a gear that has a tertiary stat 895. Otherwise gettng an 880 gear with tertiary stat still wont beat your 895 items

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Post Posted: 29-10-2017, 14:32:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

demonte wrote:
you've wasted our money because as long as there is un upgrade into the loot table for our 'best gear' we are facing with the problem of having to delete our donated items as we loot gear from instances

You're going totally offtopic and exagerating exactly like zbaam was, consider this your LAST warning before being banned from posting in this topic like him too, you don't see it but you're ruining the topic.

Others have already explained to you but I will also explain it one last time WITH PROOF AND CALCULATIONS:
- First, the chance of an item being the max Titanforged ilvl + the EXACT tertiarty stat/socket YOU WANT is INSANELY LOW, ~0.00001%, meaning 1 out of 100.000 dropped items will be the max titanforged + your desired tertiary.
- Second thing is, you may want a SPECIFIC ITEM to drop FROM A SPECIFIC BOSS (on donation shop you CHOOSE the item YOU WANT). Giving the fact that the item must be Mythic mode version, you must kill the mythic version of the boss. The usual boss has 10 items in drop, and with a 20-man raid group 4 items drop. So the chance of your desired item dropping is ~50%. The chance of YOU receiving that item is 1/20 => 5%. ==>> This makes the final chance of your desired item dropping + you receiving the item + item being max titanforged + your desired tertiary stat be 0.00000025%, meaning 1 out of 4.000.000 raid runs you will receive the wanted item with full max stats. You have weekly cooldown on each boss, which means you need a maximum of 4.000.000 weeks or 77.000 years...


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Post Posted: 29-10-2017, 15:00:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
demonte wrote:
you've wasted our money because as long as there is un upgrade into the loot table for our 'best gear' we are facing with the problem of having to delete our donated items as we loot gear from instances

You're going totally offtopic and exagerating exactly like zbaam was, consider this your LAST warning before being banned from posting in this topic like him too, you don't see it but you're ruining the topic.

Others have already explained to you but I will also explain it one last time WITH PROOF AND CALCULATIONS:
- First, the chance of an item being the max Titanforged ilvl + the EXACT tertiarty stat/socket YOU WANT is INSANELY LOW, ~0.00001%, meaning 1 out of 100.000 dropped items will be the max titanforged + your desired tertiary.
- Second thing is, you may want a SPECIFIC ITEM to drop FROM A SPECIFIC BOSS (on donation shop you CHOOSE the item YOU WANT). Giving the fact that the item must be Mythic mode version, you must kill the mythic version of the boss. The usual boss has 10 items in drop, and with a 20-man raid group 4 items drop. So the chance of your desired item dropping is ~50%. The chance of YOU receiving that item is 1/20 => 5%. ==>> This makes the final chance of your desired item dropping + you receiving the item + item being max titanforged + your desired tertiary stat be 0.00000025%, meaning 1 out of 4.000.000 raid runs you will receive the wanted item with full max stats. You have weekly cooldown on each boss, which means you need a maximum of 4.000.000 weeks or 77.000 years...


So the final verdict is?

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Post Posted: 14-11-2017, 04:34:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Done, full info here (you can always find the link in shop page

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