
Styrr guide for patch 7.1.5 . Bis gear/stats etc.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-11-2017, 17:32:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

What I talk about in this guide:
-Reasons choosing assassination and not sub or outlaw.
-Stat priority.(the magic numbers)
-Tips and tricks for raid dps boost.

Why this spec?
At this moment, our single target spec that isn’t nerfed already is assassination.Sub will get pretty big buff in 7.2.5/7.3 and outlaw was nerfed during patch 7.1.5. This spec has good mobility but our energy pool will be 0 most of times. When this spec is combined with multiple targets (for example multiple rupture dots), we can be deadly. Best situations are boss+1 mob (cenarius) when it’s not that big deal with aoe dmg for most classes but for u,the legendary boots will get vendetta up really fast. So to conclude with this aspect, I wanna say that Assasination is a strong single target spec(best) at this moment with pretty good mobility but weak aoe dmg.



Our main stat is agility. We want to focus as much more agility as we can. This means that we need to obtain bigger item level items. But there is one other thing u must take in consideration: secondary stats!!. Especially mastery/crit balance and haste. When u aim for bigger item level items, don’t put haste item on u since it’s a dps loss. Sometimes bigger mastery can win vs bigger agility. To conclude with this aspect, Ur priority is : Mastery-crit(25,26,27)-Vers. U must have 0 haste on your gear except leggos. Leggos secondary stats (shoulder/boots) are not that good but the equip bonus win against everything else.






Horde rankings:

1.Orc-Probably has the best racial for opening. Our goal is to score as much as we can in burst and to sustain it while we fall down.
2.Belf-Not bad.If used correctly the 15 energy bonus can pull just behind orc racial.Most likely a pvp racial rather than pve.
3.Troll=Panda=Undead=Usless racials for this patch.

Aliance rankings:

1.Dwarf= By far his racial has synergy with shoulder and furthermore I think it’s best racial in game due to our overall critical %
2.Night elf= Bonus stealth.
3.Human=Gnome=Worgen.Usefull racials but not that great


So with the changes in 7.1.5 there are several differences
Tier 1 Talents (Level 15)

Elaborate planning got nerfed from 15% to 12% making Master poisoner the king of this tier, dealing very well with both single and aoe situations.
Master Poisoner scales with:
• Agonizing Poison
• Deadly Poison
• Kingsbane
• Bag of Tricks
• Surge of Toxins
What this means for us is that just keeping 5 stacks of Agonizing Poison on the target alone gives us a permanent % increased damage buff which is further increased by Surge of Toxins. Mastery represent for us a double benefit.

Tier 2 Talents (Level 30)

Nightstalker is the best talent in this tier because the first spell cast from Stealth deals 50% more damage. What this means is that on the opener and every 2 minutes afterwards you're able to Vanish->Rupture to take advantage of it.
Also in case u obtained legendary shoulders, u can use Subterfuge instead of nightstalker because u take 3 more seconds to use shoulders. In total: 6 more seconds with 100% on opening that will pass by far the nightstalker bonus

Tier 3 Talents (Level 45)

With the 7.1.5 changes to Deeper Stratagem and Rupture on top of losing 5% Critical strike chance, it no longer makes sense to take it. Instead we take Vigor as it is an overall better dps gain. Aprox 5k dps more than deeper stratagem at high gear.

Tier 4 Talents (Level 60)

Entirely fight dependant but the clear choices here is either Elusiveness or Cheat Death. Leeching Poison is strong on fights where healers struggle with throughput and there is little burst damage but that is extremely rare nowadays. My advise: if u have the gear to score some good numbers on board, u can go with leeching and make a better world for healers (usually on mythic keystones), but in TOV u can’t survive without cheat death.

Tier 5 Talents (Level 75)

Thugge is the only talent that's useful this tier in a raid situation, as it resets the cooldown of garroteif the effected target dies. The other two talents require you to stun the target and in most raid encounters, mobs are immune to stun so they aren't useful.

Tier 6 Talents (Level 90)

Taking all the important 7.1.5 changes into consideration Agonizing Poison is the optimal talent to take in practically all cases despite being nerfed by 0.5% per stack. Some people will argue that Exsanguinate is still better but the truth is all the changes hurt the spec meanwhile Agonizing Poison benefits greatly from it. We can compare how the two fare with 7.1.5 changes to see why this is the case.
Agonizing Poison:
• Favors stacking Mastery which is further encouraged because of Master Poisoner synergy
• Rupture normalization along with increased application rate alleviates the main issue with AP build which was its rather poor target swapping
• The 5% Critical Strike nerf isn't as important due to Master Poisoner and Vigor being our optimal talents now which relies less on Combo Point generation via Seal Fate
• Largely unaffected by the 0.5% nerf per stack
• Favors stacking Critical Strike and Versatility which doesn't synergize well with Master Poisoner despite it being superior to Elaborate Planning
• Deeper Stratagem nerf hurts the playstyle of having a huge empowered Rupture go off for quick burst windows
• Has rather weak scaling as it can't take advantage of the new and improved Kingsbane
• 5% Critical Strike nerf is a huge nerf to the spec because most of the damage came from bleeds which doesn't scale with our Mastery: Potent Poisons
After comparing the two you can see why Agonizing Poison is the superior talent choice this tier. With Exsanguinate the only way to scale bleed damage is through Elaborate Planning and Deeper Stratagem which are now inferior talents.

Tier 7 Talents (Level 100)

Until they make any further changes to the other two talents, Venom Rush is the only viable talent this tier.

Enchants and Gems
Keeping in mind our stat weights, we want the following enchants
Neck: Mark of the Trained Soldier may sound great here because it's fking 600 Mastery.
Cloak: Binding of Agility
Ring: Binding of Mastery
Gems: One Saber's Eye of Agility with the rest being Masterful Shadowruby


-keep surge of toxins always up
-when u have vanish but u have 10 sec on vend wait for it or vice versa.
-there are several ways u can use kb to max ur dps: 1. Env,then kb mut env/rup. 2. Rupture, mut kb env watch SoT buff. 3. mut +/-garote- kb-env but only if u have SOT on target.
FOCUS DAGGER ILVL SOMETIMES RATHER THAN RELIC. Core thing for rogues is the dagger dmg.
ONLY FOR EXANG BUILD HERE: If u like exang and u wanna play so much. The stats are: 30-35% crit, mastery almost 0, haste almost 0, stack vers. For talents: Rank 1= EP and exang instead of ago. Try to get 2 Ma here and focus ur vendeta with exang.

Detailed explanation about build.
First of all, mastery is your priority. Why mastery? Cuz it scales very well, and u don;t get nerf at high numbers. Mastery= FLAT DMG increase with agonizing. also it increases poison dmg. Haste is another option, because it increases Bag of Tricks procs, but u can;t control when that thing to proc. So overall, haste is useless. Versatility increases rupture dmg especially but a very little the envenom dmg compared to mastery.


Shoulders opener
Garrote-Mutillate-Rupture-Mutilate-Vendetta(racial etc)- Envenom-Kingsbane-Mutilate-Envenom-Vanish-Garrote-Mutilate-Envenom etc.


No Legendary shoulders ☹:
Garrote-Rupture-MutilateX2-Vendetta-Envenom-Kingsbane-Mutilate-Vanish-Rupture-Mutilate x2-Env

Aoe Roation:
Spam-Fan of knives-Rupture 60-70% of targets-After that ur rdy to spam envenom and hope for bomb procs.

In rest,keep ur bleeds up, watch them closely, Use 4cp env, u can use 2-3cp rupture in case u are in a hurry.

Tips to increase dps in raids:
1.Nythendra. - nuke the boss down. -if u have root effect on you try to stay away from raid but also to mantain a contact with boss(evry sec matter)
2.Ursoc-nuke down, run when momento has 15 sec if u have it.If u don;t,just nuke
3. Dragons- try to switch deadly poision when dragon clones are coming.Also apply rupture to all and spam Fan of knives. In rest,ago is what u need to use.
4.Elerethe-Don;t burst to early cuz boss might jump and u can lose all u try to build.
5.Eye-if u have boots (spaming fan for free when u wait nightmare ichor to come will reduce ur vendeta cd by 1-2 sec), Wrists are strong in this fight also. in phase 2 if boss (hearth) is low HP u can burst the nightmare to gain some dmg. Also u can open with stealth and wait vanish till all bubbles will come. Switch deadly fast , spam fan with crit EZ AOE.
6. Cenarius- nuke boss, shadowstep the wall can be usefull, rupture both boss and tree to gain energy
7. Xavius- Nuke boss, cast burst on the add that will come in p1 and also mentain rupture and boss for energy regen. Execute script, don;t go on adds from p2 bcs u will lose dps.
1.Odyn i made a vid for it in a topic below-
2. Guarm-nuke+execute script
3. Helya- Just execute script fk the dps cuz it;s hard as fk.

Macro i use:
/cast Vendetta
/cast Blood Fury(Racial)
/use Gnawed Thumb Ring
/use Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish
/cast Kingsbane(Artifact)
This is smth that i made myself. By pressing this 1 time: u will gain vendeta racial and ring. BY spamming it, u gain kb also. It is good from vendeta env to vanish kb transition.
Addons i use:
-Weakauras for shoulder timer (
This 3 are core except dominos. I use dominos to make my view wider, but also addons eat fps so be carefully.
Profession: ALchemy- only profesion that has a good increase to dps. If u get the alchemy passive u will be able to keep 2h flash with 1820 agi on you.
BUILD VIABLE FROM 25k AGI AND 140% mastery at least.


To conclude with...

To end this guide,I wanna say that it can be hard sometimes to be a rogue. Leveling up is terrible, grinding can be one of the stressful things ever due to our stats priority and more than that, sometimes players prefer aoe classes at keys. Passing this tests doesn’t mean u are a good rogue. Rogue is like medicine: U learn/practice all life with the only objective: To be good at it. I by myself experienced this thing: Passed rogue for 2-3 months and when I came back, I was a total mess. At that moment I told myself: Dude, I got to do something! After that moment, I started to search different combinations of stats and the way they work.Until the end, I finally discovered the way they show best results. Making fails with this class/choosing bad stats, don’t represent u are a noob. A noob is a guy who makes the same mistakes waiting for a new/better results.Actually, you are on your way to success! Because u try, u observe and u improve. That;s why i wrote this guide. To help you with passing the shame i felt long time ago,when people called me a noob/usless guy because of my class beeing poor geared and not because of my skils.

The lone Wolf

Last edited by Quiest1 on 07-01-2018, 20:24:31; edited 159 times in total
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Post Posted: 03-11-2017, 12:49:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

What does MA relics mean ?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-11-2017, 12:57:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Master Assassin
Rank 1/3 Artifact Trait
Requires Rogue (Assassination)
Requires The Kingslayers
Reduces the cooldown of Vendetta by 10 sec.

The lone Wolf
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-11-2017, 15:36:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Best guide from best rogue on sv , nice job bro , keep good work , all goods for u from your friend Cloneey.

Applause Applause Cool

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[Screwed Freak]

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Post Posted: 12-11-2017, 13:03:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It's cool but there is just a wall of text, try using some images, look on other guides, how they did it and try using those in your guide, maybe we will post it on main page
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-11-2017, 15:14:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Great guide, everything you need to know to do good dps. Will help alot to all rogue players. -
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Post Posted: 23-11-2017, 16:02:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Damn ...the guide is fine...but I feel so many deja-vu's , Also what do you think about the wrist leggs ? I dont have yet the feets and for now I play with shoulder-wrist leggs

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-11-2017, 16:12:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

From my point of view, pants are damn bad at stats. That haste increase has 0 benefit for u only because u can;t control when poison bomb will proc. I thinkShoulders are BIs lego. They literally save u from being last guy on recount. Shoulder+wrist is rank 2 combo on raids and rank 1 on mythic keys. Shoulder boots rank 1 raids, probl rank 2 m+. Shoulders+any other lego except what i said before> wrist/boots+other lego except shoulder. Pants are better than ring and neck just because of that healing bonus and agility, but they cannot be compared to shoulder/boots/wrist (this 3 are core). Also wrist/boots combo is not that great probl rank 3.

The lone Wolf
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Post Posted: 23-11-2017, 16:53:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Quiest1 Last question I have ,wasnt a fixed made about that bug with pre-poting that canceled your stealth and your shoulder buff ? Because for me still happens..

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-11-2017, 16:55:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I never experienced this bug,so most probably i can;t help u here. But from what i know, sand reverted the fix so this represent he reverted the bug and also the modification to subterfuge.

The lone Wolf
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Post Posted: 23-11-2017, 17:00:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Quiest1 wrote:
I never experienced this bug,so most probably i can;t help u here. But from what i know, sand reverted the fix so this represent he reverted the bug and also the modification to subterfuge.

The part with subter works fine..just that ..if I pre-pot in stealth my stealth is canceled and the shoulder buff..I'll try to make a video about it sometime soon..but they also need to fix pre-poting like o blizz

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-12-2017, 16:07:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

why not making also Outlaw guide ? since its way better for cleaning trash and now that Blade Flurry its fixed its way better than before, i play main outlaw and i have some spots in stats ... for example, its Agili ->Versa--?Crit but how much of each ? right now without BIS legos im doing nearly 390/450k bad/good rolls running, 34% crit, 16% Versa and 28k Agility ...

Also i think there is a bug in Roll the Bones, a lot of times you reroll and ger the same BUFF, i tested it on my Friend's Rog in Retail and in 5 mins rerolling i never get the same buff, every time y reroll i get a new buff of 2/3/6 buffs.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-12-2017, 19:07:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Probl on mythic runs outlaw will do a little bit more than assa, but on raids outlaw is definitely dependent on blunderbuss procs. With blunderbuss nerfed, almost all spec does 0 dmg now in raids compared to assa.

The lone Wolf
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-12-2017, 00:45:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

the nerf its on patch 7.2 in 7.1 its still 300% if u are talking about Greenskin's Waterlogged Wristcuffs lego, and Subt its not viable for raids, has big burst but not consistent, and the thing about Assa its super boring spec, its not fun, and this is a game if i dont have fun then where is the point of playing it ? :p
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-12-2017, 09:43:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The lone Wolf
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