
[PvP] World Pvp
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Post Posted: 09-12-2017, 23:52:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

So, thanks to Bullygaming's topic, i found probably a big issue on World PvP

So, what can we see here, a non-flagged pvp player is ABLE to attack a pvp flagged player.

But, i found some talks that, this should be only for non-PvP servers.
So, maybe quicksand could bring some light overhere.


When there is an opposing faction that is flagged and you are not flagged, it will say "You cannot attack that target. You must enable PvP by typing /pvp." or something like that. So that cannot be the case since I am unable to attack opposing factions on accident.


Holy Paladin 7.1.5 Guide

Last edited by Brigadee on 12-12-2017, 23:05:06; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 11-12-2017, 04:02:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Actually that is not the case. What the problem is is with Paladins. This is a class specific issue. If anyone is near a Prot paladin and is flagged. Whether it be friendly or enemy. The paladin will become flagged for pvp. In this 3rd video I have posted on this. There is no alliance around my horde paladin. Only horde players flagged for pvp. As soon as I attack a spider I become flagged. This does not happen on my warlock, mage, hunter, or any of my other classes than my paladin. This only happens when using the prot spec.

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Post Posted: 11-12-2017, 09:36:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I may have an idea why this happens, could you tell me what talents are you using?

Holy Paladin 7.1.5 Guide

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Post Posted: 11-12-2017, 20:27:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)!Alyl8ZpDede4nZsgEysXaPAe5eSSNw

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Post Posted: 12-12-2017, 00:30:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I guess that's all about retribution aura, cause the recent fix found here, is still happens.

Holy Paladin 7.1.5 Guide

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Post Posted: 12-12-2017, 00:40:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Suffering from the same exact issue. My tankadin, even with the PVP off, gets constantly tagged when I am out doing world quests. It's really annoying sitting down for 20 seconds and relogging every 5 mins just to get rid of the flag.

Following are the two scenarios I ran into when this issue triggers.

Scenario 1:

Enemy player is flagged and he/she will just run through my AOE skill and end up tagging me.

This one is the most mind boggling and I have seen this trigger a lot. The main probable culprit here is the "Blessed Hammer" talent. Exact Details here:

So basically even if you don't target any opposite faction player directly, the revolving hammers from this skill will hit them if they are around you and when they do, even if your PVP is off, it will flag you for PVP. Similarly, but not all the time, I have seen Consecration also trigger similar effects or maybe I felt it trigger after the hammers stuck? It happens way too fast to actually figure out the real source.

Scenario 2:

I throw Judgement at a mob with a PvP enabled player fighting the same mob and it will tag me as well.

Now this second scenario I think I can somewhat explain. The probable culprit here is my "Judgement of Light" talent. It basically applies a debuff on the target that heals the attackers. Exact details here:

So in this case, any allied faction player around me, who is is PVP flagged, will inadvertently flag me as well as he/she starts getting healed from my skills. Unbeknownst, I end up enabling PVP on myself. Since we can't heal or resurrect opposite faction outside of dungeons this issue doesn't trigger if you are fighting a common mob alongside an enemy player. Or at least I never noticed it happening.


Both of these scenarios are a pain to deal with. You get ambushed during world quests and they make sure to strike from the back so you can't parry, block or dodge the attacks and RIP if you are a newbie below 830 ilevel range. You just stand no chance against these guys who are hellbent on screwing up your day. Anyone else suffering any similar experience?

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Post Posted: 12-12-2017, 23:05:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is not a Retribution Aura issue. I have changed my talents to remove retribution aura and it still happens.!Alyl8ZpDede4nZslQpT3QYe5c-kR3A

The issue is the top tier of talents. All paladin aoe skills are attacking enemy, and friendly flagged players. Excluding consecration.

Update @ 12-12-2017, 23:05:15


In videos I have posted this does happen when hitting mobs with flagged players around. Whether they be friendly or not.

On your 1st scenario. Blessed hammers and Hammer of the rightous will trigger it. As long as Hammer of the Rightous is being used for the aoe part when standing in consecration or using the talent for it to always aoe.

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Post Posted: 15-12-2017, 22:34:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I have some new information. I thought this was only on prot paladins. I tried playing as ret paladin, and same thing is happening. I never noticed it on my frost mage, but I was trying fire out and the meteor spell caused me to be flagged for pvp. SO it seems that not all aoe spells are triggering pvp. Somehow spells that were fixed are now triggering pvp. If you would like I could attempt to see which spells are causing the issue. I do know that so far affliction warlock aoe spells do not trigger pvp.
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Post Posted: 16-12-2017, 13:47:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

For me it's specially in WQ 's that it's a problem if everyone is non pvp flagged nothing happens , dont get to pvp.
If someone alliance or horde has pvp on , i get pvp flagged while it's still on disable , and of course Horde makes use of it -

So have to relog after wards ,the only thing that helps is being the first attacker throw 1 judgement and stay out of the fight.

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Post Posted: 20-12-2017, 02:24:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Steiner57 wrote:
For me it's specially in WQ 's that it's a problem if everyone is non pvp flagged nothing happens , dont get to pvp.
If someone alliance or horde has pvp on , i get pvp flagged while it's still on disable , and of course Horde makes use of it -

Just watched 2 guildies get ganked by an Alliance Pally in WQ pve it goes both ways. -

Can confirm that team mate was not flagged, pally runs through spinning hammers, she gets flagged and ganked.
Three times...So I flagged up and dropped him.

I'd go as far to say that this bug is being actively exploited for cheap kills, as he was teamed and has told his party to come collect cheap honor...because after the 2nd gank the rest of his team arrived and camped the corpse.

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Post Posted: 20-12-2017, 02:37:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ofcourse also Alliance does it , but i am only Alliance so i don't see it always , it's just a bunch of players that misuse this bug for easykills .

But the mainpoint is that some fixing is needed , if not possible , maybe a block for people on PVP to WQ's , i don't see a reason to enter a WQ with pvp on

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Post Posted: 20-12-2017, 02:40:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lol, sorry dude, wasnt taking a crack at ya - Just seemed like a nice starting point to add what we have just seen.
Agree 100%. For non pvp'ers, this can be traumatic and off putting from playing...and some asshats gaming a bug for cheap kills is just lame. WTB fix -

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Post Posted: 23-12-2017, 23:18:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ok for some odd reason consecration is now flagging me for pvp. It wasn't before. This started last night for me. The only thing I did was change my talent for consecration to heal all friendly players. So now if other friendly players are flagged the heals from consecration will flag me as well.
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Post Posted: 14-01-2018, 19:24:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Curious if there is any headway being made on this at all? It is causing a lot of issues especially with the World Bosses. Tanks are constantly get smashed from dps. Just because 1 person comes in to the are flagged for pvp. The wb with the 3 guys is causing people not to finish the wq and get there reward. Since people are dead and released trying to rush back to help. People would not be dying as much if we would not be taking all the damage from the dps. Or some random guy who gets there jollies just attacking flag players who are busy attacking the WB. I see that some trinkets have been fixed. Why can't the aoe spells be fixed? I have even offered to help identify the spells that are causing the issues.
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Post Posted: 14-01-2018, 21:13:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There have been some fixes regarding this

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