
[REJECTED] [Paladin][retribution] Paladin damage formula
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Post Posted: 11-01-2018, 15:33:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bug description:
Ok I might be wrong but i'll put many proofs to prove my point. Paladin damage on freakz has an issue, I discovered it randomly watching a paladin guide on youtube. We are both using an addon called DejaCharacterStats, which gives more details about a character stats.
As you can see on the first screenshot this paladin has 61438-69778 damage and I have 53457-60989, in the second screenshot you can see my stats + screenshot of my weapon ilvl.
As you can see I have more crit, more versatility and most importantly the weapon ilvl is sensibly higher (911 vs 917). Strength is almost the same. Also even with more haste it does not change the numerical value. We also have the same traits, both 54/54 .


This is the video i'm talking about. At minute 26.45 you can see all stats. album with screenshots.

Yes, the guy is playing in 7.1.5, the video is quite clear.

If you need any more proofs i'll be glad to provide it.
I also kinda have an idea how this happend, in 7.1.5 paladin received a 12% damage and healing buff. Maybe the value is still the same it was in 7.1 (as i've seen it is often the case in the server)

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Post Posted: 11-01-2018, 18:46:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hmm.. interesting
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Post Posted: 12-01-2018, 01:13:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

eldarx wrote:

I also kinda have an idea how this happend, in 7.1.5 paladin received a 12% damage and healing buff. Maybe the value is still the same it was in 7.1 (as i've seen it is often the case in the server)

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Is this hotfix up @quicksand?
In case it is, let me know so i can get deeper into this, maybe i found something in the end.

Holy Paladin 7.1.5 Guide

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Post Posted: 12-01-2018, 01:51:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Weapon damage does not contain versatility for us, possibly other things as well (but only on the character panel). Instead of adding it to the base damage, we add it to the final damage. It was reported many times, but still, the actual output is the same.

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Post Posted: 12-01-2018, 01:54:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

this is the attack power formula for retribution paladin according to mr. robot for 7.1.5
Nontheless seems weird.

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Post Posted: 12-01-2018, 01:58:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This just must be checked,paladins are way below other classes in DPS,on retail they were much much much stronger
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Post Posted: 12-01-2018, 02:15:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Also as you can see in the video the paladin bursts over 1.5M dps (no flask no food buff). I'm a pretty experienced paladin retribution (playing the class since cata) and i barely burst 800k during raid pulls, and i have more gear.

Also let's do some math, adding the versatility to my damage = 57305-65380 Still less than the paladin in the video
Viceversa subtracting versatility from the guy = 57482-65285 still more than me
For some reason, adding versatility to my damage and subtracting it from his gives and almost identical result. Is the versatility the problem?

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Post Posted: 12-01-2018, 04:04:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Like he said main stat worth more in 7.1.5 than secondary.
So lets see his stats and mine.
He have 30915-Strenght.
I have(I took similar gear just higher ilvl) 30667
Lets now talk about his DPS and mine with higher ilvl.
His DPS you can see right here

and i wont even bother to post mine because i tried same shit as he do and many other didn't were even close to blizzlike ret pala dps. ...

Last edited by searcas on 12-01-2018, 15:37:23; edited 4 times in total
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Post Posted: 12-01-2018, 05:09:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@QuickSand Please don't be for sure that is 100% on Mr.Robot==true, thats not made for private servers for sure and not even made by blizzard, maybe most of that is true but they just presumably it like everyone who is not employed in blizzard, if you could know everything and they could tell you everything there will not be any bug on private servers, it will be only "to be scripted".
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Post Posted: 12-01-2018, 15:45:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You can see in 22:31 his Wake of ashes deal 788k damage on 4stacks crusade with 911 ilvl of weapon with 893Equiped gear and abou 30,800strenght
okay lets see my damage with 33k strenghta and my stats 924 ilvl weapon
Was on 4 stacks higher ilvl and i did 700k.

Update @ 12-01-2018, 15:45:14

Even HP scaling is not right.

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Post Posted: 12-01-2018, 16:02:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I'll keep this topic open as I said, when you post something that might be true, I'll check it out, but as I said I can't stay and investigate for days, suspending all my current work. The hotfix was a good idea, but it was already implemented for us. Keep looking for similar things. I cannot really do anything based on "he did 788k and I did 700k" => in what circumstances? he has 24% mastery, you only have 19%. Or, what if you have a weapon damage between 52k and 57k => maybe he got lucky and did almost the max damage on his weapon and you got unlucky so you got the lower part (when dealing weapon damage, you'll deal a random damage between min and max). Maybe he got max, you got min, that totally can explain the difference between 788k and 700k. I need something solid. I'll check out wild guesses too, but some things do not even worth a mention.

Like this: "Please don't be for sure that is 100% on Mr.Robot==true, thats not made for private servers for sure and not even made by blizzard" (even though I did mention it now).
AskMrRobot contains dbc data extracted daily from the original blizzard client, so it's not like those guys went ahead and manually wrote coefficient for all the spells, etc. Those are directly extracted from blizzard, so it's entirely valid. You might not understand how and what did those guys do at AskMrRobot, but as a developer, I trust that more than blizzard's official WoWHead (which tends to be filled with bullshit info).

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Post Posted: 12-01-2018, 16:58:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ok please tell me from when mastery will incrase damage on wake of ashes, is that freakz script and tings? Even if is it true what you talking about im like +10 ilvl higher in all aspect include and weapon level +13 and its huge difference u know if u play on retail.
Here is the deal like he said on xQC54I1ou2s?t=1706 28:26 main stats worth more on 7.1.5 and secondary stats its decrased, on freakz is not the deal like that, here u got like +3k more strenght and loss about 3%- crit but incrase mastery and versatility your dps and burst will get down.
I didn't said wowhead is better or something like that i said its not 100% true even if is truee there is always something what could missing and which could totally change the gameplay or w/e.
Here is proc of critical broken and critical damage too.
What you expecting to share you more info we can bring you like 10 videos from retail and from this patch to show you bursts and you could see difference, give me BIS gear to test and i'll prove you that is not able to do similar like retail, do you really think they had like 925+ ilvl they bought gear and they did that dps, there is no seacret its like 15+ haste w/o legendary cloack strenght critical versatility haste mastery with legenedary cloack is like 25+ haste cap and etc.
How you think to findout problem if we don't compare dps, spells works fine most of them, scaling is problem stats are problem and thats it.

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Post Posted: 12-01-2018, 21:07:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

idk if this can help but i try
I have on main hand
2.88 attack speed
43k-49k x 126 damage

on 2269 versa (4.78%)

2.98 attack speed
42k-48k damage

on 3110 versa (6.55%)

He have
3.01 attack speed
48k-54k x128 damage

on around 2950 versa i guess (6.44%)

<1> vs <2>
Is a difference of 841 versa (2.07%)
On 6.55% i get more attack speed but i lose 1K dmg from main hand
The difference between me and rat is that my max damage on main hand is his minim damage he have around 6-7k more dmg on max dmg than me

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Post Posted: 13-01-2018, 05:36:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I really tried to find out something but there is nothing, just what i could find is this warcraft logs from this patch and end up dps.
There is really high information about dps for every class from this patch.

Update @ 13-01-2018, 05:36:42

But i still think main stats don't worth how much they should, secondary stats have on freakz more importance which is wrong for this patch or scaling damage.

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Post Posted: 13-01-2018, 12:40:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well..I`ve opened a bug report weeks ago about mastery and judgement tooltip but it was closed because i`m wrong. Why don't you check that tooltip and see that WHEN you have 28% mastery on judgement tooltip it shows 38% (+10%) always? I know 12% it's base. Even at 12% (with no mastery gear) judgement tooltip will show 22%(+10%). It may be a positive bug or negative but it needs to be checked because something is WRONG there. From where is that 10%? From base judgement without mastery learned?
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