
[REJECTED] [Paladin][retribution] Paladin damage formula
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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 09:43:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Quicksand wrote:
This topic will die here, because nothing of what you say guys are remotely true.

isNormalized = false (we are not looking for normalized damage)
weaponSpeed = 3.6

minDamage = (minWeaponDamage + TotalAttackPower / 3.5 * weaponSpeed) = (7504 + 31967 / 3.5 * 3.6) = 40384
maxDamage = (maxWeaponDamage + TotalAttackPower / 3.5 * weaponSpeed) = (11258 + 31967 / 3.5 * 3.6) = 44138

For 2HWeapon, "weaponSpeed" variable in formula is intended as 3.3, not 3.6, like for 1HWeapon is 2.4, not 2.6

Anyway this difference is very low in total WeaponDamage (1.03 vs 0.94 Weapon damage per 1ap, excluduing DamageMultiplier) , but we can avoid futurer misunderstanding.

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 12:08:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

enoxnores wrote:
Quicksand wrote:
This topic will die here, because nothing of what you say guys are remotely true.

isNormalized = false (we are not looking for normalized damage)
weaponSpeed = 3.6

minDamage = (minWeaponDamage + TotalAttackPower / 3.5 * weaponSpeed) = (7504 + 31967 / 3.5 * 3.6) = 40384
maxDamage = (maxWeaponDamage + TotalAttackPower / 3.5 * weaponSpeed) = (11258 + 31967 / 3.5 * 3.6) = 44138

For 2HWeapon, "weaponSpeed" variable in formula is intended as 3.3, not 3.6, like for 1HWeapon is 2.4, not 2.6

Anyway this difference is very low in total WeaponDamage (1.03 vs 0.94 Weapon damage per 1ap, excluduing DamageMultiplier) , but we can avoid futurer misunderstanding.

if not IsNormalized
weaponSpeed = weapon.WeaponSpeed

Do you even know what "normalized weapon damage" means? If you take 3.3, you are doing normalized weapon damage, which is NOT the case.
Look again at the same formula...

You see WeaponDamage(false, false, true) => isOffhand = false, isNormalized = false, isPhysical = true.

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 12:29:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Quicksand wrote:

if not IsNormalized
weaponSpeed = weapon.WeaponSpeed

Do you even know what "normalized weapon damage" means? If you take 3.3, you are doing normalized weapon damage, which is NOT the case.
Look again at the same formula...

You see WeaponDamage(false, false, true) => isOffhand = false, isNormalized = false, isPhysical = true.

I misunderstood the means of normalized weapon, was my fault.

Yes, for autoattack is not applicated (false, FALSE, true), but if you are calculating WeaponDamage for BladeOfJustice, you must considerate it as normalized (flase,TRUE,true)

I think DejaCharacterStats calculate Weapon Damage as NotNormalized, i finally found the reason because my calculate WeaponDamage is not exactly the same as CharacterInfo, but spells tooltips are right

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 12:32:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, autoattack is always non-normalized weapon damage, while spells are mostly normalized. but again, we are completely aware of this mechanic as well, and it is implemented properly. Also, DejaCharacterStats does not calculate the damage, at all. All damage calculations are done by the SERVER (on retail as well). That's why I spent like 8 hours trying to figure out all the correct formulas for druid's animal damage, because as opposed to tons of things that are actually calculated by the client (which we could simply read from the Wow.exe), damage formulas are not public this way. The server sends the data to the client, DejaCharacterStats just shows it. In case you don't have that addon, you can always do "/dump UnitDamage("player")" to see your min-max damage.
For further info:

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 15:59:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages) here u can also see that Divine hammer which should be for AoE spell doing more damage than Blade of justice im not sure maybe is blizzlike really but no logic.
Anyway Divine Hammer doing less damage for sure like and Blade of Justice

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 16:19:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Logic is the following: Blade of justice is physical, thus reduced by armor, while Divine Hammer is Holy damage, thus unaffected by armor.
Blade of Justice does 540% Weapon Based damage, Divine Hammer does 6 * 90% Weapon Based damage (aka 6 * 90 = 540%).
So the coefficient is the same, but Divine Hammer is not reduced by armor. Therefore it obviously deals more damage.
Also, "maybe is blizzlike really but no logic". If you would see half the shit blizzard does without any logic behind it, you'd not be surprised by this

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 16:45:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I assumed is blizzlike shit so i don't blame that for causing low dps to pala, i tested that like just in case.
But what i assume is they doing less damage as they should i found out the way how we can tested damage where is missing by warcraft logs.
There is not other way which i can help to prove something.
Like i said i can't watch and read your formula too see if something is wrong i can bring proof like damage difference and see where's damage laying down.
And if u tried to google you could see there is nothing expect this logs from warcraft, Mr.robot and useless wowhead and other unofficial sites.

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 17:12:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

searcas wrote:
I assumed is blizzlike shit so i don't blame that for causing low dps to pala, i tested that like just in case.
But what i assume is they doing less damage as they should i found out the way how we can tested damage where is missing by warcraft logs.
There is not other way which i can help to prove something.
Like i said i can't watch and read your formula too see if something is wrong i can bring proof like damage difference and see where's damage laying down.
And if u tried to google you could see there is nothing expect this logs from warcraft, Mr.robot and useless wowhead and other unofficial sites.

Dude, the only way to find if there are any problems is test every spell damage, proc, duration ecc...
Ask me mr robot can give you all information you need, because if there are something wrong and your class is doing less damage for this reason, report the exactly problem is easy and fast to fix.
Say "paladins deal less damage then offy" and maybe it's true, doesn't help dev to find the problem

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 17:15:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

enoxnores wrote:
searcas wrote:
I assumed is blizzlike shit so i don't blame that for causing low dps to pala, i tested that like just in case.
But what i assume is they doing less damage as they should i found out the way how we can tested damage where is missing by warcraft logs.
There is not other way which i can help to prove something.
Like i said i can't watch and read your formula too see if something is wrong i can bring proof like damage difference and see where's damage laying down.
And if u tried to google you could see there is nothing expect this logs from warcraft, Mr.robot and useless wowhead and other unofficial sites.

Dude, the only way to find if there are any problems is test every spell damage, proc, duration ecc...
Ask me mr robot can give you all information you need, because if there are something wrong and your class is doing less damage for this reason, report the exactly problem is easy and fast to fix.
Say "paladins deal less damage then offy" and maybe it's true, doesn't help dev to find the problem

DUDE spells works fine there is nothing wrong about spell, just spell damage we talking about so please.

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 17:29:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

searcas wrote:

DUDE spells works fine there is nothing wrong about spell, just spell damage we talking about so please.

Have you tested all for say this?

Look dh, he recived 2 fix this week in damage scaling.
There are a lot of variables for each spell, if only one is wrong the result can be totally different.

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 17:34:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

searcas wrote: xQC54I1ou2s?t=740 time 12:20 his damage on 13 stacks wings is 102223.8-116.995 damage i'll not be asshole and i'll took this lower damage.
Mine damage on 15 stacks is 101.493:
Lets compare
His stats
Strenght: 30.915
Mine stats:33.231 strenght
so even if i had legendary it will be 101.493+10149,3 math is simple=111.642,3
So im on 15 he's on 13 crusade so i have +2 stacks=+3%, i have more strenght+2316 strenght, i've a little more versatility so just depends im not sure if on retail shows versatility like base stats damage or just count with addition damage on freakz is immediately on base damage.
With my max stacks+2=3% and more strenght and versatility it turns out i only have +9419 damage with all this benefits and this patch is aiming on MAINSTATS.

enoxnores wrote:
searcas wrote:

DUDE spells works fine there is nothing wrong about spell, just spell damage we talking about so please.

Have you tested all for say this?

Look dh, he recived 2 fix this week in damage scaling.
There are a lot of variables for each spell, if only one is wrong the result can be totally different.


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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 18:02:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Idk about this can someone explain me this ?

"110": "[ 10232, 3200, 6259, 7328, 0 ]"
is [ Str Agi Sta Int Spi ] ?
just to be sure

If the first field is str then the str scale is wrong

Blood elf in my example have

Str Agi Sta Int Spi
17 22 20 23 18

+ class bonuses

Se we have an Array on mr robot about base stats #retpaladin
lvl 1 its 17 +2 str
lvl 2 its 19 +2 str
lvl 3 its 20 +2 str
lvl 110 its 10232 +2 str

But on freakz is

Please correct me if i am wrong about this

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 18:41:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I will look into that, but I hope you realize that those 4 missing points in strength will not result in a visible change in your dps. it's like 800.01k dps instead of 800.00k. Nonetheless, I will investigate
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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 18:46:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Quicksand wrote:
I will look into that, but I hope you realize that those 4 missing points in strength will not result in a visible change in your dps. it's like 800.01k dps instead of 800.00k. Nonetheless, I will investigate

i was about to say that only problem here is different base stats from RACE.
Here on freakz Human Pala and BloodElf pala have a same stats
But should be blood elf start with 17 human with 22 and etc.

Update @ 17-01-2018, 18:46:11

Like i said on Mr.Robot always will be something which missing like if command for for every race.

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 18:53:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tell me you're not serious about askmrrobot missing something:

Result = Result + BaseStatsRace(Race, index)

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