
Regulament CERERI/CADOURI [ Citeste inainte sa postezi ]

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Author Message8645

[Pur sânge]

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(since 10-12-2018 08:41)
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Post Posted: 10-12-2013, 17:40:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Necunoasterea si/sau nerespectarea regulilor de mai jos atrage dupa sine avertizare
(1-3 Warn-uri x -40rep) sau, in cazuri grave, blocarea contului (ban).

  1. Pentru a face o cerere creaza un topic nou, cu titlu adecvat.
    (ex. Cerere avatar | Cerere semnãturã | Cerere banner).

  2. Pentru a face o cerere trebuie sa ai minim 100 de posturi.

  3. Model de cerere:

    1. Imaginea stock (posteaza link cãtre imagine).
    2. Marimea semnaturii/avatarului/bannerului (in pixeli).
    3. Textul dorit (optional).
    4. Indicatii (optional).
    5. Multumesc (specifica daca vrei sa recompensezi efortul depus cu reputatie si in ce conditii).
    6. Link de la ultima cerere (obligatoriu).

    Observatie: Cererile care nu respecta modelul sunt inchise din start.

  4. Imaginea stock este obligatorie.

  5. Nu uploada imagini pe site-uri de tip filehost. Doar pe site-uri dedicate hostarii de imagini.
    (,,,, etc.)

  6. Sa nu oferi informatii despre cum vrei sa arate sau ce vrei sa exprime lucrarea este lipsa de respect pentru timpul celui care rezolva cererea, pentru ca in 99% din cazuri ce va face el nu coincide cu asteptarile sau viziunea ta.

  7. Nu ai voie sa editezi cererea daca exista deja un raspuns.
    Dupa ce s-a raspuns deja, cererea se poate modifica doar prin post nou, in care repostezi modelul de la 3, actualizat. Asa se va putea vedea usor ce anume ai modificat si in ce moment al discutiei.

  8. Se accepta doar cereri care nu se pot rezolva decat cu programe specializate de grafica. Pentru orice altceva foloseste rubrica discutii.
    Ex: cereri de resize, upload, instalare programe grafice, etc.

  9. Ai dreptul sa faci o singura cerere la 1 saptamana.
    Daca cererea a fost inchisa de un moderator trebuie sa astepti 1 saptamana pana la formularea altei cereri, altfel primesti (inca un) warn.

  10. Nu face 2 cereri intr-un singur topic.
    Cererile de tip avatar + semnatura sunt permise doar daca se doreste folosirea aceluiasi render.

  11. Nu este permis bump-ul cererii sub nicio forma, decat daca au trecut 5 zile de la cerere si nu ai primit rãspuns.
    Nu incerca bumpuri "subtile" (ex: modificarea cererii prin post nou, desi nu a raspuns nimeni).

  12. Nu face cereri pentru lucrari care iti aduc foloase necuvenite, materiale sau de alt fel (ex: sigle de firma, reclame, teme pentru scoala)
    Pentru a descuraja aceasta practica, se recomanda celor care rezolva cereri sa aplice fie sigla freakz fie "@{numeGrafician} @freakz" pe orice grafica susceptibila a fi folosita in obtinerea de foloase necuvenite.
    Aceasta sectiune este destinata crearii de grafica destinata forumului (semnaturi, avatare, userbar-uri, grafica pentru tutoriale freakz, etc) si pentru evolutia in grafica a celor din comunitate.

  13. Nu te baga peste cererea altui user.
    Fiecare cerere se face in topic separat.

  14. Nu face posturi de genul "Rezolv eu, revin maine dimineata"!
    Daca vrei sa rezolvi o cerere postezi direct grafica!

  15. Nu se acceptã cereri cu subiect ofensator.
    Graficã sau însemne cu implicaþii obscene sau instigatoare la urã pe criterii ce țin de naționalitate, sex, rasã sau atribute fizice. În limita bunului simþ sunt acceptate însemne grafice sau lucrãri ce denotã lipsã de respect pe criterii religioase, politice, culturale, sociale, orientare sexualã sau care þin de educaþie, acestea fiind opþiuni pe care o persoanã le poate schimba pe parcursul vieþii.

  16. Nu faceþi cereri pentru avatare mai mari decât dimensiunea admisã forumului! (150x150)

  17. Când faceti cereri pentru avatare/semnãturi, veniti cu stockuri mari, clare (din punct de vedere vizual) si needitate!


Failure to follow any of the rules below is subject to 1-3 warnings or account blocking (ban).
  1. Create a new topic for any REQUEST, with a specific and suggestive title.
    (ex. Avatar Request | Signature Request | Banner Request).

  2. Requests can only be made by users with 100 or more posts.

  3. Request model:

    1. Stock/render (link to image).
    2. Dimensions of desired graphics (in pixels).
    3. Desired text (optional).
    4. Notes (optional).
    5. Thanks / Rewad) (specify if you want to reward the effort and in what conditions).
    6. Link from last request (required).

    NOTE: Requests that do not follow the above model will be closed.

  4. The stock image is mandatory.

  5. Do not upload images on file upload servers (girlshare/filehost/etc). You may only post links to images hosted on dedicated image servers.
    (,,,, etc.)

  6. Not providing information about how you want it to look like or what you want it to inspire is showing lack of respect for the ones who will work for your request, as most of the times what they do will not fit in your general expectations from the work. We're doing graphics, not mind reading.

  7. You are not allowed to edit the request if any work has already been submitted for it.
    After at least one answer, you are only allowed to change the rules with a new post in the same topic, where you specify the change. This way the initial request and the gradual changes remain visible to anyone.

  8. Do not request anything that can be solved without the use of a graphical specialized program. Use the discussions forum for anything else.
    Ex: resize requests, upload requests, graphical programs installation requests, etc.

  9. You may only make a request once per week, not sooner.
    If your request has been closed for not respecting any of these rules, you must wait one week before making a new request, or you might get warned (again).

  10. Do not make two or more requests in one topic.
    The avatar + signature requests are allowed only if the same render/stock is used.

  11. You may only bump/up your request if the topic has been silent for 5 or more days.
    Do not try to make subtle bumps (ex: modifying the request through a new post although no one answered).

  12. Do not request works that you would benefit from (ex: company logos, ads, school graphical homework, etc...)
    If the ones who resolve the requests have any suspicion about their work is being used for undue profit, they should apply their own name or a freakz logo watermark on the work
    This section is mainly intended for creation of graphical works for internal use of this forum (signatures, avatars, tutorials graphics, userbars, etc.).

  13. Do not make requests in other user topics.
    Each request should have its own topic.

  14. Do not promise graphics or anything like "I'll solve this tomorrow morning!"
    If you want to resolve a request, just post the graphics.

  15. No offending graphics/requests are allowed.
    Posting indecent, offensive or disturbing graphics is prohibited.
    Pentru a putea deschide un topic personal de creatii trebuie sa indeplinesti urmatoarele:
    - minim 3 cereri rezolvate incepand cu 18-04-2014
    - exemple cu ce semnaturi/avatare vei face
    - un model de text pe acestea
    - imaginile sa fie redimensionate corect

  16. The max. limit for avatars, is 150x150.

  17. When you make avatars / signatures requests, come with large, clear (visually) and needless stocks!


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[Pur sânge]

Status: Offline
(since 10-12-2018 08:41)
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Post Posted: 31-12-2013, 18:03:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ATENÞIE: Regulã schimbata: nr. 15!

ATTENTION: Changed rule: no. 15!


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[Wicked Sick]

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Post Posted: 13-02-2017, 11:01:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Update: 16 & 17

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[10 50 0002 81]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2017, 22:12:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Update : 3 ;

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[Silence In The Snow]

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      Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 01-02-2018, 00:29:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Update @rule 9! -> Reduced to one week.

Dreams.. That's all we have.

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