
[FIXED] [Paladin][Holy] Light of Dawn

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Post Posted: 31-07-2018, 21:34:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Light of Dawn does not heal the targets that are on the either right or left side of the paladin. Now i know the spell says that its a frontal cone, but it does heal the targets that are beside the paladin as well. You can CONFIRM the same from the video m linking you. While on FREAKZ you can see
the animation (the glowy thingy on the targets when they r healed from light of dawn) on the adjacent targets, they do not get healed. Just the healing part is missing


UPDATE : While i was testing out some other things with it i found that the cone does not work properly as well.... Even the targets that are in the cone don't get heal. Just the ones that are directly in front of the paladin.

As you can see even the targets that are inside the cone don't get healed. They get the animation but no heals. Just the targets that are directly in front do

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Post Posted: 31-07-2018, 22:34:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I tested it a little and the targeting is really a little strange.
The cone has to hit the exact center of the unit for heal to trigger, if you just swipe the target circle it won't count:

In my screen the target circle would actually hit, but the cone is not hitting the center of the left guard.
For some spells this makes sense, maybe Quicksand can clarify if this is correct for Light of Dawn.

Keep in mind that for bigger Units (or wide like dummy), it might hit part of the unit which is still too far away from it's actual center and therefore not count as heal.
Targeting via the circle is in general a bad idea, so calculating if the center is hit sounds logic.
Maybe we just need some offset around it to hit more consistent.

Here to understand what I mean:

It hits the face of the cat, but not the center = no healing.

Update: Looking at the 7.1.5 video it makes the impression as if retail uses the targeting circle and not the center like freakz.
(ref to this fix: )

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Post Posted: 31-07-2018, 22:51:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The thing is they are getting affected by the spell. You can see that they glow a little in the middle when i cast the spell in the video i linked from ingame.. The only thing is that they don't get healed even when they are affected. I just think that mechanic wise the spell is working fine its just that the effect that is not working correctly

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Post Posted: 31-07-2018, 23:04:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I think the light is something else and not the LoD effect, might be mastery check or idk.

Otherwise this would heal some unit behind me which makes no sense:

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Post Posted: 31-07-2018, 23:10:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It doesn't make sense but it is Blizzlike. You can confirm that from the youtube video i linked in my first post from the time mark. He says that "the spell affects the players not only in front but around u". And he proves it as well. Also i just checked other spell animations. That spell animation is only of light of dawn and nothing else

Again which only leads to that the spell targeting is correct on freakz but not the application of the effect

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Post Posted: 01-08-2018, 13:06:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ok I did some research because the video did not actually show how far behind it should heal:

Here you can get some info from retail people discussing this
It does infact heal a larger area than the animation. It also heals for a short distance behind the player
Multiple screens showing heal behind him.
For example
Here they actually give us the range it should heal around us:
To elaborate: Rule of Law does not only increase the range of the cone, it also increases the wideness of the cone, and the circle around you(LoD can hit players 10yd behind you)

Somehow I was lazy y-day and didn't see the 2nd LoD he showed there:

Should explain everything.
This mechanic was probably implemented for stacking encounters where paladin used to move behind the grp, now they are not forced to move behind on retail.

From all this information I can confirm this bug.
Light of Dawn should heal 10y around the player in addition to the frontal cone.

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Post Posted: 14-09-2018, 16:20:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The AoE is only 4 yards though, but added that as well, and also widened the cone.
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